Notice is given that in accordance with the City’s real estate disposal by-law, on August 21, 2018, part of 80 Dale Avenue, Toronto, being Part of Lot 15, Concession D, Geographic Township of Scarborough, designated as Parts 6 and 9 on the Draft Plan. The portion of land has a total area of approximately 1,202.2 m2 ± (12,940.4 ft2 ±) . The intended manner of disposal to be by way of an exchange of land with Podium Development Corp. for Parts 10 and 11 on the Draft Plan.
The following City official has information about the proposed disposition: Mr. Joseph Sergnese, Tel: 416-392-1857, Fax: 416-392-1880, Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6. Enquiries may be made of the said official until the 13th of September, 2018.
Dated this 30th day of August, 2018.