The City is responsible for the collection of Provincial Offences Act (POA) fines. This includes fines that are partially paid and fines that are in default.
Every person convicted of an offence under the Provincial Offences Act is sent a Notice of Fine and Due Date by the City. A fine goes into default if it is not paid in full by the due date listed on the notice.
The City uses any of the following methods to collect defaulted POA fines:
You can pay your Provincial Offence online, in person or by mail
Serious legal consequences may result if you do not pay your fine on time:
No, there is no time limit. Statute of limitations does not apply to provincial fines.
Prior to a fine being issued, a ticket or a Summons is served by the police or other enforcement agency in order to notify the person or corporation of the charge. Tickets have a voluntary payment option with the total amount payable located on the front of the ticket and the instructions for payment located on the back of the ticket.
Summonses on the other hand require the person or corporation charged to appear on a future court date. A summons includes information about when and where a person must appear before the court
A Notice of Fine and Due Date is sent after the person or corporation is found guilty in court.
Prior to the enforcement of a license suspension, a courtesy notice is sent for all defaulted fines that are eligible for a driver’s license suspension.
A “collection demand letter” is sent for all defaulted fines regardless of the age of the fine.
City of Toronto will send a letter when collection steps are being taken that could directly affect the person or company’s assets (property, car, wages, bank accounts etc.).
When an unpaid defaulted fine is added to property tax bill, the amount will appear on your municipal tax bill.
The City of Toronto often uses collection agencies to help collect unpaid fines. If a collection agency has called you or sent you a letter, please call that collection agency directly. Collection agencies can answer questions about your unpaid fine.
If you have not been contacted by a collection agency, or if you have questions after contacting a collection agency, please call the City’s Court Services Collection Unit at 416-338-7320; please press 4 for collections. You can also find more information about your fine(s) on our Court Case Look Up page.
Agency | Toll-Free Telephone Number |
ARO Inc. | 1-866-285-7128 |
CBV Collections Services Ltd. | 1-844-528-0423 |
Collectcents Inc. – Credit Bureau of Canada Collections | 1-877-817-8767 |
International Credit Experts Inc. | 1-888-348-9587 |
Transworld Systems Canada | 1-888-688-7967 |
Financial Debt Recovery Ltd. | 1-844-228-5459 |
Gatestone & Co. | 1-866-238-2838 |
General Credit Services Inc. | 1-855-777-4274 |
Groupe Solution Collect Solo Inc. | 1-833-839-2404 |
MJR Capital Services Inc. | 1-877-669-4935 |
National Credit Recovery Inc. | 1-833-370-5149 |
Partners in Credit Inc. | 1-855-483-0981 |
If you feel your question has not been answered or you have a complaint or compliment, please follow the link to Court Services Complaint & Compliments.