The Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA) is the legislation governing child care in Ontario. It includes regulations related to policies and procedures, building and accommodation, equipment and furnishings, playgrounds, records, staffing and group sizes, nutrition, programming and health and medical issues.
To learn more about licensing requirements, visit the Ministry of Education’s website or phone 1-877-510-5333.
If you are a home provider interested in becoming part of a licensed home child care agency, please contact one of the home child care agencies that serve the City of Toronto.
When applying for a new license or requesting a revision to an existing license, the program must comply with relevant municipal requirements.
As part of the Ministry of Education license application process licensed child care centres and prospective licensees seeking to start a new operation may be asked to submit floor plans to Toronto Public Health for review.
Submit floor plans to Toronto Public Health for review
The Child Care Design & Technical Guideline is for anyone involved in planning, building and renovating space for child care.
Once your program has been licensed, you may be interested in applying for a service agreement with the City of Toronto to provide child care to families receiving fee subsidy.