Find general information on different utility bill types, statements, eBilling, requesting accessible formatted bills and relief programs.

Estimated billing water charges on utility bills are occasionally issued to properties. To avoid loss of discount and late payment fees, property owners should make payment by the due date. Once an actual meter read is obtained, any billing discrepancies will be adjusted on future bills.

Compare Water Consumption

Review previous bills to compare water consumption for the property during the same time period. Log-on to MyWaterToronto.

After reviewing the previous water usage, if there is a significant discrepancy, contact a customer service representative.

Utility Bills may contain two types of charges, water/sewer and solid waste depending on the services delivered to the property. Most properties have an automated water meter installed, and accounts are billed following a four-month billing cycle. This means utility bills are issued three times a year. If your account is billed on a Flat Rate system, consider switching to metered billing to avoid a Flat Rate Legacy Fee.

Low Volume Water User (Mostly Residential)

If you use less than 6,000 cubic metres (m³) – 6 million litres, or 1.25 million gallons of water per year, your water meter will be read and billed every four months or three times a year.

High Volume Water User (Commercial)

If you use more than 6,000 cubic metres (m³) – 6 million litres, or 1.25 million gallons of water per year, your water meter will be read and billed on a monthly basis.

Early payment discount of approximately five per cent applies only to the water/sewer portion of your utility bill. Solid waste charges/fees are not subject to discount. You will receive an early payment discount if you pay your utility bill on or before the due date.

Loss of Discount

If you do not pay your bill by the due date you will lose the discount.

Enrol in the City’s new paperless eBilling service and start receiving your property tax and utility bills digitally. Learn more.

Water and Sewer Charges

Water charges on utility bills are calculated using the water meter reading (water meter read captures the amount of water consumed within a household) within a billing period multiped by the water rate. Plus, any applicable utility fees relating to the account. 

The City offers approximately a five per cent discount off the water/sewer portion of a utility bill for early payment. 

Calculation Example:

A residential utility account water/sewer charge calculation example: 

Water consumption (captured by a meter reading) from January 1 to April 30, 2025 multiplied by the water rate equals the dollar amount of water/sewer charge appearing on the utility bill. 

  Billing Period    Meter Read in Cubic Meters 
Service From  Jan 1/25  Previous Reading  1000.00m³ 
Service To  Apr 30/25  Current Reading  1038.50m³ 
Number of Days  119  Consumption  38.50m³ 

2025 Consumption: 38.50m³ X $4.9338 = $189.95 

Apply early payment discount on water/sewer charges of approximately five per cent: 

4.9981758% x $189.95 = $9.49
$189.95 – $9.49 = $180.46 

If paid before the due date $180.46 owning, if paid after the due date $189.95. 

Solid Waste Charges

Bin size will determine the solid waste daily rate used to calculate the solid waste charge. The daily bin rate is multiped by the number of days within the billing period, plus an oversize bin fee and any applicable account fees. 

Calculation Example:

A residential utility account small size bin solid waste charge calculation example: 

Service From:  Jan 1/25 
Service To:  April 30/25 
Number of Days  119 
Small Size Bin – Daily Rate  0.839342466 
Oversize/Metal Item Fee – Daily Rate  0.061342466 

1 small size bin by 119 days x 0. 839342466 (per day small bin rate) $99.88 + 119 days x 0.061342466 (per day oversize bin fee  $7.30 = $107.18 (numbers rounded) 

Total Solid Waste charge for 119 days is $107.18 


For a utility account with water/sewer and solid waste services, both charges are added. Account holders are provided with an amount due if paid before the due date (includes the early payment discount applied to the water charges) and a billing amount due if paid after the due date. 

For the above example:
Billing payable  Due Date  Amount Due  Billing Details 
Before  May 27, 2025  $287.64  ($180.46 water with early payment discount + $107.18 solid waste charge) 
After  May 27, 2025  $297.13  ($189.95 water without early payment discount + $107.18 solid waste charge) 


To be billed monthly for your utilities, you must meet eligibility criteria in order to be accepted to the program. Learn more about monthly billing.

Connection or disconnection to the City’s water supply can be requested for:

  • renovations
  • new constructions
  • upgrading a shared service (“Y” connection that provides water to two properties) to a single connection.

Learn more about requesting a water/sewer service connection or disconnection.

If you want a printed copy, a re-print is available for a fee. Please contact a customer service representative, or select one of the other service request options.

Alternatively, acquire account information through the Utility Account Lookup. Locate a previous bill and sign in to the lookup by entering information on the utility bill.

As a courtesy, a notification letter may be sent to the property owner advising of an unusual increase in water consumption. Property owners are responsible for all charges on their utility accounts.

If you have received a high consumption letter.

  • Explore possible reasons for the increase in water consumption.
  • You may want to have your property inspected by a qualified plumber to check and repair any possible causes.

Contact Us

Call Water Investigations at 416-395-0177 with any questions regarding this letter.

Request a water/sewer disconnection this property. Learn more about water meters and pipes.

A Water Consumption Statement details the utility billings and payment history on an account. Please select one of our service request options to request a statement for a fee.

Alternatively, view your account online using the Utility Account Lookup. Locate a current bill for your property sign-in to the Lookup by entering information on found the utility bill.

Billed Quarterly

  • Homeowners or garbage only
    • Most townhomes
    • Some multi-residential properties
  • Charities, institutions and organizations:
    • City agencies, boards, commissions and divisions
    • Yellow bag
    • churches, institutions and religious organizations
  • Commercial Bag-Only Base Fee

    Effective June 8, 2018, the Commercial Bag-Only Base Fee will be billed to property owners through the Utility Billing system. You will receive a bill similar to your utility bill issued for water/sewer and solid waste fees. This billing will be for the quarterly for the Commercial Bag-Only Base Fee only.

Find out more about the Commercial Bag-Only Base Fee.

Billed Monthly, Tri-Annually or Semi-Annually

  • Homeowners:
    • billed on the same cycle as the customer’s water billing, where there is an existing utility account
  • Businesses:
    • monthly solid waste billing for multi-residential, front-end collection customers
  • Building management and superintendents
  • Apartments above stores:
    • residential unit(s) above commercial properties

Adding a Tenant/Agent to Receive Utility Bills

Solid waste management fees are explained in detail using codes that correspond to the following:

  • size of your solid waste bin
  • how frequently your solid waste is collected.

Find a description of the Solid Waste Billing & Collection Codes that may appear on your utility bill.

If you have accessibility needs and require a different bill format contact:

Tax & Utility Inquiry Line
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: 311
Outside City Limits: 416-392-2489
TTYUse 711

Utility Brochure

Relief Programs

Home Dialysis Water Rebate Program
Water Rebate Program
Solid Waste Rebate Program