City Council adopted zoning by-law amendments for secondary suites on March 28, 2019. The purpose and effect of Zoning By-law 549-2019 is to permit secondary suites in townhouses city-wide, remove the requirement for the original house to be at least five years old, remove unit size restrictions and reduce parking requirements. The amendments respond to provincial policy changes to the Planning Act which support secondary suites across the province and seeks to simplify the creation of secondary suites.
Staff prepared a report which was considered by the Planning and Housing Committee at its meeting on March 20, 2019. The report included a summary of the consultation, and recommended zoning by-law amendments. The recommendations in the staff report were adopted with amendments.
The Planning and Growth Management Committee directed staff to hold public consultations on the draft framework for as-of-right zoning for Secondary Suites. More details are found in the staff report, which was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee in July 2018.
For more information view City Council’s item history for secondary suites.
City Council adopted a Zoning By-law Amendment to implement Phase 1 of the Zoning By-law Simplification and Modernization for Low-Rise Residential Zones study. As part of these changes, some regulations for Secondary Suites were modified to reduce confusion with other building types.
City Council adopted the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit multiplexes citywide. As part of these changes, some requirements for Secondary Suites were amended.