The City of Toronto is reviewing the business licensing and zoning rules for pet establishments that work with and/or keep live animals on their premises. This could include businesses that offer grooming, training, daycare, or the overnight boarding of animals.

Reviewing these rules will help establish clear standards to ensure the proper care for animals, reduce community nuisance such as noise and odour and protect consumers.

Your feedback will help shape the licensing framework to support responsible pet care and business operations.

Currently, pet shops are the only type of pet establishment required under the Licensing Bylaw to have a business licence in Toronto, leaving potential gaps in oversight. The City-wide Zoning Bylaw 569-2013 includes definitions for kennels and pet services uses, restricts the location of these uses to specific zones, and enacts conditions on their establishment.

In 2022, Toronto City Council directed staff through Item 2022.EC31.5 to explore a new licensing framework for pet establishments in response to concerns about animal welfare and neighbourhood disturbances. Staff are reviewing possible amendments to:

  • Licensing Bylaw regulations for businesses that work with and/or keep live animals on their premises, and
  • Zoning Bylaw regulations for kennels and pet services in relation to the proposed licensing changes.

This initiative builds on existing requirements for pet shops to ensure all businesses caring for live animals meet high standards of care.

You can help shape new requirements for pet establishments in Toronto.

Online Survey

Submit your feedback through an online survey. The survey deadline is February 28.

Virtual Public Consultations

Share your thoughts by participating in one of our virtual public consultations.

Feedback from these public consultations and survey will inform a staff report to Committee and Council in mid-2025.

Pet Shops

Under the Licensing Bylaw, pet shops require a business licence from the City of Toronto. Pet shops are businesses involved in the retail sale of animals. As of 2024, there are 25 pet shops licensed in Toronto.

Pet Establishments

Under the proposed bylaw amendments, pet establishments would include any business that works with and/or keeps live animals on their premises (for example, businesses that offer grooming, training, daycare, or the overnight boarding of animals. Veterinary practices and animal shelters would not be included in the proposed bylaw amendments.