Find information on utility bill payment options and accessing your utility account information.
The City issues utility bills following a four-month (three times a year) or monthly billing cycle. To ensure your payment reaches the City by the due date, and to avoid losing your utility bill’s early payment discount, we suggest making your payment electronically through MyToronto Pay, or through your financial institution’s online banking, or enrol in our Pre-Authorized Utility Payment program.
Using MyToronto Pay, utility bill can be paid by electronic funds transfer with no convenience fee, or credit card and debit card with a convenience fee charged by industry.
You can pay your utility bill at banks or financial institutions through online banking, telephone banking, at an automatic teller or in-person. To avoid late penalties and interest, please pay well before the due date, processing times for your payment can vary.
To register and pay through online banking:
Name of Financial Institution | Payee Listing for Utility Bills |
BMO (Bank of Montreal) |
Toronto, City of, Utility |
CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) |
Toronto (City of) Utility Bill |
National Bank |
City of Toronto Utilities |
RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) |
City of Toronto Utility Bill |
Scotiabank |
Toronto (City) Utility bill |
TD Canada Trust |
Toronto (City of) Utility bill |
If your bank is not listed, please contact your financial institution for information.
Payee information is subject to change without notice. If you require assistance, please contact your bank or financial institution.
Be sure to select the correct bill payee and confirm your account number matches your current bill. A Payment Re-Distribution Fee will apply on requests to re-distribute electronic payment(s) made to an incorrect account. If you have recently purchased, sold or moved from a property, review tips on managing your accounts.
Enrol in the Pre-authorized Utility Payment program, your bank or financial institution will automatically withdraw your payments on the due date. Continue to make payment directly until you receive confirmation of enrolment.
Post-dated cheques are accepted for the due dates. Cheques are payable to the Treasurer, City of Toronto.
Mail to:
Treasurer, City of Toronto
PO Box 6000 Willowdale STN A
Toronto, ON M2N 5V3
If mailing payment through Canada Post, send payment several days before the due date to allow for delivery. Payment must reach out offices by the due date to avoid penalty and interest charges.
Note: Do not send cash by mail. Cheques submitted for payment can not be retrieved or returned. Customers must contact their financial institution to place a stop payment on any cheque(s) they do not want to be cashed.
Property Tax, Utility and Parking Violation Inquiry & Payment Counters are open. Counters at Metro Hall remain closed.
You can make payment by cash, cheque, money order, or debit card. If making payment via drop box, cheque or money order is accepted.
Two ways to access your account information:
Sign-in to the Utility Account Lookup, access your account details, billing and payment information.
MyToronto Pay provides an easy way to manage bills and payments with the ability to save and use secure payment options.
Requests for refund or transfer of a credit balance due to an overpayment or a payment applied to a wrong account will require proof of payment. Fees may apply. If you have an outstanding balance on your account any applicable credit will be applied to your balance. If you own more than one property, available credits will be applied to outstanding balance(s) on any of your property tax accounts to bring account(s) up-to-date. Refunds will only be issued if your account(s) are paid in full.
Note: A printout of the payment history from the Utility Bill Lookup is not acceptable proof of payment.
Your property has undergone a change in ownership:
You are the Power of Attorney or the Executor of the Estate:
You are the tenant paying the utility bill and are not listed on the account:
You are the property owner and your tenant pays the utility bill:
To request a refund of an overpayment through the pre-authorized payment program, you have two options.
If you submitted a payment and it is not reflected on your utility account, contact your financial institution directly to investigate and locate your payment, or, provide proof of payment directly to the City.
For payment investigation inquiries please contact a customer service representative.
If any of your payments do not clear through your financial institution for reasons such as insufficient funds, the City will charge you a processing fee with penalty/interest for late payment. A letter will be mailed to you notifying you of the new account balance. Payment is due upon receipt of the letter.