Staff are holding a community consultation meeting to discuss the draft policy framework for the site on June 23, 2022 at 7:00 pm.

The submitted applications propose to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to allow for a long-term, mixed-use plan for the entire Yorkdale Shopping Centre site at 3401 Dufferin Street and 1 Yorkdale Road.

The original application included three conceptual block master plan options that comprised of a range of retail, office, hotel and residential uses with a maximum proposed total future gross floor area of 682,670 square metres and 2.29 Floor Space Index and an internal private above and below grade street network. The application has been revised into a single concept with expanded parkland and the inclusion of a public road. The proposal continues to propose a range of uses, including affordable housing which is intended to occur in a phased manner over the next 20+ years. For specifics on the latest proposal, including unit counts and overall gross floor area, please visit the Application Information Centre.

The City of Toronto is also undertaking a Transportation Master Plan exercise for the area which satisfies the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (Phases 1 and 2).


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