We develop and maintain standards for use by staff, engineering consultants and contractors when designing and constructing Toronto’s public and private infrastructure projects.

Find design criteria for structural elements for the City’s bridges, structures and expressways infrastructure. These standards are written for the City staff and consulting engineers involved in bridge, structures and expressway infrastructure design.

Design Standards for Structural Infrastructure

Bridges, Structures and Expressways Design Standards Contact:

Christopher Loader, P.Eng.
Senior Manager (A)
Phone: 416-392-8331
Email: Christopher.Loader@toronto.ca

CADD drawing standards and specifications for linear and facility projects.

Linear Projects

CADD drawing standards and specifications for linear capital projects, such as sewer, watermain and road projects.

Facility Projects

CADD drawing standards and specifications for facilities capital projects such as wastewater treatment and water treatment plants.

Surveying standards, graphic file specifications and NAD’83 CSRS integration. 

Surveying Standards

These standard define project preparation, survey capture techniques, design methodology and deliverables.

Graphic Specifications

These specifications define the level structure, cell designations, line styles, text and dimensioning styles required when submitting MicroStation design file and paper (plot) formats.

NAD’83 CSRS Integration

With the introduction of Ontario Regulation 216/10 under the Surveyors Act on June 7, 2010, plans registered or deposited with the registry office must be integrated in the North American Datum 1983 (NAD’83) in either the NAD’83 Adopted or the NAD’83 CSRS datum definition with the coordinates expressed in either the 3 Degree Modified Transverse Mercator or 6 Degree Universal Transverse Mercator projections.

To support integration under the regulation, the City prepared this guide to facilitate surveyors and other groups using the City’s horizontal control network to integrate your projects into NAD’83 CSRS.

Survey Contact List

Data capture and surveying standards contact:

James Phillips, Supervisor, Engineering Surveys
18 Dyas Rd, 2nd Floor
Phone: 416-392-4860
Email: James.Phillips@toronto.ca

Horizontal and vertical control bench marks contact:

Gabriel Bincik, Supervisor, Engineering Surveys
18 Dyas Rd, 2nd Floor
Phone: 416-392-0415
Email: Gabriel.Bincik@toronto.ca

Find technical manuals for City’s Green Infrastructure. These manuals are written for City staff and consulting engineers involved in green infrastructure design as a part of road works projects.

Design Criteria for Green Infrastructure in the Right-of-Way

This manual provides the necessary criteria in the design of Green Infrastructure projects within the right-of-way.

Life Cycle Activities for Green Infrastructure in the Right-of-Way

This manual provides the recommended maintenance and monitoring activities to ensure the longevity of the City’s Green Infrastructure assets. Similar to other types of infrastructure, Green Infrastructure systems are designed to have a certain lifespan during which they require inspection, maintenance, and monitoring to continue to perform as intended.

Construction Specifications for Green Infrastructure

Construction Drawings for Green Infrastructure

Construction Drawings for Continuous Soil Trench with Soil Cells

Design Options for Continuous Soil Trench with Pre-Cast Concrete Panel(s)

Continuous Soil Trench with Pre-Cast Concrete Panel(s) drawings illustrate how hard surface environments can be designed to achieve the higher soil volumes necessary for tree growth and survivability, storm water management, and facilitate utility subsurface access and maintenance activities. This drawing series includes design options with and without soil cells.

T-PCP Series

T-PCP 1.0
T-PCP 2.0
T-PCP 3.0
T-PCP 4.0
T-PCP 5.0
T-PCP 6.0

Green Infrastructure Manual and Standards Contact:

Niloufar Mohajerani, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Engineer, Stormwater Management Infrastructure
Phone: 416-338-5036
Email: Niloufar.Mohajerani@toronto.ca

Landscape design guidelines and acceptable plant species for stormwater management ponds.

The Landscape Design Guidelines for Stormwater Management Ponds manual is written for consulting engineers, landscape architects and City staff working on preparing a landscaping plan for stormwater management ponds for public or private developments. This guideline takes you step by step through all the landscape design and planting requirements you will need in preparing a landscaping plan for a stormwater pond.

Note: This manual is best printed 2-sided.

New and Improved Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Guideline – Second Edition, April 2019.

Road Classification

City wide maps, district maps and ward maps you can use to find the road classification.

Traffic Volumes

Reliable traffic volume information to monitor travel trends, impacts of transportation changes and baseline transportation information for future projects.

TTC Bus Routes

View TTC bus routes.

Find technical guidelines on street design for road works. These guidelines are written for City staff and consulting engineers involved in road design as a part of road works projects.

Lane Width Guidelines

This guideline is for determining lane widths for through lanes, curb lanes, turn lanes, urban shoulders and dedicated parking lanes.

View maps for the following:

High Through Truck Activity – City Wide

Cycling Network Plan

Curb Radii Guidelines

This guideline is for determining the size of curb radii at intersection corners.

View maps for the following:

Truck Aprons Guidelines

This guideline is for determining the design of truck aprons at intersection corners.

Curb Extension Guidelines

This guideline is for determining the design of mid-block and intersection curb extensions.

View maps for the following:

Raised Crosswalk Guidelines

On-Street Bikeway Design Guidelines

Multi-Use Trail Design Guidelines

Road Engineering Design Guidelines Contact:

Justin Bak
Senior Project Manager Transportation Services
Phone: 416-397-4675
Email: Justin.Bak@toronto.ca

Here are specifications and standard drawings for road works:

Revision Information Sheets

Construction Specifications for Road Works – T1

Construction Drawings for Road Works – T2

Construction Drawings for Cycling Infrastructure

Ontario Provincial Standards


Design Criteria (Second Edition, January 22, 2021) for sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermains and engineering submission requirements.

This manual is written for consulting engineers and city staff working on capital improvement projects, and for consulting engineers working for the development industry preparing engineering designs and drawings for private developments. This manual takes you step by step through all the criteria you will need in the design of a sewer or watermain and the requirements for submission.

Note: This manual is best printed two-sided.

Amendment to Design Manual

Documents Referenced in the Manual

General Notes

New Watermain Installation Procedure

Find specifications and standard drawings for traffic signals:

Construction Specifications for Traffic Signals

Construction Drawings for Traffic Signals

Revision Information Sheets

Procedures on how and where to obtain a water meter, fire hydrant permit and water service connection. Included are drawings for handling different water servicing scenarios and questions pertaining to the water supply bylaw.

The Water Servicing and Metering Manual (file size: 7.7 mb) is written for consulting engineers and city staff working for the development industry preparing engineering designs and drawings for private developments. This manual answers some of the most asked questions pertaining to the water supply bylaw. If you are going to be installing a water service, water meter or backflow prevention device for a new or reconstructed dwelling or building in Toronto, then this manual is for you.

Note: This manual is best printed in 2-sided.

Guidelines for runoff, flood management, water quality and water balance for new or re-development sites.

The Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines provide a practical working aid in the review and approval of stormwater management plans for new development or redevelopment. The guidelines also identify performance objectives for runoff from development sites, flood management, water quality and water balance (or annual runoff volume).

In September 2003, Toronto City Council adopted a Wet Weather Flow Management Policy, which provides direction on how to manage wet weather flow on a watershed basis. Since that time, proposed developments in the City have had to comply with the policy.

The Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines were developed to:

  • Guide the design and implementation of stormwater management measures necessary to achieve the long-term goals and objectives of the Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan;
  • Harmonize stormwater management policies and practices of the former municipalities;
  • Provide guidance on stormwater management practices and approval requirements to City staff, industry and property owners.

The City will apply these Guidelines, effective April 1, 2007, for the review and approval of stormwater management plans for new development/redevelopment submissions. The City will also require designs to incorporate water balance, effective July 1, 2007, for all submissions required in the Guidelines. The conditions for completing an application are described below.

While the Guidelines present a general framework of the City’s expectations of approval requirements on water balance, water quality and quantity targets for on-site stormwater management, the City also recognizes that flexibility is important for certain site-specific conditions. As a result, the City may consider any innovative approach if it can be demonstrated that there are better ways of achieving the same performance objectives. The Guidelines document is a “living” document, therefore, there will be technical refinements and updates over time.

Any proposed bylaws to enforce new or existing guidelines will be published for a public and stakeholder review when they are completed and before being sent for approval by City Council.

Design Criteria for Manufactured Treatment Devices

The design criteria for manufactured treatment devices (MTDs) replace the guidance on oil-grit separators (OGSs), as previously detailed in Section and Appendix B of the Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines.

Water servicing standard drawings for Parks, Forestry and Recreation division water service connections.

Drawing No. Drawing Title Revision Date
T-1130.010 Water Service Schematic For Park Amenities Mar 2021
T-1130.011 General Park Service Notes Mar 2021
T-1130.012 Diversion Valve Detail Mar 2021
T-1130.020 Piping Layout in Deep Meter Chamber with 50mm Water Service Pipe Detail Mar 2021
T-1130.021 Precast Deep Meter Chamber with 50mm Water Service Pipe Detail Mar 2021
T-1130.022 Deep Meter Chambers Notes Sep 2021
T-1130.030 Piping Layout in Shallow Meter Vault with 50mm Water Service Pipe Detail Mar 2021
T-1130.031 Piping Layout in Shallow Meter Vault with 75 – 100mm Water Service Pipe Detail Mar 2021
T-1130.040 Shallow Vault Lid Detail Mar 2021
T-1130.041 Shallow Meter Vault Notes Sep 2021


Water Servicing Standards Contact:

Eric Stadnyk, Project Manager, Parks, Forestry & Recreation

Phone: 416-392-3895

Email: Eric.Stadnyk@toronto.ca