Utility Account Lookup
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Toronto Water operates 24/7 and is solely funded by rates and user fees. Your utility bill payments support safe drinking water, wastewater treatment services, updates to aging infrastructure, and address the impacts of extreme storms.

Effective January 1, 2024, Toronto City Council approved a three per cent interim rate increase for all water consumers.

2024 Metric Rates

Rate if paid on or
before due date
Rate if paid
after due date
Block 1 – For all water consumption up to 5,000 m $4.5178/m3 $4.7555/m3
Block 2 – For consumption over 5,000 m3 $3.1624/m3 $3.3288/m3

Block 2 rates apply to businesses participating in the Industrial Water Rate Program.

2024 Gallon Rates

Rate if paid on
or before the due date
Rate if paid
after due date
Block 1 – For all water consumption up to 1,099,850 gal. $ 0.02053826 / gallon $ 0.02161886 / gallon
Block 2 – For consumption over 1,099,850 gal. $ 0.01437651 / gallon $ 0.01513297 / gallon

Block 2 rates apply to businesses participating in the Industrial Water Rate Program.

Find out how your water consumption is calculated on your utility bill and the average water consumption for a family of four.

2023 Water Rates


Description Fee $
Dishonoured/Failed Payment – Processing of a payment returned by a bank or financial institution or other for reasons such as insufficient funds. $40.00
per payment
Duplicate Utility Bill Fee – Applied to a utility account when a Utility Bill Designate agreement is in place. A copy of the bill will be mailed to the property owner. $22.86 per additional bill
New Account Setup Fee – For water/utility accounts $85.54 per new account
Outstanding Utility Fees/Charges for Condo/Management Boards – Applied to a condominium utility account for all mailed overdue notifications. A single charge for the first notification sent to the Condo/Management Board. If additional notification is required, fees will be charged on the condo utility account for each notice mailed to every individual condominium unit owner in the building/complex. $37.94 per notification
Overdue utility amounts added to the tax roll (Transfer to Tax Notice)
For each overdue utility bill amount added.
Ownership Change Fee – Request to change ownership on both tax and utility accounts for the same property when requested at the same time. $69.55 combined fee per property
Payment Re-Distribution Fee – Any request to re-distribute payment when an electronic payment has been made to an incorrect account $54.56 per request
Reprint Utility Bill – For a request for the reproduction/reprint of a bill $23.18 per bill
Special/Final Read Fee $20.82
Utility Account Ownership Change Fee $48.60
Utility Clearance Certificate – Notice confirming balance owing on a utility account, generally used for property sale transactions. $65.51 per certificate
Water Collection Field Visit $34.73 per field visit
Water Consumption Statement – Statement detailing activity on a utility account for one specified year $55.57 for one year
Water Consumption Statement – Statement detailing activity on a utility account for each subsequent year $34.73 for each subsequent year

Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.

2023 Utility Bill Fees

Learn more about water meters including Automated Meter Readers.

Description Fee $
Automated Meter Reading Transmitter – Fee for water consumers who lose or damage an automated meter reading transmitter $114.99
Flat Rate Legacy Fee – Fee for property owners who have not permitted the installation of a new automated meter $1,392.37 per year
Manual Water Meter Reading Fee – Fee for a manual water meter reading for property owners who have not permitted the installation of a new automated meter $104.38 per visit

Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.

2023 Meter Reading Fees

Water Fees will appear in the Summary of Total Adjustments of your bill.

Service Fee $
Annual Seasonal Meter Activation Fee: includes replacement, removal of the water meter; one turn-on, one turn-off $261.94
Conduct fire hydrant flow test $340.52
Disconnection Fee for any residential water service less than or equal to 25 mm $1,612.37
Fire hydrant permit $204.28
Installing 19 mm new residential water service and meter $5,453.61
Installing 25 mm new residential water service and meter $6,319.06
Processing annual water supply backflow prevention device testing reports $63.48
Reuse of residential water service 19 mm to 25 mm $340.25
Single Service call Turn-off/Turn-on within 30 minutes $102.07
Unregistered water each day order not complied $68.04
Water meter accuracy test; meter less than or equal to 50 mm – No Chamber – applied if the meter does not over-register $204.28
Water Turn-off Fee for demolition; (disconnection of old water service not included) $102.07
Water Turn-off/Turn-on Fee $102.07

Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.

2023 Water Fees


Service Fee $
Disconnect residential sanitary sewer service connection in the road allowance $1,683.50
Inspection fee for the reuse of residential City sewer connection up to 150 mm in diameter $681.93
Install a new residential sanitary sewer service connection in the road allowance $13,641.13
Install a new residential storm sewer service connection in the road allowance $13,641.13
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for an exemption to permit the construction of a driveway sloped downwards towards a residential building $2,043.90
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for new connection or change or alteration to the existing storm connection, sanitary or water supply connection $408.51 minimum fee; additional $100.77/hr for each hour after 4 hrs to a maximum of $2,043.90
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for the request to encroach within a City permanent or temporary easement (related to City water and sewer infrastructure) $408.51 minimum fee; additional $100.71/hr for each hour after 4 hrs to a maximum of $2,043.90
Technical Review by Toronto Water staff – Application to Toronto Water for the request to release from title a City easement (related to City water and sewer infrastructure) $408.51 minimum fee; additional $100.77/hr for each hour after 4 hrs to a maximum of $2,043.90

Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.

2023 Wastewater Fees