The bikeways on Ferrand Drive, Rochefort Drive and Deauville Lane are mostly complete. Additional barriers on Rochefort Drive near Don Mills Road and pedestrian crossing upgrades at Ferrand Drive/Rochefort Drive (west segment) are expected to be implemented by spring 2025.

The City of Toronto is installing road safety improvements in the Ferrand Drive area, near the Don Mills Road/Eglinton Avenue East intersection. City Council approved these changes in May 2024 (2024.IE12.4) to expand the cycling network into the northern part of Flemingdon Park and improve road safety and transportation options for pedestrians and people cycling to access local destinations and rapid transit.

The project area includes:

  • Ferrand Drive, Rochefort Drive and Deauville Lane (Rochefort Drive to St. Dennis Drive)
  • Eglinton Avenue East, at the Don Valley Parkway (DVP) southbound on-ramps

The project area is identified in blue, and includes Ferrand Drive, Rochefort Drive, Deauville Lane (from Rochefort Drive to St. Dennis Drive)

CreateTO’s development partner for 805 Don Mills Road will add northbound and southbound bike signals after reconstructing the Eglinton Avenue East/Gervais Drive/Ferrand Drive intersection, expected to be completed in 2029.


For the Ferrand Drive Off-ramp, from Eglinton Avenue East to Ferrand Drive, the following design has been installed:

  • One-way cycle tracks on both sides of the road with flexible bollard and precast concrete curb separation
  • No changes to the one-way eastbound entry for motor vehicles from Eglinton Avenue East
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h
The approved changes on the Ferrand Drive ramp, facing east (from left to right): bike lane, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation, motor vehicle lane and contra-flow bike lane.
Cross section of the installed design of the Ferrand Drive off-ramp, from Eglinton Avenue East to Ferrand Drive, facing north.

For Ferrand Drive, the following design has been installed:

A map highlighting the approved one-way entry on the Ferrand Drive ramp, with five parking spaces maintained on the west segment of Ferrand Drive.
The new travel movement in the project area.

East Segment

  • One-way cycle tracks on both sides of the road with flexible bollard and precast concrete curb separation
  • On-street parking will be removed
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h

The approved changes on the east segment of Ferrand Drive, facing north (from left to right): cycle track, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation, motor vehicle lane, motor vehicle lane, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation and cycle track.
Cross section of the installed design on the east segment of Ferrand Drive, facing north.

Top segment

  • Two-way motor vehicle lanes will be converted to one-way westbound
  • Installation of cycle tracks with paint, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation in both directions
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h

The approved changes on Ferrand Drive, facing west (from left to right): contra-flow bike lane, one-way motor vehicle lane and bike lane.
Cross section of installed design on the top segment of Ferrand Drive, facing west.

West segment

  • Installation of one-way cycle track with flexible bollards and precast concrete curbs on both sides where parking is not permitted
  • Six on-street parking spaces are retained on the west side between Windom Road and Sonic Way and shared lane markings will be painted for the southbound direction
  • New stop signs and painted crosswalks at the west intersections of Ferrand Drive/Windom Road, Ferrand Drive/Seton Park Road and Ferrand Drive/
    Rochefort Drive
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h

The approved changes on Ferrand Drive, facing north (from left to right): parking lane, shared lane markings, motor vehicle lane, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation and cycle track.
Cross section of the installed design on the west segment of Ferrand Drive, facing north.

For Rochefort Drive, from Deauville Lane/Ferrand Drive (east segment) to Ferrand Drive (west segment), the following design has been approved:

  • Two-way cycle tracks with flexible bollards and concrete barriers added on the south side
  • Loading access maintained on the north side through a parking lane
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h
The approved changes on Rochefort Drive, from Ferrand Drive (east segment)/Deauville Lane to Ferrand Drive (west segment), facing west (from left to right): two-way cycle track, flexible bollards and concrete barriers, motor vehicle lane, motor vehicle lane and parking lane.
Cross section of the installed design on Rochefort Drive, from Ferrand Drive (east segment)/Deauville Lane to Ferrand Drive (west segment), facing west.
Following the completion of separate, ongoing construction work, barriers will be installed at Rochefort Drive near Don Mills Road. Curb cuts and painted lines required for the pedestrian crossing at Ferrand Drive/Rochefort Drive (west segment) are expected to be constructed in spring 2025.


For Rochefort Drive, from Ferrand Drive (west segment) to Don Mills Road, the following design has been installed:

  • Two-way cycle tracks on the south side with flexible bollards and precast concrete curbs
  • Removal of five parking spaces
  • No changes to existing loading access
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h

The approved changes on Rochefort Drive, from Ferrand Drive (west segment) to Don Mills Drive, facing west (from left to right): two-way cycle tracks, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation, parking lane, motor vehicle lane, motor vehicle lane and parking lane.
Cross section of the installed design on Rochefort Drive, from Ferrand Drive (west segment) to Don Mills Road, facing west.

For Deauville Lane, from Rochefort Drive to St. Dennis Drive, the following design has been installed:

  • One-way cycle tracks on each side of the street with flexible bollards and precast concrete curbs
  • No changes to parking, with loading access maintained on the east side through a
    parking lane
  • Speed limit reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h

The approved changes on Deauville Lane, from Rochefort Drive to St. Dennis Drive, facing west (from left to right): cycle track, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation, motor vehicle lane, motor vehicle lane, parking lane, flexible bollards and precast concrete curb separation and cycle track.
Cross section of the installed design on Deauville Lane, from Rochefort Drive to St. Dennis Drive.

For Ferrand Drive to Eglinton Avenue East and with the property owner’s support, the following change has been approved and a design is being explored:

  • Installation of a two-way pedestrian and cycling connection between Ferrand Drive and Eglinton Avenue East.
The path of travel using City-owned sidewalks goes around the private property between Ferrand Drive and the DVP eastbound-to-southbound on-ramp. However, people cycling typically travel through private property to Eglinton Avenue East.
Aerial view of the desire line from Ferrand Drive to Eglinton Avenue East.

For Eglinton Avenue East, at the Don Valley Parkway southbound on-ramps, the following design is approved:

  • Installation of new traffic signals across two DVP southbound on-ramps, with the long-term plan to include road safety improvements at all four on-ramps.
A rendering of proposed changes to Ferrand Drive, showing the one-way cycle track with low-wall barriers and a signalized crossing across the on-ramp.
Artistic rendering of the planned design on Eglinton Avenue East at the southbound on-ramp, facing east.

Response to Feedback

The City has monitored feedback from community representatives, businesses and the public, including feedback on potential changes to the design. This feedback was reviewed, compared with technical considerations, and includes site observation before designs are finalized for installation.

Feedback received identified overall support for the proposed changes, however, residents in the project area shared some concerns about the proposed removal of on-street parking spaces, particularly on the west segment of Ferrand Drive.

Following consultation and in discussion with the local Councillor, the following changes were made to the design on Ferrand Drive:

  • East segment: Converting on-street parking spaces to cycle tracks in both directions (originally proposed in Option 1)
  • Top segment: Converting two-way motor vehicle lanes to one-way westbound and adding cycle tracks in both directions (originally proposed in Option 1)
  • West segment: Adding a one-way cycle track, while retaining seven on-street parking spaces and adding all-way stops and pedestrian crosswalks at the Ferrand Drive/Seton Park Road intersection (originally proposed in Option 2)

Consultation Overview

Public consultation on this project took place in 2023. The report below provides a detailed summary of all activities that took place and feedback received:

    In the Ferrand Drive Area, there are a number of long-term projects moving forward recommended in the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan that will change the transportation network. There are also two rapid transit lines, one in construction and the other in design by Metrolinx. Both will change transportation options in the area.

    Separately, a development at 805 Don Mills Road is planned that will realign the Eglinton Avenue East/Ferrand Drive/Gervais Drive intersection in anticipation of increased motor vehicle traffic connections to streets in this area.

    In the past 10 years on the streets proposed for design changes in the Ferrand Drive area, there have been 122 reported collision, in which seven have involved pedestrians and three have involved people cycling. The changes proposed through this project are focused on expanding road safety improvements and cycling to the long-term planned projects and on reducing future collisions.

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