The Final Recommendation Report on the Official Plan Amendment – Policies to Address the Loss of Dwelling Rooms was adopted with amendments at a statutory public meeting held by the Planning and Housing Committee on May 28, 2019. The Official Plan Amendment was then approved by City Council at its meeting of June 18, 2019.
The Planning and Housing Committee endorsed the revised policies to address the loss of dwelling rooms as the basis for public consultation and directed City Planning to conduct an open house to obtain comments and feedback on the proposed revisions to the policies and prepare a Final Recommendation Report to be considered at a statutory public meeting held by the Planning and Housing Committee on May 28, 2019. Committee also requested City Planning to consider the public presentations and communications from this meeting in addition to the Consultant’s summary report on the consultations when preparing the Final Recommendations report.
The Committee adopted with amendments the staff report and appendices on Public Consultation Comments and Revised Official Plan Policies to Address the Loss of Dwelling Rooms .
The Planning and Growth Management Committee endorsed the draft Official Plan amendment with new policies to address the loss of dwelling rooms due to redevelopment and the displacement of tenants who rent them as the basis for public consultation.
Committee also directed staff to conduct open houses in each community council district and to meet with key stakeholders to obtain comments and feedback on the draft policies. More details are found in the Draft Official Plan Amendment – Dwelling Room Protection Policies Staff Report, which was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee in June 2018.
The policies were drafted in response to a Protecting Dwelling Units motion that was put forward at the October 12, 2017 meeting of Planning and Growth Management Committee for City Planning to report back on a policy framework that protects dwelling rooms similar to policies in the Official Plan that provide for the protection of rental units. This motion also built upon a September 3, 2015 Large Single-room Occupancy Buildings motion from the Affordable Housing Committee.
The consultant’s Consultation Summary Report summarizes the feedback received through the consultation process.