Archived Content: This webpage is no longer being updated. For up to date information about COVID-19 vaccines, please visit our COVID-19 webpage or our COVID-19: Vaccines webpage, which are currently being updated to align with guidance for the upcoming 2024-2025 respiratory illness season.


On December 31, 2021, the Ministry of Health updated the guidance on testing, and case, contact, and outbreak management for COVID-19. This change meant that testing was preserved for people who were more likely to experience severe outcomes from COVID-19, such as hospitalizations and deaths. As a result, some data on COVID-19 cases that Toronto Public Health (TPH) was able to report on, such as the Neighbourhood Maps and Epidemiological Summary of Cases, was no longer accurate as only certain people were tested. Toronto Public Health will continue to update our products to provide information that is accurate and reliable. Below are links to the historical reporting pages:

    • Parent Survey: Between October 28, 2021 and November 7, 2021, Toronto Public Health engaged Stratcom/Point Blank to conduct a survey for parents/guardians of children between the ages of 5 to 11 years to gain a better understanding of:
      • Parents’ intent to vaccinate their children and
      • How/where they would prefer to have their children receive their COVID-19 vaccine

View the survey results.

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