The City of Toronto is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to explore opportunities to improve reliability of an aging sanitary forcemain that serves the Bluffer’s Park Sewage Pumping Station (SPS). A forcemain is a pressurized sewer pipe that transports wastewater from a lower to a higher elevation. The existing forcemain is located on Brimley Road South, near Bluffer’s Park in the city of Toronto.
The sewage pumping station is a facility that pumps sewage uphill from low points in the sanitary sewer network. The sewage comes to the sewage pumping station from bathrooms, sinks, kitchens and other plumbing components in homes.
The Bluffer’s Park Forcemain Replacement study is following Schedule “B” of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process. The public is invited to provide input to help identify ways of reducing impacts on surrounding users, and to support the process of selecting the preferred solution.
Virtual Public Meeting
A Virtual Public Meeting was held on the evening of April 26, 2022 and May 26, 2022. This was an opportunity to learn more about the project, provide feedback and ask questions. A copy of the presentation materials are provided at the link below for your review and comment. Please provide any comments you may have on the presentation materials by June 9, 2022 to
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The City of Toronto initiated the forcemain replacement project to build redundancy into the City’s wastewater collection system and improve aging infrastructure.
The proposed work includes the replacement of the existing forcemain with two new forcemains. The existing forcemain is approximately 560 m in length from the Bluffer’s Park SPS, north along Brimley Road South then up the east slope to Redland Crescent West. The new forcemains are being installed to improve aging infrastructure and ensure reliability of the system. The work also includes modifications to the existing Bluffer’s Park SPS to accommodate the additional forcemain.
A variety of alternative alignments and construction methods will be considered and evaluated as part of this study.
The majority of the proposed alignment is located within the Brimley Road South road right-of-way (ROW); however, approximately 100 m of the alignment is located within a forested slope area between Brimley Road South and Redland Crescent.
This Study follows Schedule “B” of Ontario’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process which promotes good environmental planning by determining and managing the potential effects of a project prior to implementation. The EA process includes identifying the problem or opportunity to be addressed, developing and evaluating a range of alternative solutions, providing opportunities for public input, and identifying a preferred solution.
Two virtual Public Meetings are planned for this study. Please refer to the News & Updates tab to review project materials and event notifications.
Please email Kelsey Hinsperger at to be added to the project list and to stay informed.