- Submission must contain some clear Toronto content (this may be reflected in the themes, settings, subjects, etc.), but authors do not necessarily have to reside in Toronto.
- Books must be published between May 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024. Fiction and non-fiction books published in English for adults and/or children that are evocative of Toronto.
- There are no separate categories: novels, short story collections, books of poetry, books on history, politics and social issues, biographies, books about sports, children’s and young adult books, graphic novels and photographic collections are judged together.
- The work should be accessible to a general reading audience (i.e., not written for a specialized or academic audience).
- Ebooks, textbooks, self-published works and ghostwritten works are not eligible.
- Reprinted material will be considered provided it is augmented by new, original work.
- Publish books based on an editorial selection process.
- Be committed to a sustained book publishing program, consisting of titles by a variety of authors. Self-published books are not eligible.
- Pay royalties or financially compensate the author, illustrator or translator for any submitted title.
- Publish no more than 25 per cent each year of works by owners, family or employees of the publishing house.
- Publishers must guarantee their author’s participation in at least two of three official Toronto Book Awards events.
- Publishers must include a brief description of how/why the book is evocative of Toronto.
- There are no entry forms to complete.
- Submit six copies of the book you consider eligible, along with your name, address, phone number and email address to the submission contact below.
- Submission must include a brief description of how/why the book is evocative of Toronto.
Send your submission to:
Christopher Jones
Cultural Development Officer
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West
East Tower, 9th floor
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2