The Toronto Public Service By-Law establishes the role of Ethics Executives to promote and support an ethical workplace culture. This information will assist employees to identify their Ethics Executive, and to understand when to seek advice about ethical matters.

Questions & Answers

Who is my Ethics Executive?

Position Ethics Executive
Divisional employees Division Head
Division Heads Relevant reporting authority (Deputy City Managers, City Manager, Chief Corporate Officer)
Deputy City Managers and Deputy City Manager/Chief Financial Officer City Manager
City Solicitor and City Clerk City Manager and/or Integrity Commissioner
City Manager City Solicitor and/or Integrity Commissioner
Agency Employees Agency Head and other senior position(s) designated by the Agency Head
Agency Head City Manager, Integrity Commissioner and/or Board Chair


When should I consult my supervisor/manager and when should I consult my Ethics Executive?

Members of the public service are encouraged to seek advice from their direct supervisor and/or manager on ethical matters related to Conflict of Interest and Political Activity. However, you can go to your Ethics Executive for additional advice or you can choose to go directly to your Ethics Executive instead of your supervisor/Manager.

Your Supervisor/Manager may also seek advice from their Ethics Executive if they cannot advise you right away.

Do I have to consult with my Ethics Executive?

No, you are not obligated to consult with your Ethics Executive. They are available to you as a resource on conflict of interest and political activity matters.

Should I go to my Ethics Executive for advice regarding a disclosure of wrongdoing?

You can seek advice or clarification from your Ethics Executive about the Disclosure of Wrongdoing and Reprisal Protection provisions. However, when you suspect wrongdoing it is important to disclose it in a timely manner.

Suspected wrongdoing can be reported to your Supervisor/Manager, Director, Division Head or Deputy City Manager. You can also report anonymously through mechanisms provided by the City or your agency.

Am I required to follow the advice of my supervisor/manager or Ethics Executive?

Your supervisor, manager or Ethics Executive will provide you advice and guidance to help you make your decision. They will not make the decision on your behalf.

I was advised by the City’s Political Activity Self-Assessment Tool to seek the advice of a supervisor/manager or Ethics Executive about my intended actions during the upcoming election. Am I required to do so?

Your supervisor, manager or Ethics Executive will provide you with advice and guidance to help you make your decision. They will not make the decision on your behalf. The City has prepared a short overview of the Political Activity Self-Assessment Tool to help both users and supervisors, managers and Ethics Executive members better understand this staff support.