The City of Toronto and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) completed the replacement of streetcar tracks, integrated TTC and cycle streetcar platforms, and pedestrian safety improvements and various locations.

The City has upgraded existing bike lanes to separated cycle tracks.  The work included the installation of elevated cycle tracks from Manning Avenue to Spadina Avenue, and at grade from Spadina Avenue to Bay Street.

City Council authorized the College Street Upgrades as part of the Cycling Network Plan: 2022 Cycling Infrastructure Installation – First Quarter on April 7, 2022. A copy of the staff report is available under IEC agenda item IE 28.7.


January 2024

The contractor has completed the critical pavement markings on both College Street and Borden Street.  However, some of the pavement markings at some intersections were temporarily installed due to wet weather conditions.


College Street (Manning Avenue to Bay Street)

Borden Street (College Street to Harbord Street)

Virtual Public Meeting

A Virtual Public Meeting was held on June 27, 2022 to present and provide an opportunity to ask questions about the upcoming construction.  View the presentation below for details.

The construction area illustrated below is College Street from Manning Avenue to Bay Street.

Map of College Street from Manning Avenue to Bay Street. Contact us at or call 416-392-3556 if you require more assistance.


Summary Design Details

Streetcar track replacement

  • Starting September 2022, crews will replace the ageing streetcar tracks from Bathurst Street to Bay Street.
  • The tracks at the following intersections: Bathurst Street, Spadina Avenue, McCaul Street and Bay Street will not be replaced.
  • Crews will remove old concrete/rails, pour new concrete, install new rails, and restore the road.
  • Track replacement will ensure reliable service on the busy 506 Carlton streetcar route, which currently transports approximately 26, 000 people per day.
  • Replacing the tracks this year allow the City and TTC to better coordinate a series of projects in the area., i.e. Adelaide Street, King Street West and Bloor Street West.

Separated cycle tracks

  • Crews will upgrade the existing painted bike lanes on College Street from Manning Avenue to Bay Street to separated cycle tracks to improve safety.
  • The cycle tracks will be elevated from Manning Avenue to Spadina Avenue and at grade (with cast in curbs) from Spadina Avenue to Bay Street.
  • From Manning Avenue to Spadina Avenue, the cycle track will be installed in the existing parking layby areas, which will result in a modest loss to street parking.  81% of street parking will be retained next to the bike lanes outside rush hours.
  • The new separated cycle tracks will provide the following benefits:
    • Reduced risk of dooring and collisions
    • Increased road safety for all road users
    • Make cycling on College Street a more comfortable and social experience

Integrated TTC and cycle streetcar platforms

  • Crews will construct integrated cycle and streetcar platforms from Manning Avenue to Spadina Avenue.
  • The platforms will have spaces for people cycling and for people waiting to board a transit vehicle.  Transit users wait behind the yellow tactile and only cross the cycle track to board/un-board a transit vehicle.
  • People cycling must yield to people boarding/un-boarding the transit vehicles.
  • The length of the new platforms is 30 metres.  This will ensure transit stops meet current standards and are accessible.
  • The transit centre island stops at Bathurst Street and at Spadina Avenue intersections will remain unchanged.

Pedestrian safety improvements

Curb extensions
  • Crews will extend the curbs at the following locations:
    • Lippincott Street
    • Manning Avenue (Northeast and northwest corners)
    • Euclid Avenue (Southwest corner)
    • Augusta Avenue
    • Palmerston Avenue (Northeast corner)
    • Markham Street (Northeast corner)
  • Curb extensions will:
    • Reduce crossing distances for people walking and improve sight lines
    • Reduce vehicle speeds of turning vehicles
    • Provide more public space for pedestrians
    • Improve accessibility and user experience for all pedestrians
    • Provide additional space for new trees, plantings and/or street furniture like trash cans and bicycle tracks
Raised crossings
  • Crews will raise the crossings at the following intersections:
    • Brunswick Avenue
    • Bellevue Avenue
    • Major Street
    • Robert Street
  • Raised crossings will:
    • Create safe crossing conditions at minor intersections
    • Help slow traffic and encourage people driving to yield to people walking
    • Improve the visibility of people walking

Other improvements

  • All intersections from Manning Avenue to Bay Street will be brought up to accessibility standards, which includes the installation of tactile warning indicators.


Timing and Schedule

The project is expected to take place from March 2023 to May 2023.

Work Hours

Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday to Friday, with work after hours and on weekends as required.  The Contractor on this project may use extended work hours to minimize traffic disruption and to shorten the project duration.


The City has been working with businesses and property management representatives to accommodate delivery and loading activities during construction.  If you have not yet discussed your delivery needs with the project team, please contact the staff person listed on this webpage as soon as possible.

Accessible Accommodation

The City’s contractor must ensure safe and accessible walkways and entryways are maintained. Any temporary access disruptions will be communicated as soon as possible. If you experience a disruption, have a specific access need or related accommodation request, contact the City staff listed on this webpage.

Public and stakeholder consultation for the College Street Upgrades was carried out November 1 to November 29, 2021.  Consultation activities included web-based stakeholder meetings, a public meeting and following up communications via email and telephone.

Consultation Materials


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