The purpose of the study is to review the permitted land uses, density and development standards along the Sheppard Avenue East segment of the Sheppard Avenue Commercial Area Secondary Plan (SACASP).
The review of the Sheppard Avenue Commercial Area Secondary Plan (SACASP) was initiated by North York Community Council via a motion from the local ward councilor. Community Council directed City Planning to update the existing Secondary Plan to facilitate development, which provides for a mix of residential and retail uses and appropriate standards to protect adjacent neighbourhoods.
There are 2 Phases of the study. We are currently in Phase 2.
This phase is completed and approved via LPAT decision order of OPA367. The Phase 1 secondary plan was renamed to Sheppard Lansing Secondary Plan.
The statutory public meeting was held at the January 17, 2017 North York Community Council Meeting.
The City held a community consultation meeting on September 7, 2016 to provide more information on the study, answer questions and to engage residents in sharing feedback. At the meeting the proposed recommendations for an updated planning framework was presented.
North York Community Council Direction
Sheppard Avenue Commercial Area Secondary Plan
The final report and supplementary report for the Sheppard Avenue Commercial Area Secondary Plan Review was adopted with amendments by North York Community Council on January 17, 2017 and considered by City Council on January 31, 2017.
The purpose of this meeting is to refine the draft Secondary Plan policies based on the vision and guiding principles developed in Phase 2 of the area study. The key policy themes include: land use; built form; public realm and the establishment of the Sheppard Avenue East Promenade and High Order Pedestrian Zones; parks; mobility; and special policy areas.
The following Display Boards provide an outline of the information that will be presented at the Community Consultation meeting #3. Please share your view and feedback through an email or phone call, or by attending the upcoming virtual community consultation meeting on November 3rd, 2021.
City Planning will provide an update on the status of the study and provide an opportunity for local residents, landowners, employees and businesses to provide feedback on the study’s guiding principles and draft secondary plan updates in key policy areas such as: land uses, built form, parks, public realm and complete street improvements.
The purpose of the Community Consultation is to introduce the city–initiated study area review and seek community feedback on the existing constraints and opportunities. This understanding of the local context will inform the development of a community vision that will guide and update the planning framework in key policy areas such as: mix of residential and retail uses, built form in relationship to the neighboring properties, public realm and streetscape improvements.
The following Draft Secondary Plan for comment.