Marketing displays are used to display and sell goods, food or merchandise outside a commercial or industrial premise on a city owned property or sidewalk. Goods in the display must be similar to those that are sold in the adjacent business. Marketing displays are regulated by the Sidewalk Cafés, Parklets and Marketing Displays bylaw.

Sidewalk Marketing Display

A Marketing Display

Sole proprietorships (individuals), partnerships or corporations.

Prior to submitting an application, please review the Marketing Display Bylaw Guide, which includes details on the bylaw requirements for marketing displays.

Identification requirements

One piece of valid government issued identification is required for an officer or signing authority (for corporations), who appears on the Primary Business Licence.

If the business does not have a Primary Business Licence, then two pieces of government-issued identification (ID) are required. One of these must be photo ID. The following IDs are accepted:

  • Canadian passport
  • Driver’s licence
  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • SIN card (social insurance number)
  • Valid work permit


  • First and last names must match on all identification
  • We do not accept Health Cards
  • For sole proprietorship or individual applicants, one piece of ID must provide proof of work status
  • Identification is required for all officers/directors listed on the Articles of Incorporation, Corporate Profile or Federal Form 6

Permit requirements

All applicants must also provide the following:

  • a business location/address
  • a copy of provincial business name registration or signed franchise agreement
  • a copy of a business licence, where applicable
  • a completed and signed Marketing Display Permit Application Form

Corporations must also provide:

  • a copy of Articles of Incorporation (certificate and articles) (Note: If there has been a change to the list of officers and directors, please provide a current Corporate Profile Report)

If a director of the corporation is unable to apply in person at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, a designate may apply on their behalf. The designate must:

  • have an original letter advising of their signing authority on corporation letterhead, signed by a director of the corporation dated within 30 days
  • provide two pieces of identification for themselves
  • provide two pieces of identification for each officer and director of the corporation, or, if original identification is not available, notarized photocopies of the identification will also be accepted

Site plan of proposed marketing display

All applications must include:

  • Two copies of a detailed and scaled drawn site plan showing all dimensions of the proposed marketing display
  • Measured distances between the proposed marketing display and the location of the street and face of the curb. Side property lines, fire hydrants, trees, and other permanent objects (i.e. hydro poles, tree pits, litter bins, etc.) on the street must be included


  • All measurements must be in metric

Awning document

Submit the following with your application if the proposed marketing display will have an awning:

  • Certificate of Fireproof rating
  • Mechanical specifications of the awning
  • The awning checklist included in the application package.


If you are requesting the use of Lighting within the Marketing Display area (frontage at the building wall only), please submit a declaration with your application.

Once approved, this is added as an Endorsement to the Marketing Display permit.

Description of merchandise

A description of merchandise to be displayed.


All applications must include:

  • Three photos of the marketing display, one from the front and one from each side.
  • Photo(s) of awning(s)

Certificate of insurance

Proof of at least $2,000,000 of comprehensive insurance against loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or death of one or more persons, or from loss of or damage to property resulting from any one accident.

The completed Certificate of Insurance must be signed and stamped by the insurer. The Certificate must be sent directly from the Insurance Representative and can be submitted either via email to or online.

Applications need to be submitted online. You cannot apply for this licence/permit in-person.

Apply online

Save yourself time and apply online. Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the application, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide on how to submit a new application. Licence application fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque.

Submit Application

If you have already submitted an application you may upload additional documents using your upload token.

Upload Documents for Existing Request

Apply in-person

In-person services are available at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, 850 Coxwell Avenue, 3rd Floor.
You must bring hard copies of all application requirements. Applications will not be started unless all requirements are provided. Digital copies of documents will not be accepted.

Payment can only be made by debit, credit or cheque. Cash will not be accepted.

Walk-in Services

Walk-in services are available once a week.
Please contact for the next weekday availability.

Please note office hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-4:00pm.
The office is closed from 12:30–1:30pm daily.


Appointment services are available. Please contact
Please arrive 10-15 mins early to check in and be on time for your appointment or you may be turned away and asked to re-book for another day and time, subject to availability.

Permit fees

  • Effective January 1, 2025 the square area permit fee is $44.14 + $5.74 HST

Application fees

  • Marketing display application fee is $995.17.
  • There are no application or permit fees for small marketing displays, which are no more than 0.8m x 5.5m.

Applications take six to eight weeks to process. Staff will contact you via email or hard copy letter with instructions once your application has been approved.

Conditions that are attached to permits issued before September 1, 2019 will continue to apply. Permit holders must also comply with the following requirements.

  • All permit holders need to display their permit clearly in the front window or door.
  • Marketing displays cannot display goods at a height where they can’t be reached by someone standing.

Pedestrian clearance

  • Pedestrian clearway requirements includes a minimum 1.8 metres for local roads, 2.1 metres for arterial and collector roads, and 2.5 metres on specified Downtown Toronto streets. The boundaries of the specified Downtown Toronto area are Bathurst Street to the west, the Dupont rail corridor to the north, Rosedale Valley to the north-east and Don River to the east.
  • Applicants can search the Road Classification System to identify the road type and minimum pedestrian clearance requirements that apply.

Your permit will expire annually on the anniversary of the date that the permit was first issued. A renewal notice, identifying any documents required to renew the permit, will be mailed to the address on file.

Existing permit holders must renew their permits via a new online renewal portal.

Download a step by step guide on how to renew a licence or permit.

Renew Licence

You must continue to provide proof of $2,000,000 in Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance. The completed Certificate of Insurance must be signed and stamped by the insurer. The Certificate must be sent directly from the Insurance Representative and can be submitted either via email to or online.

Find your outstanding business licence or permit renewal invoice. If you fail to renew your permit according to the bylaw, your permit will be cancelled and you will have to reapply.

Small marketing displays do not need permits. There are no associated fees with these small marketing displays, however they must confirm to the following conditions:

  • Only permitted where the minimum 2.1 metre pedestrian clearway can be provided
  • Maximum dimension of 0.8m from the building wall x 5.5m wide
  • No fencing is permitted
  • Must be removed from the sidewalk at the end of each business day
  • A-frame signs on the sidewalk are not allowed if the width of the establishment is less than six metres