A new 750 m2 dogs off-leash area is coming to the northeast section of Old Sheppard Park. The off-leash area will include a shade structure with seating, armorstone seating, benches, waste bins, a bottle-filling station, perimeter fencing with two double-gated entrances and signage. Additional enhancements such as lighting, tree plantings and pathways will improve accessibility and functionality.

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    • Summer to Fall 2024: Hire a design team
    • Fall/Winter 2024: Community engagement and design development
    • Winter 2025: Detailed design
    • Winter to Spring 2025: Hire a construction team
    • Spring to Summer 2025: Construction starts
    • December 2025: Construction complete

    The timeline is subject to change.

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    December 2024

    Online Survey

    From December 12, 2024, to January 9, 2025, an online survey collected feedback on the design options for the proposed off-leash area. The project team will use this community feedback to develop the final design.

    Design Options

    Design Option A

    This option features a 776 m2 off-leash area at the northeast corner of the park. The off-leash area is rectangular in shape and enclosed by a five-foot-tall paddle and post fence.

    Design Option A features an off-leash located in the northeast corner of the park at the intersection of Old Sheppard Avenue and Brian Drive. There are two entrances/exits (release pens): one at the southeast corner and another at the northeast corner. A paved pathway runs the length of the OLA, connecting the two entrances/exits. Benches are placed along the pathway, with a shade structure featuring additional seating located at the midpoint. Tree plantings with surrounding benches are positioned in the southern and northern thirds of the OLA. The entire surface is turf. Amenities include waste bins, signage, and lighting at both entrances/exits. A doggy drinking fountain is located approximately 10 meters north of the southeast entrance/exit.

    Design Option B

    This option features a 734 m2 off-leash area at the northeast corner of the park. The off-leash area is rectangular in shape and enclosed by a five-foot-tall paddle and post fence.

    Design Option B features an off-leash area located in the northeast corner of the park at the intersection of Old Sheppard Avenue and Brian Drive. The OLA is rectangular in shape and enclosed by a 5-foot-tall paddle and post fence. There are two entrances/exits (release pens): one at the southeast corner and another at the northwest corner. A paved pathway runs the outside west length of the OLA, externally connecting the two entrances/exits. There are two internal paths within the OLA, one to the north, and another to the south, parallel to each other. The pathways are dotted with benches, with a shade structure featuring additional seating located on the northern pathway only. Concept B contains a centrally planted tree area with surrounding benches. The entire surface is turf. Amenities include waste bins, signage, and lighting at both entrances/exits. A doggy drinking fountain is located approximately 10 meters east of the southeast entrance/exit. Concept B is slightly smaller in size to Concept A, in order to accommodate some existing trees in the northwest corner of the OLA, which would in event be moved to another area in Concept A.

    Virtual Public Meeting

    On December 11, a virtual public meeting provided information about the proposed off-leash area at Old Sheppard Park.

    Location of Off-Leash Area

    An aerial map showing the location of the new off-leash area at the northeast side of Old Sheppard Park near the intersection of Old Sheppard Road and Brian Drive. The off-leas area is east of the existing fitness areas and play area.