Help shape the future of the Glencairn area! Use our online interactive map by December 11 to identify the places in your community that are important to you, areas you would like to see improved, and how you would like to shape growth. For other ways to provide your input, see Get Involved.


The City is studying the area around Glencairn Subway Station to guide growth, align with provincial density requirements around transit stations, and provide for a sustainable and inclusive complete community. Please see below to learn more about the Growing Glencairn study and how you can get involved.

Glencairn Subway Station is located along the Yonge-University subway line in North York. It opened in 1978 and is currently one of the least-used subway stations in the city. The area is currently experiencing a high level of development interest, particularly for the area west of Allen Road and along Marlee Avenue where the City has received development applications for multiple-unit, mid-rise and high-rise mixed-use buildings.

Both provincial and city policy frameworks focus growth on areas served by transit to optimize the use of existing infrastructure and support transit investment. In accordance with the Provincial Planning Statement, the City must identify the boundaries of the Glencairn Major Transit Station Area (approximately 500-800 metres surrounding the station) and plan for a minimum density target of 200 people and jobs per hectare. The City can further identify the area as a Protected Major Transit Station Area, which enables the City to apply inclusionary zoning for affordable housing units. Both Major Transit Station Areas and Protected Major Transit Station Areas are subject to approval by the provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

The primary study area for Growing Glencairn is located generally within 800 metres of Glencairn Subway Station, south of Lawrence Avenue West, west of Bathurst Street, north of Eglinton Avenue West and east of Dufferin Street (see map below). Larger study areas are being used for mobility, parks and open space, community services and facilities, servicing and stormwater management.

A map of the primary Growing Glencairn Study Area in the City of Toronto, located south of Lawrence Avenue West, east of Corona Street / Times Road, north of the Beltline and west of Dalemount Road.

Growing Glencairn includes the following integrated components:

  • Land Use, Housing and Density: Location and mix of land uses, including housing and jobs, to achieve or exceed minimum density targets
  • Built Form: Framework for the types, placement, organization, heights and massing of buildings
  • Mobility, Street Network and Public Realm: Strategy to support a shift towards walking, cycling, transit and shared mobility options, while accommodating growth, improving connectivity and providing a safe, high-quality public realm to support all users
  • Parks and Open Space: Opportunities for existing park improvements, parkland expansion areas, parkland opportunities and additional open spaces
  • Community Services and Facilities: Information and opportunities for community services and facilities (e.g. child care centres, schools, human service agencies, community recreation facilities, libraries) to respond to existing needs and anticipated growth
  • Environment and Sustainability:Opportunities to enhance community resilience to the impacts of climate change (i.e. flooding and extreme heat) and integrate low carbon energy, building and site design solutions that work towards the City’s goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2040
  • Municipal Servicing: Opportunities for water and sewer infrastructure needed to support growth

Growing Glencairn is a two-year study, which will be informed by meaningful and inclusive engagement throughout all three phases:

Phase 1: Background Analysis and Visioning – Gather and review existing information on the Study Area, assess current conditions, and develop an emerging vision and guiding principles (Fall 2024 to Winter 2025)

Phase 2: Options Analysis – Develop and assess options and identify a preferred option for guiding growth (Spring to Fall 2025)

Phase 3: Final Report and Implementation Strategy – Finalize the preferred option and identify a path to implement potential policy changes and initiatives (Winter to Spring 2026)

All proposed time frames are approximate and subject to change.

Item 2022.PH35.16: On July 19, 2022, City Council adopted four Official Plan Amendments for 115 Major Transit Station Areas/Protected Major Transit Station Areas across the City as part of its municipal comprehensive review and conformity to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020. The City Council report identifies Glencairn as one of four potential Major Transit Station Areas/Protected Major Transit Station Areas requiring a local planning study to assess planning opportunities and meet the minimum planned density target of 200 people and jobs per hectare.

Item 2022.NY33.25: On June 28, 2022, North York Community Council directed staff to engage a consultant team to undertake a study for Glencairn station to establish a planning framework to achieve (or exceed where appropriate) the Major Transit Station Area density target in support of the City’s municipal comprehensive review and contribute to the creation of a sustainable and complete community.

Item 2022.IE27.14: On February 2 and 3, 2022, City Council directed staff to report back on traffic and transportation improvements in the Marlee Avenue corridor, including access ramps to Allen Road, which will be incorporated into this study.

Please visit the City’s Application Information Centre for details and up-to-date information on development applications in the Study Area.

Please visit the City’s Building Permit Application & Inspection Status Centre for information on building permits in the Study Area.

Tell us about your community using our online interactive map . Help identify the places in the Glencairn community that are important to you, areas you would like to see improved, and how you would like to shape growth. Please provide your feedback by December 11, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our in-person Community Design Workshop on Wednesday December 4, 2024, Your feedback will inform an emerging vision and guiding principles as part of Phase 1 for this study.

You can also sign up for e-updates below and/or share your feedback and questions at any time with the project team at

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City Planning collects your personal information under the legal authority of the Planning Act, section 17(15) and Toronto City Council Item 2023.MM13.32, as confirmed by the City of Toronto By-law 1332-2023. The information will be used for the purpose of providing updates about the progress of the Growing Glencairn study. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives, City Planning, Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 22nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3C6 or by telephone at 416-392-4524.