As a result of the recent Provincial Child Care Expansion Plan and the Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, grants are now available for the expansion of not-for-profit licensed child care spaces in the infant, toddler and preschool age groups.
The provincial and federal agreements have provided funding to support child care operators expanding licensed capacity for younger children. This capital grant will be available to non-profit and public agencies who operate outside of a school.
Children’s Services is committed to increasing access to child care for more families and is providing funding to operators for the capital construction costs and to equip the space. This grant will cover 100% of the capital costs and does not require an agency contribution.
Project agreements must be in place by December 2017 and construction completed by December 2018. Applications that are unable to meet these time frames will be held for future consideration.
Applications will be considered against the principles in the 2015-2019 Service Plan and community need and should support equity in the child care system.
Eligible applicants must
Priority will be given to sites located in areas of the city where there is insufficient licensed child care space to meet community need.
Agencies must fill out an application form and send by mail or email to:
Karen Gray, Director Service System Planning & Policy Development
Toronto Children’s Services
10th floor, Metro Hall
55 John St
Toronto ON M5V 3C6
Email: with the subject line ‘Capital Funding Grant’