Find information on 2023 water rates and utility bill fees.

Effective January 1, 2023, Toronto City Council approved a three per cent general water rate increase for all water consumers.

Metric Rates

Rate if paid on or
before due date
Rate if paid
after due date
Block 1 – For all water consumption up to 5,000 m $4.3863/m3 $4.6171/m3
Block 2 – For consumption over 5,000 m3 $3.0703/m3 $3.2318/m3

Block 2 rates apply to businesses participating in the Industrial Water Rate Program.

Gallon Rates

Rate if paid on
or before the due date
Rate if paid
after due date
Block 1 – For all water consumption up to 1,099,850 gal. $ 0.01994045 / gallon $ 0.02098968 / gallon
Block 2 – For consumption over 1,099,850 gal. $ 0.01395781 / gallon $ 0.014692 / gallon

Block 2 rates apply to businesses participating in the Industrial Water Rate Program.


Description Fee $
Dishonoured Cheque Processing – Processing a cheque returned by a bank or financial institution for reasons, such as insufficient funds $40 per cheque,
per payment
Duplicate Utility Bill Fee – Applied to a utility account when a Utility Bill Designate agreement is in place. A copy of the bill will be mailed to the property owner. $20.52 per additional bill
New Account Setup Fee – For water/utility accounts $76.78 per new account
Outstanding Utility Fees/Charges for Condo/Management Boards – Applied to a condominium utility account for all mailed overdue notifications. A single charge for the first notification sent to the Condo/Management Board. If additional notification is required, fees will be charged on the condo utility account for each notice mailed to every individual condominium unit owner in the building/complex. $34.06 per notification
Overdue utility amounts added to the tax roll (Transfer to Tax Notice)
For each overdue utility bill amount added.
Ownership Change Fee – Request to change ownership on both tax and utility accounts for the same property when requested at the same time. $62.43 combined fee per property
Payment Re-Distribution Fee – Any request to re-distribute payment when an electronic payment has been made to an incorrect account $48.97 per request
Reprint Utility Bill – For a request for the reproduction/reprint of a bill $20.81 per bill
Special/Final Read Fee – To finalize a utility account $18.69
Utility Account Ownership Change Fee – Administrative fee to reflect a change in ownership on an existing utility account $43.63 per ownership change
Utility Clearance Certificate – Notice confirming balance owing on a utility account, generally used for property sale transactions. $58.81 per certificate
Water Collection Field Visit $31.18 per field visit
Water Consumption Statement – Statement detailing activity on a utility account for one specified year $49.88 for one year
Water Consumption Statement – Statement detailing activity on a utility account for each subsequent year $31.18 for each subsequent year


Learn more about water meters including Automated Meter Readers.

Description Fee $
Automated Meter Reading Transmitter – Fee for water consumers who lose or damage an automated meter reading transmitter  $111.32
Flat Rate Legacy Fee – Fee for property owners who have not permitted the installation of a new automated meter $1,347.89 per year
Manual Water Meter Reading Fee – Fee for a manual water meter reading for property owners who have not permitted the installation of a new automated meter $101.05 per visit


Water Fees will appear in the Summary of Total Adjustments of your bill.

Service Fee $
Annual Seasonal Meter Activation Fee: includes replacement, removal of the water meter; one turn-on, one turn-off $253.57
Conduct fire hydrant flow test $329.64
Disconnection Fee for any residential water service less than or equal to 25 mm $1,560.86
Fire hydrant permit $197.75
Installing 19 mm new residential water service and meter $5,279.39
Installing 25 mm new residential water service and meter $6,117.19
Processing annual water supply backflow prevention device testing reports $61.45
Reuse of residential water service 19 mm to 25 mm $329.38
Single Service call Turn-off/Turn-on within 30 minutes $98.81
Unregistered water each day order not complied $65.87
Water meter accuracy test; meter less than or equal to 50 mm – No Chamber – applied if the meter does not over-register $197.75
Water Turn-off Fee for demolition; (disconnection of old water service not included) $98.81
Water Turn-off/Turn-on Fee $98.81



Service Fee $
Disconnect residential sanitary sewer service connection in the road allowance $1,629.72
Inspection fee for the reuse of residential City sewer connection up to 150 mm in diameter $660.15
Install a new residential sanitary sewer service connection in the road allowance $13,205.35
Install a new residential storm sewer service connection in the road allowance $13,205.35
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for an exemption to permit the construction of a driveway sloped downwards towards a residential building $1,978.61
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for new connection or change or alteration to the existing storm connection, sanitary or water supply connection $395.46 minimum fee; additional $97.55/hr for each hour after 4 hrs to a maximum of $1,978.61
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for the request to encroach within a City permanent or temporary easement (related to City water and sewer infrastructure) $395.46 minimum fee; additional $97.55/hr for each hour after 4 hrs to a maximum of $1,978.61
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for the request to release from title a City easement (related to City water and sewer infrastructure) $395.46 minimum fee; additional $97.55/hr for each hour after 4 hrs to a maximum of $1,978.61