If you are planning to undertake any work within the public right of way
(the area beyond your property line), you will require a permit prior to starting work.


For all right-of-way construction permit requests, the applicant must review T.O.INview. For any location showing “Metrolinx Corridor Development Permit” and/or Metrolinx related “Permit Review Zone”, it is the responsibility of the applicant to engage with Metrolinx to obtain the necessary permit/approvals.

Depending on the work, you may be required to submit an application to obtain a permit. To find out if an application is required, contact us to discuss the work with a Bylaw Officer. After speaking with you, the Bylaw Officer may simply issue a Directive which would enable you to obtain the necessary permit without submitting an application.

If part of the proposed project involves any work within private property, a building permit may also be required from: Building Division, located on the Main Floor, West Tower, City Hall. For further information, please contact Building Division at 416-392-7539.

If the proposed work is in close proximity to an existing tree, you should be aware that all trees which are located on City property are protected from injury or destruction.

Trees which are located on private property having a diameter of 0.30m or greater, measured 1.4m above ground level, are also protected from injury or destruction.

If you wish, you may view further information regarding the protection of street trees, please see the accordion section below.

If a landscape application is required for your project, you must submit drawings which meet the specifications in accordance with City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 743, Use of Streets and Sidewalks.

Excavation and installations which do not extend more than 1.2m measured from the surface of the adjoining boulevard are considered to be minor landscaping (i.e. driveway, fences, walkways, hedges, retaining and decorative walls, sprinkler system etc.)

Drawings are required. All drawings must meet the following specifications:

  • Drawings must be folded in sets to dimensions of 21cm x 28 cm (8 1/2&quot x 11&quot) with the title block facing up
  • All plans are to be in metric and must be drawn to scale and the scale must be noted on the plans
  • All relevant dimensions (i.e. distance from sidewalk to street line, from installation to sidewalk, etc.) must be shown
  • All street names and municipal addresses must be noted
  • Cross-section view showing details of above and below grade construction must be provided
  • All physical details of the site must be shown (i.e. sidewalk, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, street vendor locations and all street furniture including bus shelters and newsvending boxes, etc.
  • North arrow must be shown
  • The location of street/property lines must be noted

Excavation and installations which extend more than 1.2m measured from the surface of the adjoining boulevard are considered to be major landscaping (i.e. sidewalk reconstruction, tree planting, piling and shoring, basement entrances etc.)

Permit Application together with a cover letter outlining the proposal. All drawings must meet the following specifications:

  • All plans in metric scale and drawn to a scale of 1:200 horizontal and 1:100 vertical and the scale must be noted on the plan
  • The location of street/property lines must be noted
  • All relevant dimensions (i.e. distance from sidewalk to street line, from installation to sidewalk etc.) must be shown
  • All street names and municipal addresses must be noted
  • Existing and proposed grades (where applicable)
  • Cross-section view showing details of above and below grade construction must be provided (including depth and tree-pit details where applicable)
  • All physical details of the site must be shown (i.e. sidewalk, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, street vendor locations, and all street furniture including bus shelters and newsvending boxes, etc.)
  • North arrow must be shown on the drawing
  • The location of existing underground services within the area of construction must be shown. This information may be obtained from the City of Toronto, Engineering Design, located at 275 Merton Street, 1st Floor, Toronto, ON M4S 1A7. Call 311 for more information.
  • Tie-in dimension to the nearest intersecting street and name of street to be shown

To avoid delays in the approval process, we recommend that you call us to have one copy of your plans reviewed prior to actually submitting your application.

Applications are subject to a non-refundable fee which must be paid when you submit your application. This fee varies depending on the landscaping project, and includes the cost of any permit and agreement that may be required. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the fees which must accompany your application.Payment can be made by VISA, American Express, MasterCard, Interac, cash or cheque. All cheques must be made payable to the Treasurer, City of Toronto.All fees are subject to an annual inflationary increase based on the City’s User Fee Policy and change without prior notice.

Fee Description Fee Basis Permit Fees Additional Fee
Awnings, Canopy, Fire Escape Per permit / agreement

Annual fee

$749.47 + HST

$44.55 + HST

Legal fees if applicable


Projecting Canopy Annual fee per sqm

Annual fee – min. charge

$6.26 + HST

$9.31 + HST

Administration, Survey and Inspection Fee Per inspection $115.72 + HST
Building Encroaching Upon a Street by Inadvertence (Structure less than 2.5 storeys) Per permit $1,273.15 + HST
Building Encroaching Upon a Street by Inadvertence (Structure more than 2.5 storeys) Per permit $1,851.80 + HST
Encroachments: Fences/ornamental and retaining walls over 0.9m, building projections, refacing walls, landscaping, streetscaping, areaways, tunnels, bridges and other openings, and for a project (Under $1 million) Per permit / application / agreement $749.47 + HST Legal Fees if applicable
Encroachments: Fences/ornamental and retaining walls over 0.9m, building projections, refacing walls, landscaping, streetscaping, areaways, tunnels, bridges and other openings, and for a project (Over $1 million) Per permit / application / agreement $3,226.75+ HST Legal Fees if applicable
Areaways, Tunnels, Bridges and Other Openings
(tunnels and bridges = market value if private use)
Annual fee per sqm

Area 1: (downtown core)

Annual fee per sqm Area 2 (remainder of City)

Annual fee – min. charge



$41.65 + HST


$25.06 + HST


$16.61 + HST

Excavate, dig up, tear up or remove soil of any street/sidewalk/curbing, pavement etc. Per permit $208.17 (No HST) plus restoration costs, if any
Loading Zone & Entrance Protection On time installation

Annual Fee (Loading Zone)

Annual Fee (Entrance Protection)

$123.17 + HST

$461.92 +HST

$123.17 + HST

To Inspect a Marquee Annual inspection fee $46.35 + HST
Erect or Remove a Marquee Per permit $208.17 + HST
Maintain Telecommunication Cables: Connecting two buildings, lateral road crossings, etc. Per application

Annual fee per lineal metre: Area 1: (downtown core)

Annual fee per lineal metre: Area 2: (remainder of city)

$749.47 + HST


$42.50 + HST


$21.27 + HST

Piling and Shoring used in building operations within the public right of way Application fee



Inspection Fee per hour

$5,204.47 + HST


$116.75 + HST

Property Information Fee: Provide information on the status of a property with respect to agreement compliance/encroachments/licence/permits Per property
$163.80 (No HST)
Curb Cuts – New Access (No Encroachments): Permit for commercial/ industrial/residential (greater than 10 units) Per permit $1,082.52 (No HST) plus construction cost of ramps depending on # of sidewalk bays
Curb Cuts – New Access (No Encroachments): Permit for residential (less than 10 units) Per permit $124.92 (No HST) plus construction cost of ramps depending on # of sidewalk bays
Appeal Filing and Processing Per appeal $985.59 + HST


There is no fee for the permitted encroachments such as fences and retaining walls less than 0.9 metres in height above the travelled surface of the adjoining road, provided it complies with Municipal Code Chapter 743. For more information, please contact the office before starting the work within the public right of way.

The preservation and planting of street trees is crucial to the maintenance of healthy residential streetscapes and can play an important role in minimizing the effect of Front Yard, Driveway Widening and Boulevard Parking. To provide sufficient space for tree growth and planting, it is necessary to limit the amount of paving or impervious material such as concrete or interlocking brick used in front yards and on City boulevards.Increased use of pervious materials will provide greater water infiltration to support trees and vegetation, in addition to diverting rainflow from the sewer system.It is also important to consolidate tree planting areas to create places for trees to grow to maturity.

Paving in proximity to City trees must comply with the following specifications contained in Municipal Code Chapter 813: and the City’s Specifications for Construction Near Trees:

Trunk Diameter (DBH)* Minimum Protection Distance Required**
< 10 cm 1.2 m
10 – 29 cm 1.8 m
30 – 40 cm 2.4 m
41 – 50 cm 3.0 m
51 – 60 cm 3.6 m
61 – 70 cm 4.2 m
71 – 80 cm 4.8 m
81 – 90 cm 5.4 m
91 – 100 cm 6.0 m
over 100 cm 6 cm protection for each 1 cm diameter

* Diameter at breast height (DBH) measurement of tree trunk taken at 1.4 metres above ground.** Tree Protection Zone distances are to be measured from the outside edge of the tree base.

Construction Staging Application Requirements

Construction Staging permit applications are considered by Transportation Services where sidewalk (full), road and/or laneway closures are proposed continuously for over 30 days during the construction of a development site. Authority to grant the sidewalk and/or road closure(s) is required from Community Council and/or City Council.

Please note, all applications are currently being accepted via email only. Digital copies of application documents must be properly labeled.

In order to process your Construction Staging application please submit the following:

  1. Completed application form 
  2. Application fee
  3. Completed Construction Staging Application Letter
  4. Construction Management Plan drawings showing site plan and cross-section views in PDF and CAD in a DGN format. Updated files will be required as needed to address comments received by the City:

Construction Management Plan Drawings must provide the following information:

  • All plans are to be in metric scale, north arrow must be shown on the drawing
  • Approximate building envelope, all sidewalks, curbs, property lines, street names
  • Right of Way occupation surface area breakdown by street:
    • Length of the site protection along the street in lineal metres
    • Occupied surface area (sqm) on the boulevard and sidewalk
    • Occupied surface area (sqm) on the road (this includes covered walkway portion)
  • Provide specific dimensions from the nearest intersecting curbline(s) to the start of the staging area; and dimensions for where traffic bylaw changes are proposed (also relative to the nearest intersecting curbline
  • A section/elevation drawing of scaffold/covered way/hoarding and gates; temporary covered walkway (minimum 1.8m wide) maintained
  • Location of all access gates (all gates to swing inward) and temporary ramping facilities
  • Impacted bike Lane must be noted on the drawing; Bike lanes maintained (minimum 1.5 m wide)
  • Location and timing of temporary street closures and alternative routes/detours
  • Construction Staging Area located on an Arterial/Collector roadway (Street/Road Enclosure) with provision of hoarding, temporary fencing, covered walkways, pedestrian route diversion
  • Identify if staging area is on TTC route and any affected TTC stops; A minimum 1.0m setback must be maintained from TTC Streetcar tracks
  • Emergency Services routes that are impacted must be noted on the drawing
  • Sightlines maintained at driveway access points and at intersections
  • Show existing and proposed traffic signage, signposts, traffic signals and pavement markings
  • Traffic control signage as per the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 guidelines – must show new changes to any signage on drawing, existing traffic operations must be shown on drawing
  • All construction signage for vehicles and pedestrians
  • Illustrate path of inbound/outbound truck movements (i.e. concrete, tractor-trailer)
  • All utility poles, guy wires, light standards, vaults be noted on the drawing
  • Fire hydrants, catch basins, trees that are impacted must be noted on the drawing
  • All Street Furniture (transit shelter, Bike Rings, Litter Bin, Info Pillar, News vending Boxes) must be noted on the drawing
  • Number of On-street/Permit parking spaces and parking machines impacted must be noted on the drawing
  • Any other affected City/Utility infrastructure on the right-of-way including but not limited to- bike share, areaways, urban design elements by BIA etc. must be noted on the drawing
  • Please include notes if the elements within the right of way will be protected, relocated, removed
  • Any street/sidewalk vendors impacted by the work. You are required to contact Municipal Licensing & Standards to arrange for relocation.
  • Existing and proposed lane widths
  • Provide specific dimensions from the nearest intersecting curbline(s) to the start of the staging area; and dimensions for where traffic bylaw changes are proposed (also relative to the nearest intersecting curbline.

For extensions to existing construction staging areas you are required to submit:

  1. Completed Construction Staging Application Letter 
  2. Construction Management Plan drawings as noted above, with any changes to the configuration clearly noted.

For approval of your application, it will be necessary to:

  1. Provide a certificate of insurance for $2 million with the City of Toronto named as an additional insured, and containing a cross-liability clause.
  2. Obtain a written approval from: Metrolinx at MCReviews@metrolinx.com, public utilities, BIAs, Municipal Licensing & Standards at mlsroadallowance@toronto.ca for any street/sidewalk vendor relocation/impacts, etc.
  3. Pay all required fees.

Permit Fees

Description Details Fee Basis Application Permit Fee Additional Fees
Site Protection (Not in Construction Hub)
  • Covered Walkway
  • Hoarding
  • Hoarding with covered walkway
  • Hoarding with scaffolding
  • Scaffolding
  • Street Closure
Per Application $749.47 + HST $25.34 + HST per lineal metre for the lifetime of the project

$8.44 + HST per m2 per month for the enclosed portion of the boulevard / sidewalk

Site Protection (In a Construction Hub)
  • Covered Walkway
  • Hoarding
  • Hoarding with covered walkway
  • Hoarding with scaffolding
  • Scaffolding
  • Street Closure
Per Application $936.83 + HST $31.69 + HST per lineal metre for the lifetime of the project

$10.56 + HST per m2 per month for the enclosed portion of the boulevard / sidewalk

  • Permit application fee – charged once
  • Lineal fee – charged once for the total linear metres of site protection erected within the City right of way
  • Enclosure fee – charged monthly on the total enclosed construction staging areas
  • Lost Revenue for Toronto Parking Authority parking spaces – fees collected per parking space/per hourly rate/per day

All fees are to be paid prior to permit issuance and subject to change without prior notice.

Tower Crane (Swing of Boom) Application Requirements

In order to process your Swing of Boom application please submit the following:

  1. Completed application form.
  2. Drawings in a PDF format that provide the following information, in metric:
    • Radius of swing of boom and counterweight
    • Base of tower crane
    • All property lines, street lines, sidewalk and curb lines, all street names
    • Outline of existing overhead protection, staging area, if any
    • Site location and municipal address(es)
    • Outline of proposed building(s)
    • Cross section drawings with foundation base and counter weight details stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario

For approval of your application, it will be necessary to:

  1. Provide a certificate of insurance for $2 million with the City of Toronto identified as an additional insured, and containing a cross-liability clause
  2. Obtain a written approval from: Transport Canada, Civil Aviation Services Ontario (CASO)
  3. Obtain a written approval from: Nav Canada, AIS Data Collection Unit and Land Use Office
  4. Tower crane swinging over City sidewalks may be subject to an additional site protection Street Occupation Permit.

Permit Fees

  • Cost of Tower Crane Swing of Boom Permit: $76.48 ($67.68 + $8.80 HST) per day.
  • A separate permit is required for hoisting by means of a Tower Crane: $76.48 ($67.68 + $8.80 HST) per day, unless hoisting within an authorized staging area.

All fees are to be paid prior to permit issuance and subject to change without prior notice.

Application processing time is approximately 12 weeks upon submission of all required information.