The City of Toronto, in partnership with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is undertaking a study to identify options and a preferred design solution to improve the existing pedestrian and cycling connection between Wellesley Park (Wellesley Avenue) and Rosedale Valley Road. The objective of the Wellesley Park Switchback Trail Project is to provide a new trail connection that improves accessibility, connectivity, safety, and user experience for pedestrians and cyclists traversing this area.

The Project is defined as an upgrade and will include the replacement of the current wooden staircase with a new trail connection that will enhance and improve access in the area. This new trail connection will also connect with existing trails along Rosedale Valley Road and Bayview Avenue and on street cycling routes along Wellesley Avenue.

The Project area includes the existing connection and adjacent lands between the Rosedale Valley Road at the bottom of slope and Wellesley Park (Wellesley Avenue) on the top of the slope in the tableland.

The Project area includes the existing connection and adjacent lands between the Rosedale Valley Road at the bottom of slope and Wellesley Park (Wellesley Avenue) on the top of the slope in the tableland.

  • Review and documentation of existing conditions, including trail lighting analysis and sub-surface investigations (i.e., soil conditions and slope stability)
  • Develop and evaluate concept designs and confirm a preferred design solution for the switchback trail
  • Detailed design for the preferred solution, preliminary costing and an implementation strategy

Wellesley Park is a well-used park situated on tableland adjacent to a ravine slope in Toronto’s historic Cabbagetown neighbourhood. The Park has limited access, particularly from the ravine floor, where an existing wooden staircase is the only way of ascending the slope. The existing staircase is at end-of-life and is not accessible to those with bicycles, strollers, or mobility aids. The study objective is to replace the wooden staircase with an upgraded accessible trail connection.  

The Project aligns with the goals and objectives of the Toronto Ravine Strategy (2017) and is identified as a short-term priority for study in the TOcore Implementation Plan (2021). This Project is also a near-term priority in the approved 2021 Cycling Network Plan Update.

Background studies and geotechnical investigation to develop concept designs are currently underway.