The City of Toronto has four accountability officers that help ensure your local government remains open and transparent.

The City’s accountability offices were instituted over a number of years, starting with the Auditor General in 2002, followed by the Integrity Commissioner in 2004. After the Province of Ontario granted further oversight authority, the City put in place the final elements of its accountability framework with the establishment of the Lobbyist Registrar in 2007 and the Ombudsman in 2008.


Auditor General

The Auditor General assists City Council in holding itself and staff accountable to taxpayers of the City of Toronto. This includes reviews of City services and how public funds are used.

Integrity Commissioner

The Integrity Commissioner oversees the conduct and ethical behaviour of City Councillors and Members of local boards.

Lobbyist Registrar

The Lobbyist Registrar ensures the public disclosure of lobbying activities and oversees the regulation of lobbyists' conduct.

Ombudsman Toronto

Ombudsman Toronto listens to and investigates complaints and concerns about City administration and unfairness in the delivery of City services.