All licensed child care programs located in the City of Toronto are required to report Serious Occurrences as outlined in the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA). Reporting requirements can be found on the Ministry of Education’s website.
Serious Occurrences must be reported to Toronto Children’s Services within 24 hours using the City of Toronto Serious Occurrence Line, 416-397-7359. The Serious Occurrence line will be staffed to receive calls between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Government Holidays.
Callers to the Serious Occurrence line after hours, weekends and on Government holidays will receive a voice message directing them to call 416-397-9200. Calls will be automatically forwarded to a designated Consultant who will respond to the call and provide direction or follow up advice to the caller.