The total payable amount includes a Set Fine under Schedule D of the Provincial Offences Act, a victim fine surcharge and applicable court costs.

The total amount payable for red light camera violations varies based on different factors. Penalty amounts include:

  • Base Penalty: Set based on Provincial Regulation.
  • Provincial Victim Component: A mandatory surcharge applied to support victims of crime.
  • Provincial Licence Plate Access Fee:  Charged to access provincial vehicle registration database.
  • Additional Fees: Administrative processing fees may be applicable as outlined below.
Fee Amount Description
Late Payment Fee $20.00 Added if a penalty order and fees are not paid within 60 calendar days after the penalty and fees become due and payable to the City of Toronto.
Screening Non-Appearance Fee $60.00 Added if you schedule an in-person screening review appointment with a screening officer and do not attend.
Hearing Non-Appearance Fee $60.00 Added if you schedule a hearing review with a hearing officer and do not attend.
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee $40.00 Added if you submit a payment and there are insufficient funds to cover the payment.
Photocopy/Screen Print Fee (per page) $1.21 For photocopies or screen prints of images stored in City databases.
Digital/Paper Recording Fees Various There is a fee if you would like a compact disc (CD) copy of a digital recording of a hearing review before a hearing officer (if available):

  • Single day’s digital recording: $24.81
  • Each additional day’s recording (if the request is made at the same time as a request for a single day’s recording): $12.40
  • A paper copy of a transcript: $7.44 per page
Industry Processing Fee (credit payments) Various (2.35%) Industry processing fees will be included on credit card online:

  • credit card: 2.35 per cent of the payment amount