We would like to hear from you. Please contact your Caseworker or the Child Care Fee Subsidy Supervisor with your concerns, compliments or complaints.
If your caseworker or the supervisor is unable to help you, or you want to appeal a decision about your eligibility, you may contact the Children’s Services Client Liaison Consultant at clientliaisonconsultant@toronto.ca.
The Toronto Children’s Services Client Liaison Consultant provides support to clients and manages the Child Care Fee Subsidy appeal process. The Client Liaison can also assist you with addressing child care complaints.
Families have the right to appeal a policy, procedure or decision about their eligibility for a Child Care Fee Subsidy that they feel is unfair, unjust, discriminatory or not being applied appropriately based on the extenuating circumstances of their family’s situation.
The option of appealing should be discussed first with your Caseworker.
If you have concerns about your child care program, you should first speak with the supervisor of the child care program to try to resolve the issue.
You can also contact:
If you suspect that someone is wrongly receiving a Child Care Fee Subsidy, you can contact: