Connection or disconnection to the City’s water supply can be requested for:

  • renovation
  • new construction
  • upgrading a shared service (“Y” connection that provides water to two properties) to a single connection

The City does not replace or install water or sewer service connections on private property. This is the property owner’s responsibility.

Please select your property type to find the application requirements and how to apply for a water/sewer service connection or disconnection:

How to apply

Residential properties only: Single-family residential properties and multi-residential properties with up to five units can apply for a water and/or sewer service connection or disconnection by clicking on the “Apply Now” button.

Applications submitted via the “Apply Now” button for other property types will not be accepted.

Industrial, commercial and institutional properties (ICI) and multi-residential properties with five or more units can apply for a water and/or sewer service connection or disconnection by following the ICI application process.

Apply Now

To apply by email or make a credit card payment by phone, please contact
To apply in person, please contact In person applications are by appointment only and will take place at the Toronto Water counter.

275 Merton St., 1st Floor
Toronto, ON M4S 1A7

Application requirements

You must have the following information with you when you apply:

  • Construction of new single-family dwellings:
    • Hard copy of the Lot Grading Site Plan approved by Toronto Building. The plan should indicate the location of the proposed water and sewer service connections and clearly identify the elevation of the proposed underside of footing and driveway slope.


New water and sewer service connections are required:

  • For all new construction.
  • When more than 50 per cent of the first story (above grade) of an existing building has been demolished.
  • When converting a septic system to the municipal water system.

Re-use of existing connection(s)

The reuse of existing water and sewer services can be considered for new house construction if they meet current City standards and specifications subject to City approval. For the reuse of existing water and sewer services, you must have the completed Municipal Services Application (Excel) when you apply.

  • If someone other than the property owner is applying for the service connection (i.e. contractor), the owner must provide a letter that authorizes the agent to apply for the service(s) on their behalf and states that the owner is responsible for all fees associated with the service(s) provided.

How to apply

Industrial, commercial and institutional properties (ICI) and multi-residential properties with five or more units can apply for a water and/or sewer service connection or disconnection by submitting the completed Municipal Services Application (MSA) Form and stamped drawings, including all other documents that may help in pricing the work by email to Attachments must be in PDF format.

Single-family residential properties and multi-residential properties with fewer than five units can apply for a water and/or sewer service connection or disconnection by following the residential properties application process.

Application requirements

You must have the following information with you to apply:

  • Completed Municipal Services Application (Excel) 
    • If someone other than the property owner is applying for the service connection (i.e. contractor), the owner must provide a letter that authorizes the agent to apply for the service(s) on their behalf and states that the owner is responsible for all fees associated with the service(s) provided.
  • Approved Development Engineering Site Servicing Plan, showing the location and size of the required site services, including detailed cross sections and profiles showing all invert elevations.
  • All underground utilities to be shown on the drawings.
  • Geotechnical reports to be provided to clarify the following underground conditions but not limited to: soil conditions, water table information, contaminated spoil information etc.
  • The City or its contractor shall not be held responsible for additional costs that may arise due to lack of information provided at the time of application.
  • Where a request for site servicing is not subject to review and approval by Development Engineering, the applicant must submit their Site Servicing Plan along with the application. Toronto Water may need to conduct a technical review, which is subject to applicable fees.
  • Five (5) hard copies of the Site Servicing Plan shall be provided by the applicant at the pre-construction meeting.
  • Where an applicant feels their services are very small in size and scope and does not want to provide detailed site servicing plans, they may opt to proceed with a “blind bid” by submitting only the MSA form. In this case, they must however, agree in writing that they are responsible to pay for any cost increase should the underground or other conditions be contrary to initial assumptions made at time of application.

Sizes, fees and timelines

Connections will be sized according to the intended use, as defined by the approved application.

Toronto Water estimates the costs by tendering the job to a roster of approved City of Toronto contractors. The costs will be communicated to the applicant within approximately four to six weeks from when an application is made. The applicant is required to pay all fees in advance of construction.

Should the scope of work change during construction, the applicant will be required to pay additional costs to cover the scope change before additional work proceeds. The City reserves the right to stop work should the constructed work exceed deposits.

Once the work is complete, the actual costs will be determined. Should the actual costs be less than the estimate, the payer will be issued a refund. If the costs are greater, the applicant will be sent an invoice. The applicant is responsible for all costs associated with the services delivered.

The City works to turnaround every application and complete the construction of the services within 12-14 weeks from the time the application is made. This timeline may however be extended depending on the time of the year (December-January) or should adverse weather events delay progress on site.

The fees are determined by Toronto City Council annually. See the fees for this year.

Sewer services, may include the following:

  • Installing 150 mm (6″ diameter) sewer service connections.
  • Disconnecting sewer service connections.
  • Re-use of residential sewer service connection – subject to approval.

Water services, may include the following:

  • Installing 19 mm (¾ in.) residential water service and meter.
  • Installing 25 mm (1 in.) residential water service and meter.
  • Disconnecting any residential water service less than or equal to 25 mm.
  • Re-use of residential water service 19 mm to 25 mm – subject to approval

Note: If upgrading the private water service from 13 mm (½”). to19 mm (¾”), it is recommended that the City’s side is upgraded to match. Replacing both will provide the most benefit in terms of pressure and flow.

Applicants requesting a water service greater than 25 mm (1″) are required to follow the application process for industrial, commercial, institutional (ICI) and multi-unit residential properties.

  • Credit card: American Express, Visa and MasterCard (online or by phone)
  • Debit card (in person, only by appointment)
  • Wire transfer or electronic funds transfer
  • Certified cheque (made payable to “Treasurer, City of Toronto”)
  • Bank draft or money order (made payable to “Treasurer, City of Toronto”)

Payment must be made by one “payor.” Payment from more than one individual or company will not be accepted.

Installation will occur within 12 weeks of receiving payment. Applicants must contact their assigned City contractor to schedule and confirm the location of the water and sewer service connections. Applicants will be provided with the contractor’s contact information at the time of application and payment.

Once the new water service has been installed, a request must be submitted to have the water turned back on.