Ontario’s Immunization of School Pupils Act requires that students be vaccinated or have a valid exemption. Overall, immunization rates in Toronto schools are high and help to keep students safe by preventing outbreaks in schools.

2023 to 2024 School Year

  • Shared below is a summary of vaccination compliance for Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Meningococcal vaccine by birth cohort and school board, compared to the pre-pandemic coverage rates from August 2018.
  • Toronto Public Health continues to address immunization gaps in the student population and promote catch-up to increase population-level protection. We plan to share updated compliance rates by school in summer 2024.

School Immunization Program Vaccination Compliance for Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Meningococcal

Comparison of pre-pandemic vaccine coverage rates to compliance rates following the pandemic

Cohort Hepatitis B vaccine

Coverage (%)

Human Papillomavirus vaccine

Coverage (%)

Meningococcal Quadrivalent vaccine

Coverage (%)

Pre-Pandemic Grade 7 (2005 birth year) cohort, as of August 2018 after 2017-18 school-based vaccination program1 77.2% 65.8% 85.5%
Post-Pandemic Cohorts

Hepatitis B vaccine

Median School Compliance (%)

Human Papillomavirus vaccine

Median School Compliance (%)

Meningococcal Quadrivalent vaccine

Median School Compliance (%)

2006-2008 birth cohort
(Grades 10-12 in 2023-24 school year)
57.1% 50.0% 77.5%

Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)

60.2% 51.2% 77.6%

Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

55.5% 49.5% 77.3%
2010 birth cohort
(Grade 8 in 2023-24 school year)
66.7% 61.0% 75.7%


66.7% 61.4% 76.1%


66.7% 60.3% 75.3%

1As of August 2018. The 2017-18 post-program coverage data is at the individual level representing the coverage of Grade 7 students (born in 2005).

Technical notes

  • The data was taken on September 26, 2023 from Panorama, the provincial information system used for tracking immunizations.
  • Students were compliant for a vaccine if: their status was not eligible, due, or overdue for that vaccine, OR they had an exemption.
  • Compliance is assessed as a student’s vaccine status at a point in time, not series completion. Since compliance is captured at a point in time, some students may not have been eligible for their next dose. Eligibility for a dose can be based on time since first dose in a two-dose series. Therefore, if the appropriate interval following the first dose has elapsed, a student may become non-compliant after the date of data extraction.
  • Data extraction was done prior to board uploads for the 2023-2024 school year. This means that data quality could be less accurate than after the board uploads for the number of compliant students at each school. This could lead to over and under-estimation of compliance. A list of active schools (updated in September 2023) from the Ministry of Education was used to include active schools with the grades and cohorts of interest. Schools that did not match the birth cohort were excluded (for example elementary schools were excluded for the secondary school cohort).
  • The 2006-2008 birth cohort (grades 10-12) is comprised of 139 secondary schools: 36 with the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) and 103 with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). The 2010 birth cohort (Grade 8) is comprised of 389 elementary schools: 166 with the TCDSB and 223 with the TDSB.
  • Additional information about child and youth compliance rates were reviewed by the Toronto Board of Health.
  • Overall coverage rate for diphtheria, tetanus, polio vaccine is 89 per cent with 1.7 per cent for philosophical/religious exemptions.
  • Overall coverage rate for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is 94 per cent with 1.7 per cent for philosophical/religious exemptions.

Technical Notes

  • The data was taken on August 1, 2019 from Panorama, the provincial information system used for tracking immunizations.
  • The data captures immunization coverage rates of Toronto students, ages seven to 17 (born between 2001 and 2011) by school, for the 2018/19 school year.
  • The immunization coverage rate is expressed as a proportion of students, who were complete for their age, for the particular vaccine antigens amongst all the students enrolled in the school for the 2018/19 school year.
  • Percentages for the schools may not add up to 100 as the difference represents individuals that are not complete for age with their vaccinations or have a medical or administrative exemption.
  • Only the four publicly funded school boards in Toronto are included in this report. However, adult learning centres and schools with 10 or fewer students enrolled are excluded.
  • For a print version PDF of this data, download the PDF.

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Search for Immunization Coverage Rate by School

The table below shows the immunization rates for 2018/2019 for the following vaccines:

  • diphtheria, tetanus, polio vaccine
  • measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine

* Exemption rates in this table applies only to philosophical/religious exemptions.

School Name Enrolled Population Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio Vaccine Coverage Rate (%) Diphtheria,
Tetanus, Polio
Exemption Rate*
MMR Vaccine
Coverage Rate
MMR Vaccine
Rate* (%)
A Y Jackson S.S. 1027 89 1.1 96.5 1.1
Académie Alexandre-Dumas 129 86.8 1.6 89.1 1.6
Adam Beck Jr P.S. 309 96.1 3.6 95.8 3.6
Africentric Alternative School 77 71.4 20.8 72.7 20.8
Agincourt C.I. 1241 87.3 1 98.1 1
Agincourt Jr P.S. 141 99.3 0 98.6 0
Agnes MacPhail P.S. 207 94.7 0 96.6 0
Albert Campbell C.I. 1072 88.2 0.4 96.8 0.4
Albion Heights JMS 294 93.9 0.7 97.3 1
Alexander Muir/Gladstone Ave Jr & Sr P.S. 324 90.7 1.9 94.4 1.9
Alexander Stirling P.S. 261 92.7 0.8 93.5 0.8
Alexmuir Jr P.S. 226 96.9 0.4 98.2 0.4
All Saints C.S. 643 87.4 3.3 91 3.3
Allenby Jr P.S. 524 95.8 2.5 96.6 2.5
Alpha Alternative Jr School 49 75.5 22.4 77.6 22.4
Alpha II Alternative School 19 52.6 15.8 68.4 15.8
Alternative Scarborough Education 1 15 86.7 0 100 0
Alvin Curling P.S. 383 94.5 1.8 95.8 1.8
Amesbury Middle School 268 92.2 1.1 95.9 1.1
Ancaster P.S. 57 89.5 0 91.2 0
Annette Street Jr & Sr P.S. 384 92.2 2.3 95.3 2.3
Annunciation C.S. 253 87 2 89.7 2
Anson Park P.S. 162 92.6 0.6 93.2 0.6
Anson S Taylor Jr P.S. 122 100 0 100 0
Arbor Glen P.S. 185 97.3 1.1 96.2 1.1
Armour Heights P.S. 179 95.5 2.8 95 2.8
Avondale Alternative Elementary 94 90.4 6.4 92.6 6.4
Avondale P.S. 221 93.7 1.4 91.4 1.4
Avondale Secondary Alternative 37 73 2.7 89.2 2.7
Bala Avenue Community School 129 97.7 0 97.7 0
Balmy Beach Community School 252 96 2.8 96.8 2.8
Banting and Best P.S. 218 96.8 0 97.2 0
Baycrest P.S. 81 87.7 8.6 85.2 8.6
Bayview Middle School 443 94.6 0.5 95 0.5
Beaches Alternative Jr 44 79.5 18.2 81.8 18.2
Beaumonde Heights JMS 430 95.6 0.7 95.6 0.7
Bedford Park P.S. 534 95.5 2.2 97 2.2
Bellmere Jr P.S. 237 96.2 1.3 95.4 1.3
Ben Heppner Vocal Music Academy 45 84.4 11.1 82.2 11.1
Bendale Business & Technical Institute 285 84.2 2.8 96.5 2.8
Bendale Jr P.S. 238 99.2 0 98.3 0
Bennington Heights Elementary 129 99.2 0.8 98.4 0.8
Berner Trail Jr P.S. 158 98.1 0 96.8 0
Bessborough Dr. EMS 419 91.9 2.1 96.4 2.1
Beverley Heights Middle School 434 85.5 1.6 91.7 1.6
Beverley School 64 84.4 4.7 87.5 4.7
Beverly Glen Jr P.S. 284 97.9 1.4 98.6 1.4
Birch Cliff Heights P.S. 188 96.3 0.5 97.9 0.5
Birch Cliff P.S. 270 92.6 2.2 95.9 2.2
Birchmount Park C.I. 833 85.1 0.8 96.2 0.8
Bishop Allen Academy Catholic S.S. 1540 85.1 2.3 93.6 2.2
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic S.S. 686 81 0.7 91.3 0.7
Blacksmith P.S. 93 92.5 1.1 95.7 1.1
Blake Street Jr P.S. 200 96 2.5 96.5 2.5
Blantyre P.S. 194 93.8 3.6 93.8 3.6
Blaydon P.S. 99 93.9 1 92.9 1
Blessed Cardinal Newman C.S. 973 84.8 1 96.1 0.9
Blessed Margherita of Citta Castello C.S. 241 90 0.4 93.8 0.4
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati C.S. 224 90.2 1.3 91.1 1.3
Blessed Pope Paul Vi C.S. 228 87.7 0 90.4 0
Blessed Sacrament C.S. 400 89.3 2.8 91 2.8
Blessed Trinity C.S. 158 89.2 1.9 90.5 1.9
Bliss Carman Senior P.S. 281 85.8 1.8 93.6 1.8
Bloor C.I. 834 87.4 2 96.6 2
Bloordale Middle School 368 89.4 3.5 95.7 3.5
Bloorlea Middle School 286 92.3 2.4 95.5 2.4
Blythwood Jr P.S. 269 97 2.6 96.7 2.2
Bowmore Road Jr & Sr P.S. 705 92.2 3.1 95.7 3
Boys’ Leadership Academy 47 89.4 2.1 93.6 2.1
Braeburn Jr School 93 95.7 1.1 92.5 1.1
Brebeuf College School 852 81.6 1.1 90.6 1.1
Brian P.S. 206 93.7 2.4 93.7 2.4
Briarcrest Jr School 189 95.8 3.2 95.8 2.6
Bridlewood Jr P.S. 147 93.2 2 91.8 2
Brimwood Boulevard Jr P.S. 234 97.9 0.4 98.7 0.4
Broadacres Jr P.S. 236 94.9 3.4 95.8 3.4
Broadlands P.S. 341 94.1 5.3 93.5 5.3
Brock P.S. 204 90.7 2.9 93.6 2.9
Brookhaven P.S. 216 97.2 0.9 97.7 0.9
Brookmill Boulevard Jr P.S. 152 100 0 98 0
Brookside P.S. 532 94.2 0.2 97.6 0.2
Brookview Middle School 421 88.1 0.5 93.1 0.5
Brown Jr P.S. 362 92.8 2.2 94.2 2.2
Bruce Jr P.S. 138 95.7 1.4 97.1 1.4
Buchanan P.S. 226 92.9 2.7 94.2 2.7
Burrows Hall Jr P.S. 138 96.4 0.7 98.6 0.7
C D Farquharson Jr P.S. 225 97.3 0 99.1 0
C R Marchant Middle School 419 92.1 2.4 92.6 2.4
C W Jefferys C.I. 738 85.6 1.5 93.6 1.5
Calico P.S. 162 85.8 3.1 89.5 3.1
Cameron P.S. 177 97.2 2.3 96 2.3
Canadian Martyrs C.S. 243 88.1 0.4 87.7 0.4
Cardinal Carter Academy for The Arts 780 83.2 2.7 96.3 2.8
Cardinal Leger C.S. 224 91.1 0.4 93.8 0.4
Carleton Village Jr and Sr P.S. 227 94.3 2.6 93 2.6
Cassandra P.S. 166 97.6 1.8 97.6 1.8
Cedar Drive Jr P.S. 419 96.4 0.7 95.5 0.7
Cedarbrae C.I. 1019 85 1.2 94.9 1.1
Cedarbrook P.S. 391 95.4 2 96.2 2
Cedarvale Community School 293 95.2 2.7 94.9 2.7
Centennial Road Jr P.S. 161 97.5 2.5 96.9 2.5
Central Etobicoke High School 80 73.8 8.8 88.8 8.8
Central Technical School 724 82.5 3.2 92.3 2.9
Central Toronto Academy 503 78.5 4 88.5 4
Chalkfarm P.S. 139 89.9 1.4 90.6 1.4
Chaminade College School 913 89.6 1 97.8 1
Charles E Webster P.S. 311 95.8 1 96.8 1
Charles G Fraser Jr P.S. 138 92.8 2.2 94.9 2.2
Charles Gordon Senior P.S. 328 87.8 2.1 94.5 2.1
Charles H Best Middle School 347 86.7 1.7 89.3 1.7
Charlottetown Jr P.S. 260 95 4.6 95 4.6
Chartland Jr P.S. 117 98.3 0.9 95.7 0.9
Cherokee P.S. 112 93.8 3.6 94.6 3.6
Chester Elementary School 277 96.8 1.8 96.8 1.8
Chester Le Jr P.S. 87 87.4 5.7 88.5 5.7
Chief Dan George P.S. 231 94.4 0.9 96.5 0.9
Chine Drive P.S. 106 93.4 4.7 92.5 4.7
Church Street Jr P.S. 188 90.4 1.1 90.4 1.1
Churchill Heights P.S. 306 97.1 1 98 1
Churchill P.S. 234 96.2 2.1 94.9 2.1
City School 81 79 11.1 87.7 11.1
City View Alternative Sr 54 77.8 20.4 79.6 20.4
Claireville Jr School 144 97.2 1.4 94.4 1.4
Clairlea P.S. 415 92.5 2.9 95.2 2.9
Claude Watson School for The Arts 300 94.3 3 96.7 3
Cliffside P.S. 142 97.2 1.4 95.8 1.4
Cliffwood P.S. 198 97 1 96.5 1
Clinton Street Jr P.S. 273 95.6 2.9 96 2.6
Collège Français Élémentaire 118 70.3 3.4 79.7 3.4
Collège Français Secondaire 154 77.9 4.5 87 4.5
Contact Alternative School 35 68.6 5.7 94.3 5.7
Cordella Jr P.S. 77 94.8 2.6 93.5 2.6
Cornell Jr P.S. 464 96.3 0.2 95.9 0.2
Corvette Jr P.S. 349 94.6 0.9 95.4 0.9
Cosburn Middle School 641 91.6 1.9 96.7 1.9
Cottingham Jr P.S. 100 96 3 96 3
Courcelette P.S. 215 91.2 6.5 93 6.5
Crescent Town Elementary 258 93.4 1.2 95 1.2
Cresthaven P.S. 167 95.2 3.6 95.2 3.6
Crestview P.S. 177 98.3 0 96.6 0
Cummer Valley Middle School 418 97.4 0.2 94.5 0.2
D A Morrison Middle School 426 92.5 2.1 95.1 2.3
Da Vinci School 47 57.4 36.2 59.6 36.2
Dallington P.S. 273 96.3 1.8 97.1 1.8
Danforth C. I. and Technical School 945 86.8 2.2 96.4 2.2
Danforth Gardens P.S. 356 93.3 0.8 92.1 0.8
Dante Alighieri Academy 785 82.2 0.6 92.6 0.6
D’Arcy McGee C.S. 217 94.5 0 95.4 0
David and Mary Thomson C.I. 937 87 1 94.7 1
David Hornell Jr School 140 91.4 4.3 91.4 4.3
David Lewis P.S. 344 95.1 0 95.9 0
Davisville Jr P.S. 304 96.1 2 95.7 2
Daystrom P.S. 235 96.6 0 98.3 0
Deer Park Jr & Sr P.S. 404 91.6 3.2 94.1 3.2
Delphi Secondary Alternative 84 79.8 3.6 94 3.6
Delta Senior Alternative 60 88.3 10 88.3 10
Denlow P.S. 259 96.5 3.1 96.5 2.7
Dennis Avenue Community School 54 90.7 3.7 94.4 3.7
Derrydown P.S. 231 94.8 2.2 94.8 2.2
Dewson Street Jr P.S. 300 93.3 5.3 93.7 5.3
Diefenbaker Elementary 247 91.9 4.5 94.7 4.5
Dixon Grove JMS 594 89.9 0.3 93.9 0.3
Don Mills C.I. 935 86.5 1.9 95.7 1.9
Don Mills Middle School 409 88.8 2.4 93.4 2.4
Don Valley Jr H.S. 363 92.6 0.6 96.4 0.6
Donview Middle Health & Wellness Academy 356 85.4 1.7 92.4 1.7
Donwood Park Jr P.S. 449 90.9 2.2 91.5 2.2
Dorset Park P.S. 159 91.8 0.6 96.2 0.6
Dovercourt P.S. 293 91.8 2.7 93.2 2.7
Downsview P.S. 121 95.9 1.7 95 1.7
Downsview S.S. 501 79.2 2 90.2 2
Downtown Alternative School 66 92.4 6.1 90.9 6.1
Downtown Vocal Music Academy of Toronto 47 87.2 6.4 89.4 6.4
Dr Marion Hilliard Sr P.S. 269 89.6 1.5 96.3 1.5
Dr Norman Bethune C.I. 932 90.1 0.2 98 0.2
Drewry S.S. 49 81.6 2 89.8 2
Driftwood P.S. 240 90.4 0.4 92.1 0.4
Dublin Heights EMS 631 91 3.3 91.9 3.5
Duke of Connaught Jr & Sr P.S. 695 94.2 3 96 3
Dundas Jr P.S. 206 95.1 2.4 94.2 2.4
Dunlace P.S. 209 96.7 1.9 95.7 1.9
Earl Beatty Jr & Sr P.S. 277 95.3 4.3 94.9 4.3
Earl Grey Sr P.S. 452 89.6 2.4 96.7 2.4
Earl Haig P.S. 372 94.4 2.4 96.8 2.4
Earl Haig S.S. 1810 87.3 1.2 96.6 1.2
East Alternative School of Toronto 62 91.9 3.2 96.8 3.2
East York Alternative S.S. 60 90 0 100 0
East York C.I. 1003 85.6 2.6 94.9 2.5
Eastdale C.I. 95 84.2 1.1 96.8 1.1
Eastview P.S. 226 86.3 0 89.4 0
Eatonville Junior School 131 96.2 0 95.4 0
École Élémentaire Charles-Sauriol 205 84.9 0.5 86.8 0.5
École Élémentaire Étienne-Brûlé 151 76.8 1.3 86.1 1.3
École Élémentaire Félix-Leclerc 124 79 5.6 80.6 5.6
École Élémentaire Gabrielle-Roy 159 85.5 2.5 85.5 2.5
École Élémentaire Jeanne-Lajoie 252 82.1 0.8 85.7 0.8
École Élémentaire La Mosaïque 273 88.6 5.5 90.8 5.1
École Élémentaire Laure-Rièse 174 78.7 3.4 78.2 3.4
École Élémentaire Mathieu-Da-Costai 102 76.5 0 85.3 0
École Élémentaire Micheline-Saint-Cyr 49 81.6 0 71.4 0
École Élémentaire Paul-Demers 66 53 1.5 60.6 1.5
École Élémentaire Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau 213 89.2 4.2 86.9 4.2
École Élémentaire Toronto Ouest 156 80.8 2.6 90.4 2.6
École Secondaire Étienne-Brûlé 281 81.9 2.5 92.9 2.5
École Secondaire Toronto Ouest 153 85 2.6 92.8 2.6
Edgewood P.S. 119 98.3 0 98.3 0
ÉÉC Du Sacré-Coeur-Toronto 69 88.4 0 89.9 0
ÉÉC Georges-Étienne-Cartier 233 88.8 0.9 91 0.9
ÉÉC Notre-Dame-De-Grâce – Toronto 105 85.7 1.9 86.7 1.9
ÉÉC Sainte-Madeleine 156 89.1 0.6 90.4 0.6
ÉÉC Sainte-Marguerite-D’Youville 215 87.4 3.7 86.5 3.7
ÉÉC Saint-Jean-De-Lalande 76 88.2 2.6 88.2 2.6
ÉÉC Saint-Michel-Toronto 100 87 1 90 1
ÉÉC Saint-Noël-Chabanel-Toronto 98 85.7 1 85.7 1
Eglinton Jr P.S. 280 94.3 2.1 93.6 2.1
ÉIC Monseigneur-De-Charbonnel 62 88.7 3.2 90.3 3.2
ÉIC Père-Philippe-Lamarche 74 93.2 0 93.2 0
ÉIC Saint-Frère-André 74 87.8 4.1 87.8 4.1
Elia Middle School 290 88.3 0.3 94.5 0.3
Elizabeth Simcoe Jr P.S. 203 94.1 5.4 94.6 5.4
Elkhorn P.S. 243 96.7 2.5 96.3 2.5
Ellesmere-Statton P.S. 460 91.5 0.9 94.8 0.9
Elmbank JMA 245 95.1 2.4 95.5 2.4
Elmlea Jr School 229 88.6 3.1 89.1 3.1
Emery C.I. 484 85.5 1.2 93.8 1.2
Emily Carr P.S. 229 96.9 1.3 97.4 1.3
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy 141 81.6 0 86.5 0
Equinox Holistic Alternative 132 78 22 78 22
Ernest P.S. 69 95.7 1.4 91.3 1.4
ÉSC Monseigneur-de-Charbonnel 140 81.4 2.1 96.4 2.1
ÉSC Père-Philippe-Lamarche 81 80.2 0 93.8 0
ÉSC Saint-Frère-André 142 81 3.5 94.4 3.5
Essex Jr & Sr P.S. 208 85.6 3.4 90.9 3.4
Étienne Brûlé Jr School 105 96.2 2.9 94.3 2.9
Etobicoke C.I. 957 86.4 1.8 96.6 1.8
Etobicoke School of The Arts 929 80.1 4.3 93.4 4.3
Etobicoke Year Round Alternative Centre 26 88.5 3.8 96.2 3.8
F H Miller Jr P.S. 77 92.2 2.6 93.5 2.6
Fairbank JMS 230 87.4 3 91.7 3
Fairbank Memorial Community School 78 92.3 0 93.6 0
Fairglen Jr P.S. 236 97.5 0 99.2 0
Fairmount P.S. 308 95.1 1.6 96.4 1.6
Father Henry Carr Catholic S.S. 850 83.8 0.5 94.5 0.5
Father John Redmond Catholic S.S. 1187 83 3 94.4 3
Father Serra C.S. 386 88.9 3.4 92.7 3.4
Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 324 91.4 4.6 88.9 4.6
Fenside P.S. 124 91.9 0.8 94.4 0.8
Fern Avenue Jr & Sr P.S. 545 92.5 2.6 96.5 2.6
Finch P.S. 151 92.7 2.6 92.7 2.6
Firgrove P.S. 208 93.3 0 94.2 0
Fisherville Sr P.S. 159 79.2 1.3 83 1.3
Fleming P.S. 192 98.4 0 99.5 0
Flemington P.S. 133 97.7 0 96.2 0
Forest Hill C.I. 928 87 1.3 96 1.3
Forest Hill Jr & Sr P.S. 675 95 1.6 95 1.6
Forest Manor P.S. 393 93.9 0.3 94.7 0.3
Francis Libermann Catholic H.S. 878 86 0.8 95.4 0.8
Frank Oke S.S. 74 82.4 2.7 97.3 2.7
Frankland Community School 233 93.6 3.4 94 3.4
Galloway Road P.S. 148 89.2 1.4 92.6 1.4
Garden Avenue Jr P.S. 172 97.7 2.3 95.9 2.3
Gateway P.S. 522 93.9 1.7 93.1 1.7
General Brock P.S. 302 94 1.7 94 1.7
General Crerar P.S. 285 93.3 2.1 96.1 2.1
General Mercer Jr P.S. 130 90.8 4.6 90.8 4.6
George Anderson P.S. 91 100 0 96.7 0
George B Little P.S. 294 95.2 0.3 96.3 0.3
George Harvey C.I. 401 80 0.7 85.8 0.7
George P Mackie Jr P.S. 77 93.5 5.2 93.5 5.2
George Peck P.S. 187 90.4 1.1 93.6 0.5
George R Gauld Jr School 75 96 0 100 0
George S Henry Academy 338 81.1 1.2 92.3 1.2
George Syme Community School 226 92 2.2 93.8 2.2
George Webster Elementary 538 87.7 0.7 90 0.7
Georges Vanier S.S. 747 76.2 0.3 86.1 0.3
Givins/Shaw Jr P.S. 194 92.8 3.6 93.3 3.6
Glamorgan Jr P.S. 327 97.6 0 96.9 0
Gledhill Jr P.S. 258 96.1 2.7 96.9 2.7
Glen Ames Sr P.S. 414 90.8 1.7 97.6 1.7
Glen Park P.S. 307 96.4 2.9 96.1 2.9
Glen Ravine Jr P.S. 179 98.9 0.6 98.9 0.6
Glenview Sr P.S. 768 90.9 1 98 1
Golf Road Jr P.S. 190 98.4 0 99.5 0
Gordon A Brown Middle School 368 90.5 4.1 94 4.1
Gosford P.S. 150 95.3 0 98 0
Gracedale P.S. 363 93.9 1.1 93.7 1.1
Gracefield P.S. 140 90.7 0.7 94.3 0.7
Greenholme JMS 234 96.2 0 98.7 0
Greenland P.S. 81 96.3 2.5 95.1 2.5
Greenwood S.S. 123 61.8 0 64.2 0
Grenoble P.S. 623 95.5 0.8 95.5 0.8
Grey Owl Jr P.S. 143 91.6 2.8 91.6 2.8
Guildwood Jr P.S. 63 92.1 7.9 92.1 7.9
Gulfstream P.S. 435 91.3 1.1 94 1.1
H A Halbert Jr P.S. 136 95.6 0.7 96.3 0.7
H J Alexander Community School 304 91.8 1.6 91.4 1.6
Harbord C.I. 1014 84.4 2.9 96.1 2.9
Harrison P.S. 102 97.1 1 97.1 1
Harwood P.S. 130 90.8 0.8 96.2 0.8
Hawthorne II Bilingual Alternative Jr 119 93.3 5.9 92.4 5.9
Heather Heights Jr P.S. 118 94.1 0.8 92.4 0.8
Henry Hudson Senior P.S. 287 92.7 0.7 96.9 0.7
Henry Kelsey Senior P.S. 298 94 0.3 98.3 0.3
Heritage Park P.S. 237 95.4 0.8 95.4 0.8
Heydon Park S.S. 91 75.8 2.2 97.8 2.2
High Park Alternative Jr 96 82.3 13.5 84.4 13.5
Highcastle P.S. 225 97.8 0.4 97.3 0.4
Highfield Jr School 381 93.4 0.5 93.4 0.5
Highland Creek P.S. 138 97.1 0.7 96.4 0.7
Highland Heights Jr P.S. 115 96.5 0.9 96.5 0.9
Highland Jr High School 482 94 1 96.9 1
Highview P.S. 101 89.1 0 90.1 0
Hillcrest Community School 224 94.2 4.5 94.2 4.5
Hillmount P.S. 121 93.4 2.5 94.2 2.5
Hilltop Middle School 558 91.9 3.6 94.3 3.6
Hodgson Sr P.S. 528 93.9 2.7 95.6 2.7
Hollycrest Middle School 475 90.7 3.4 94.3 3.4
Hollywood P.S. 224 97.3 0.9 97.3 0.9
Holy Angels C.S. 368 88 2.2 90.2 2.2
Holy Child C.S. 227 87.7 0 91.2 0
Holy Cross C.S. 239 87.4 0.8 88.3 0.8
Holy Family C.S. 167 82 1.2 83.2 1.2
Holy Name C.S. 234 87.6 1.7 91 1.7
Holy Rosary C.S. 193 87.6 1.6 87.6 1.6
Holy Spirit C.S. 324 84.3 0 85.8 0
Horizon Alternative Sr School 67 85.1 7.5 91 7.5
Howard Jr P.S. 328 94.8 4.3 94.8 4.3
Humber Summit Middle School 450 88.4 1.1 90.7 1.1
Humber Valley Village JMS 291 91.1 5.5 92.8 5.5
Humbercrest P.S. 494 94.5 2.6 96.4 2.6
Humberside C.I. 1195 84.1 2.6 96.2 2.6
Humberwood Downs JMA 554 95.8 0.4 96.4 0.4
Humewood Community School 410 93.7 3.9 95.1 3.7
Hunter’s Glen Jr P.S. 302 92.1 0.7 94.4 0.7
Huron Street Jr P.S. 202 93.6 4.5 95.5 4.5
Immaculate Conception C.S. 340 92.4 0 93.2 0
Immaculate Heart of Mary C.S. 120 90.8 1.7 90.8 1.7
Indian Road Crescent Jr P.S. 204 94.1 4.4 95.1 4.4
Inglenook Community School 50 78 4 88 6
Inglewood Heights Jr P.S. 140 91.4 1.4 90.7 1.4
Ionview P.S. 262 93.9 0 94.7 0
Iroquois Jr P.S. 240 99.2 0 99.2 0
Island Public/Natural Science School 154 95.5 3.2 96.1 3.2
Islington JMS 342 92.1 1.8 93 1.8
J B Tyrrell Sr P.S. 415 90.8 1.2 96.4 1.4
J G Workman P.S. 136 93.4 0 94.1 0
J R Wilcox Community School 186 94.6 2.7 93.5 2.7
Jack Miner Sr P.S. 197 93.4 1 97.5 1
Jackman Avenue Jr P.S. 414 94.4 4.1 94.4 4.3
James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic H.S. 794 76.8 0.4 85.1 0.4
James Culnan C.S. 346 91.3 0.6 93.6 0.6
James S Bell JMS 318 91.2 4.1 92.8 4.1
Jarvis C.I. 638 86.8 0.9 95.5 0.8
Jean Vanier Catholic S.S. 821 82.7 0.5 91.6 0.4
Jesse Ketchum Jr & Sr P.S. 345 89.6 3.2 90.7 3.2
John A Leslie P.S. 383 93 0.3 93.7 0.3
John Buchan Sr P.S. 184 90.2 0 94 0
John D Parker Jr School 253 97.6 0.4 96.4 0.4
John English JMS 698 91.7 3.6 93.6 3.6
John Fisher Jr P.S. 292 92.8 3.8 94.5 3.8
John G Althouse Middle School 480 93.1 2.9 96 2.9
John G Diefenbaker P.S. 171 94.7 2.9 96.5 2.9
John McCrae P.S. 404 93.3 1.5 94.8 1.5
John Polanyi C.I. 743 79.1 1.6 87.9 1.6
John Ross Robertson Jr P.S. 372 96.2 2.4 96.2 2.4
John Wanless Jr P.S. 443 98.9 1.1 98.6 1.1
Joseph Brant Sr P.S. 459 86.9 1.1 90.8 1.1
Joseph Howe Sr P.S. 392 91.3 1.5 97.4 1.5
Josyf Cardinal Slipyj C.S. 395 84.8 7.8 84.8 7.8
Joyce P.S. 154 98.7 0 95.5 0
Kapapamahchakwe – Wandering Spirit School 153 68 7.8 73.9 8.5
Karen Kain School of The Arts 172 86.6 8.7 90.7 8.7
Keele Street Jr P.S. 347 90.2 4 92.2 4
Keelesdale Jr P.S. 78 96.2 0 97.4 0
Kennedy P.S. 415 97.6 0 96.4 0
Kensington Community School 95 90.5 3.2 91.6 3.2
Kew Beach Jr P.S. 312 94.9 3.8 94.6 3.8
Kimberley Jr P.S. 160 100 0 100 0
King Edward Jr & Sr P.S. 499 90.6 2.6 95 2.6
King George Jr P.S. 123 95.9 2.4 94.3 2.4
Kingslake P.S. 128 94.5 2.3 91.4 2.3
Kingsview Village Jr School 260 83.8 2.3 87.7 2.3
Kipling C.I. 410 75.4 0.2 89.5 0.2
Knob Hill P.S. 366 93.2 0.3 93.4 0.3
Lakeshore C.I. 603 81.6 2.5 94 2.5
Lamberton P.S. 189 92.1 1.6 94.7 1.6
Lambton Kingsway JMS 463 91.6 3.9 94.2 3.5
Lambton Park Community School 79 72.2 0 74.7 0
L’amoreaux C.I. 443 81.3 1.4 90.7 1.4
Lanor JMS 218 94.5 3.7 95.4 3.7
Lawrence Heights Middle School 148 89.9 2.7 92.6 2.7
Lawrence Park C.I. 1178 85.3 2.4 97.3 2.3
Leaside High School 958 86.5 1.5 97.7 1.5
Ledbury Park EMS 384 94.3 1.3 94.3 1.3
Lescon P.S. 112 84.8 2.7 84.8 2.7
Leslieville Jr P.S. 231 95.7 0.9 97.4 0.9
Lester B Pearson C.I. 1291 88 0.7 98.3 0.7
Lester B Pearson Elementary 385 94.8 2.3 97.9 2.1
Lillian P.S. 138 98.6 0 96.4 0
Lord Dufferin Jr & Sr P.S. 306 95.8 0.7 96.7 0.7
Lord Lansdowne Jr P.S. 174 95.4 3.4 96 3.4
Lord Roberts Jr P.S. 252 96.4 0.4 96.8 0.4
Loretto Abbey Catholic S.S. 904 86.7 1.5 97.7 1.5
Loretto College School 418 84.9 0.5 96.9 0.5
Lucy Maud Montgomery P.S. 133 95.5 0 98.5 0
Lucy McCormick Sr School 51 33.3 5.9 80.4 5.9
Lynngate Jr P.S. 104 92.3 2.9 93.3 2.9
Lynnwood Heights Jr P.S. 101 92.1 2 93.1 2
Macklin P.S. 340 95 0.6 95.9 0.6
Madonna Catholic S.S. 634 84.2 0.2 92.9 0.2
Malvern C.I. 1107 85.2 2.8 96.1 2.8
Malvern Jr P.S. 236 96.2 0.8 95.8 0.8
Manhattan Park Jr P.S. 65 90.8 3.1 89.2 3.1
Maple Leaf P.S. 160 91.3 4.4 93.1 4.4
Maplewood High School 93 86 5.4 94.6 4.3
Marc Garneau C.I. 1629 83.2 0.6 95 0.6
Market Lane Jr & Sr P.S. 191 91.6 1.6 92.1 1.6
Marshall McLuhan Catholic S.S. 1032 87.3 0.7 96.1 0.7
Martingrove C.I. 1088 86.8 0.9 97.1 0.9
Mary Shadd P.S. 310 94.5 0.6 96.1 0.6
Mary Ward Catholic S.S. 1002 87.5 1.2 96.9 1.1
Maryvale P.S. 180 89.4 2.2 92.8 1.7
Mason Road Jr P.S. 209 89.5 0.5 90.4 0.5
Maurice Cody Jr P.S. 374 96 2.1 96.3 2.1
McKee P.S. 427 97.2 0.9 97.9 0.9
McMurrich Jr P.S. 350 92.9 4 93.1 4
Meadowvale P.S. 177 91 1.7 96 1.7
Melody Village Jr School 124 99.2 0.8 97.6 0.8
Michael Power/St Joseph H.S. 1818 84.6 2 95.5 2
Military Trail P.S. 319 90.3 0.6 91.2 0.6
Mill Valley Jr School 83 92.8 7.2 92.8 7.2
Milliken P.S. 184 96.2 1.6 96.7 1.6
Millwood Jr School 241 97.5 2.1 97.5 2.1
Milne Valley Middle School 575 89.4 1.6 93.7 1.6
Monarch Park C.I. 775 86.8 2.3 96 2.3
Monsignor Fraser College – Alternate Study 106 82.1 1.9 95.3 1.9
Monsignor Fraser College – Isabella 14 42.9 7.1 71.4 7.1
Monsignor Fraser College – Midland 16 87.5 0 100 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Midland North 28 89.3 0 96.4 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Midtown 26 69.2 0 96.2 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Norfinch 73 80.8 0 93.2 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Northeast 64 78.1 0 92.2 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Southwest 99 75.8 1 94.9 1
Monsignor Fraser College – St. Martin 16 62.5 0 100 0
Monsignor John Corrigan C.S. 158 87.3 0.6 88 0.6
Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic H.S. 936 84.9 0.9 94.7 0.9
Montrose Jr P.S. 112 99.1 0.9 98.2 0.9
Morrish P.S. 235 94.9 0.4 97.9 0.4
Morse Street Jr P.S. 323 96.6 1.9 96.9 1.9
Mother Cabrini C.S. 136 87.5 2.2 89 2.2
Mountview Alternative Jr 63 93.7 4.8 93.7 4.8
Muirhead P.S. 97 96.9 2.1 90.7 2.1
Native Learning Centre 15 66.7 6.7 86.7 6.7
Nativity of Our Lord C.S. 322 86 2.8 87.6 2.8
Neil McNeil High School 822 87.1 1.7 96.4 1.6
Nelson Mandela Park P.S. 234 94 2.1 94.9 2.1
Newtonbrook S.S. 749 80.6 1.7 89.9 1.7
Niagara Street Jr P.S. 125 92 1.6 96.8 1.6
Norman Cook Jr P.S. 83 95.2 1.2 96.4 1.2
Norman Ingram P.S. 109 92.7 3.7 94.5 3.7
Norseman JMS 581 92.9 2.1 96.7 2.1
North Agincourt Jr P.S. 267 97.4 1.1 98.1 1.1
North Albion C.I. 757 85.1 0.1 98 0
North Bendale Jr P.S. 75 90.7 2.7 94.7 2.7
North Bridlewood Jr P.S. 136 94.1 1.5 95.6 1.5
North East Year Round Alternative 29 86.2 3.4 93.1 3.4
North Kipling JMS 469 91.9 0.6 94.5 0.6
North Preparatory Jr P.S. 122 95.1 0.8 96.7 0.8
North Toronto C.I. 1286 86.2 1.2 97 1.2
North West Year Round Alternative 14 71.4 0 100 0
Northern S.S. 1678 85.3 3.1 95.8 3
Northlea EMS 560 95.9 1.6 97.7 1.6
Northview Heights S.S. 1490 84.6 1.1 93.7 1.1
Norway Jr P.S. 185 94.6 3.8 96.2 3.8
Notre Dame Catholic H.S. 656 84.6 0.3 96.5 0.3
Oakdale Park Middle School 417 91.6 0.7 95.2 0.7
Oakridge Jr P.S. 265 88.7 0.8 86 0.8
Oakwood C.I. 359 83.3 3.3 94.7 3.3
Oasis Alternative 72 75 9.7 88.9 9.7
O’Connor P.S. 80 86.3 0 91.3 0
Ogden Jr P.S. 116 96.6 0.9 94.8 0.9
Orde Street Jr P.S. 243 96.3 0.8 92.6 0.8
Oriole Park Jr P.S. 156 96.2 3.2 95.5 3.2
Ossington/Old Orchard Jr P.S. 188 95.7 3.2 95.2 3.2
Our Lady of Fatima C.S. 558 85.8 1.8 86.7 1.8
Our Lady of Grace C.S. 194 87.1 0.5 93.3 0.5
Our Lady of Guadalupe C.S. 121 83.5 0.8 84.3 0.8
Our Lady of Lourdes C.S. 383 86.7 0 87.5 0
Our Lady of Peace C.S. 458 88.9 3.3 93 3.3
Our Lady of Perpetual Help C.S. 244 93 0.4 92.2 0.4
Our Lady of Sorrows C.S. 577 90.5 2.4 92.5 2.4
Our Lady of The Assumption C.S. 284 77.8 1.1 75 1.1
Our Lady of Victory C.S. 485 86.6 0.2 88.7 0.2
Our Lady of Wisdom C.S. 236 88.1 3.8 91.1 3.8
Owen P.S. 331 95.2 1.5 94.9 1.5
Palmerston Avenue Jr P.S. 269 92.9 4.5 92.2 4.5
Pape Avenue Jr P.S. 230 96.5 2.2 97.4 2.2
Park Lane P.S. 47 55.3 0 74.5 0
Park Lawn JMS 383 92.7 3.7 93.5 3.7
Parkdale C.I. 493 84.8 1.4 95.7 1.4
Parkdale Jr & Sr P.S. 334 87.1 3.3 86.2 3.3
Parkfield Jr School 152 94.7 2 96.1 1.3
Parkside Elementary 101 94.1 0 96 0
Parkview Alternative 43 88.4 4.7 95.3 4.7
Pauline Johnson Jr P.S. 167 92.8 0.6 93.4 0.6
Pauline Jr P.S. 164 90.2 3 90.9 3
Pelmo Park P.S. 166 91.6 3 90.4 3
Percy Williams Jr P.S. 197 98.5 0 98.5 0
Perth Avenue Jr P.S. 175 92 4 90.3 4
Pierre Laporte Middle School 398 88.2 0.8 91.7 0.8
Pineway P.S. 76 90.8 1.3 89.5 1.3
Pleasant P.S. 272 95.2 3.3 93 3.3
Pleasant View Middle School 313 93.9 1.3 93.6 1.3
Pope Francis C.S. 184 89.1 0 91.3 0
Poplar Road Jr P.S. 159 97.5 1.3 98.1 1.3
Port Royal P.S. 243 95.5 0.8 96.3 0.8
Portage Trail Community Jr School 480 91.9 2.9 92.3 2.9
Precious Blood C.S. 327 85.6 0.9 87.5 0.9
Presteign Heights Elementary 135 94.8 4.4 94.1 4.4
Prince of Peace C.S. 230 90.9 0.9 93 0.9
Princess Margaret Jr School 209 89.5 1.4 90.4 1.9
Queen Alexandra Middle School 342 89.5 2.9 95 2.9
Queen Victoria Jr P.S. 586 89.4 3.1 92.5 3.1
Quest Alternative Sr 66 86.4 7.6 89.4 7.6
R H King Academy 1229 87.2 0.7 98 0.6
R H McGregor Elementary 409 96.3 1.2 96.1 1.2
R J Lang EMS 323 89.8 1.5 90.1 1.5
Ranchdale P.S. 124 96 0 96.8 0
Rawlinson Community School 501 93 2 95 2
Regal Road Jr P.S. 357 93.3 2.2 93.3 2.2
Regent Heights P.S. 371 91.4 0.5 91.1 0.5
Regina Mundi C.S. 280 88.2 1.1 91.4 1.1
Rene Gordon Health & Wellness Academy 161 95 1.2 94.4 1.2
Richview C.I. 1035 84.8 2.6 96.8 2.6
Rippleton P.S. 161 97.5 1.2 96.9 1.2
Rivercrest Jr School 118 94.1 2.5 91.5 2.5
Riverdale C.I. 1198 87.1 2.9 96.3 2.8
Robert Service Sr P.S. 166 88 0 97.6 0
Rockcliffe Middle School 296 88.9 2.4 95.3 2.4
Rockford P.S. 430 93.7 1.6 94.2 1.6
Roden P.S. 284 90.1 2.1 94.4 2.1
Rolph Road Elementary 235 97.4 1.7 97.4 1.7
Rose Avenue Jr P.S. 371 95.7 0 95.1 0
Rosedale Heights School of The Arts 1045 80.9 8.2 89.6 8.2
Rosedale Jr P.S. 151 98.7 0 98.7 0
Roselands Jr P.S. 200 95.5 2.5 94 2.5
Rosethorn Jr School 258 94.6 5 93.8 5
Rouge Valley P.S. 163 95.1 0.6 98.2 0.6
Roywood P.S. 104 92.3 2.9 91.3 2.9
Runnymede C.I. 522 85.4 1.7 96.7 1.7
Runnymede Jr & Sr P.S. 707 95.5 1.1 97.9 1.3
Ryerson Community School 309 81.9 1.9 85.1 1.9
Sacred Heart C.S. 194 84.5 1 88.7 1
Samuel Hearne P.S. 372 87.9 0.5 90.3 0.5
Santa Maria C.S. 161 90.1 0 91.3 0
Satec @ W A Porter C.I. 1181 88 0.3 96.4 0.3
Scarborough Village P.S. 140 91.4 0 95.7 0
School of Experiential Education 45 77.8 2.2 97.8 2.2
School of Life Experience 28 92.9 0 96.4 0
Second Street JMS 351 93.7 2.3 94.3 2.3
Secord Elementary 327 93 2.4 93.9 2.4
Seed Alternative 31 80.6 6.5 90.3 6.5
Selwyn Elementary 163 95.7 3.1 96.3 3.1
Senator O’Connor College 1321 85.5 1.3 94.7 1.3
Seneca Hill P.S. 195 99 0 98.5 0
Seneca School 56 91.1 3.6 94.6 3.6
Seventh Street Jr School 118 94.9 3.4 95.8 3.4
Shaughnessy P.S. 143 97.2 0 97.9 0
Sheppard P.S. 99 98 1 94.9 1
Shirley Street Jr P.S. 111 91.9 8.1 91.9 8.1
Shoreham P.S. 146 90.4 1.4 91.1 1.4
Silver Springs P.S. 250 96.4 0 96 0
Silverthorn C.I. 834 82 2.4 95.2 2.4
Silverthorn Community School 225 92.9 3.1 93.8 3.1
Sir Adam Beck Jr School 244 94.3 4.1 94.7 4.1
Sir Alexander Mackenzie Sr P.S. 396 89.9 1.3 97.5 1.3
Sir Ernest Macmillan Sr P.S. 370 89.5 1.4 96.8 1.4
Sir John A Macdonald C.I. 1094 85.7 1.5 95.4 1.3
Sir Oliver Mowat C.I. 1048 86.5 2 97.1 2
Sir Samuel B Steele Jr P.S. 234 97 0.9 97 0.9
Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. 1319 87.2 1.1 97.3 1.1
Sir William Osler H.S. 110 87.3 0.9 93.6 0.9
Sloane P.S. 144 95.8 0 96.5 0
Smithfield Middle School 631 93.5 0.3 98.1 0.3
South East Year Round Alternative 27 92.6 0 100 0
Spectrum Alternative Sr 60 88.3 8.3 91.7 8.3
Sprucecourt Jr P.S. 194 92.8 1 96.9 1
St Agatha C.S. 282 89 1.1 91.5 1.1
St Agnes C.S. 241 81.3 2.1 81.3 2.1
St Aidan C.S. 220 88.6 0.5 91.8 0.5
St Albert C.S. 317 89.3 0.9 91.5 0.9
St Alphonsus C.S. 165 84.2 1.2 86.7 1.2
St Ambrose C.S. 258 85.7 3.9 88.4 3.9
St Andre C.S. 419 86.2 0 88.1 0
St Andrew C.S. 550 79.3 0.2 86.4 0.2
St Andrews Middle School 393 93.1 2.3 94.9 2.3
St Andrews P.S. 222 96.4 0 98.2 0
St Angela C.S. 397 77.6 0.5 81.1 0.5
St Anselm C.S. 269 89.2 2.6 91.1 2.6
St Anthony C.S. 242 81.8 2.5 86 2.5
St Antoine Daniel C.S. 297 81.5 0.3 82.8 0.3
St Augustine C.S. 422 82.2 0.2 84.6 0.2
St Barbara C.S. 265 84.9 1.1 84.5 1.1
St Barnabas C.S. 207 94.2 1.4 93.2 1.4
St Bartholomew C.S. 67 86.6 4.5 86.6 4.5
St Bede C.S. 117 84.6 0.9 90.6 0.9
St Benedict C.S. 436 86.5 0.9 89.4 0.7
St Bernard C.S. 478 86.6 1 88.7 1
St Bonaventure C.S. 435 90.8 1.1 93.1 1.1
St Boniface C.S. 259 86.1 0 86.5 0
St Brendan C.S. 409 90.2 0.5 94.4 0.5
St Brigid C.S. 425 84 1.9 88 1.9
St Bruno / St Raymond C.S. 158 80.4 5.7 84.8 5.1
St Catherine C.S. 78 80.8 3.8 87.2 3.8
St Cecilia C.S. 463 92 2.2 94.2 2.2
St Charles C.S. 193 91.2 1 91.2 1
St Charles Garnier C.S. 314 85.4 0.6 86.6 0.6
St Clare C.S. 300 87.3 1.3 89.7 1.3
St Clement C.S. 329 90.9 2.1 93.3 2.1
St Columba C.S. 169 81.1 3.6 82.2 3.6
St Conrad C.S. 426 89.9 0.7 90.6 0.7
St Cyril C.S. 217 92.2 0.9 93.5 0.9
St Demetrius C.S. 193 83.9 6.2 87.6 6.2
St Denis C.S. 215 89.3 3.3 90.7 3.3
St Dominic Savio C.S. 193 90.2 1 89.6 1
St Dorothy C.S. 239 87.9 0.8 90 0.8
St Dunstan C.S. 185 81.1 1.1 82.7 1.1
St Edmund Campion C.S. 185 91.9 0 90.8 0
St Edward C.S. 336 90.8 1.5 90.8 1.5
St Elizabeth C.S. 167 79.6 2.4 86.2 2.4
St Elizabeth Seton C.S. 116 89.7 1.7 94 1.7
St Eugene C.S. 263 87.5 2.7 89.7 2.7
St Fidelis C.S. 438 88.4 3 89.7 3
St Florence C.S. 141 82.3 1.4 87.9 1.4
St Francis De Sales C.S. 334 86.8 0.3 87.7 0.3
St Francis of Assisi C.S. 123 87.8 4.1 93.5 4.1
St Francis Xavier C.S. 372 85.2 0.5 87.6 0.5
St Gabriel C.S. 227 76.7 1.3 78 1.3
St Gabriel Lalemant C.S. 105 90.5 0 95.2 0
St George’s Jr 113 93.8 1.8 94.7 1.8
St Gerald C.S. 212 83 0.9 83 0.9
St Gregory C.S. 530 90.4 3 89.6 3
St Helen C.S. 289 90.3 1 93.1 1
St Henry C.S. 179 88.3 0.6 89.9 0.6
St Ignatius of Loyola C.S. 91 87.9 5.5 89 5.5
St Isaac Jogues C.S. 259 84.2 0.8 85.3 0.8
St James C.S. 131 86.3 0.8 87.8 0.8
St Jane Frances C.S. 517 87.8 0.4 89.7 0.4
St Jean De Brebeuf C.S. 159 93.1 0.6 92.5 0.6
St Jerome C.S. 372 84.4 0.3 88.7 0.3
St Joachim C.S. 217 91.7 0 92.6 0
St John Bosco C.S. 238 90.3 0 90.3 0
St John C.S. 336 89.9 0.9 93.5 0.9
St John The Evangelist C.S. 306 85.6 0 87.6 0
St John Vianney C.S. 282 86.9 2.5 86.2 2.5
St Josaphat C.S. 108 77.8 7.4 76.9 7.4
St Joseph C.S. 151 94 0.7 93.4 0.7
St Joseph’s College 758 85 0.9 92.5 0.9
St Josephs Morrow Park H.S. 459 81.3 0.4 88.5 0.4
St Jude C.S. 542 86.5 0 91 0
St Kevin C.S. 180 88.3 1.1 90.6 1.1
St Lawrence C.S. 329 90.9 0.6 92.1 0.6
St Leo C.S. 200 84 2 86.5 2
St Louis C.S. 145 90.3 3.4 91 3.4
St Luigi C.S. 99 84.8 0 84.8 0
St Malachy C.S. 214 86.9 0.9 90.7 0.9
St Marcellus C.S. 286 81.1 1.7 82.9 1.7
St Margaret C.S. 474 87.8 0.4 85 0.4
St Margaret’s P.S. 199 89.4 2 93.5 2
St Marguerite Bourgeoys C.S. 69 88.4 0 91.3 0
St Maria Goretti C.S. 717 89.7 0.3 90.8 0.3
St Mark C.S. 144 83.3 4.9 84.7 4.9
St Martha C.S. 162 84.6 3.7 87 3.7
St Martin De Porres C.S. 302 82.8 0 87.4 0
St Mary C.S. 219 87.7 1.4 90 1.4
St Mary of The Angels C.S. 167 93.4 0 93.4 0
St Mary’s Catholic S.S. 650 76.9 0.8 87.8 0.8
St Matthew C.S. 378 93.1 0.5 94.7 0.5
St Matthias C.S. 202 81.2 2 83.2 2
St Maurice C.S. 204 85.8 0.5 87.7 0.5
St Michael C.S. 129 82.9 1.6 90.7 1.6
St Michael’s Choir Jr School 169 92.9 3 94.1 3
St Michael’s Choir Sr School 88 83 2.3 95.5 2.3
St Monica C.S. 223 84.8 0.9 90.1 0.9
St Nicholas C.S. 273 89 1.1 90.1 1.1
St Nicholas of Bari C.S. 454 91.9 0.7 92.1 0.7
St Norbert C.S. 243 88.1 1.6 88.5 1.6
St Oscar Romero Catholic S.S. 627 84.1 0.2 93.9 0.2
St Paschal Baylon C.S. 522 84.7 0.4 82.6 0.4
St Patrick Catholic S.S. 728 83.8 0.8 90.4 0.8
St Paul C.S. 123 83.7 0 83.7 0
St Pius X C.S. 373 89.5 1.9 90.9 1.9
St Raphael C.S. 367 86.1 1.1 89.4 1.1
St Rene Goupil C.S. 95 57.9 0 57.9 0
St Richard C.S. 302 89.1 0.7 92.4 0.7
St Rita C.S. 66 83.3 1.5 90.9 1.5
St Robert C.S. 441 89.6 0.5 87.5 0.5
St Roch C.S. 253 88.9 0 92.9 0
St Rose of Lima C.S. 325 89.5 0.3 88.6 0.3
St Sebastian C.S. 152 92.8 3.3 94.1 3.3
St Simon C.S. 384 88.5 0.5 90.4 0.5
St Stephen C.S. 294 88.8 0.3 88.1 0.3
St Sylvester C.S. 130 88.5 2.3 90 2.3
St Teresa C.S. 182 81.9 1.1 87.4 1.1
St Theresa Shrine C.S. 157 94.3 0 94.9 0
St Thomas Aquinas C.S. 401 84.8 0 88.8 0
St Thomas More C.S. 235 86.4 0.4 88.9 0.4
St Timothy C.S. 456 88.8 1.1 88.8 1.1
St Ursula C.S. 184 92.9 0.5 93.5 0.5
St Victor C.S. 235 89.8 0.4 93.2 0.4
St Vincent de Paul C.S. 244 89.8 2.9 89.8 2.9
St Wilfrid C.S. 472 80.5 0.4 83.5 0.4
St. Basil The Great College 1258 86.2 0.7 95.1 0.7
St. John Paul II Catholic S.S. 1276 86.8 0.5 97.2 0.5
St. John XXIII C.S. 305 80.7 0.7 78.4 0.7
St. Kateri Tekakwitha C.S. 213 78.9 2.3 78.4 2.3
St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy 413 83.5 1.5 90.1 1.5
Stanley P.S. 209 94.7 1.4 95.2 1.4
Steelesview P.S. 200 98.5 1 97.5 1
Stella Maris C.S. 263 91.6 0.8 92.8 0.8
Stephen Leacock C.I. 511 82.2 0.6 93.2 0.6
Stilecroft P.S. 138 96.4 0.7 94.2 0.7
Sts Cosmas and Damian C.S. 261 87.7 0.8 87.7 0.8
Subway Academy I 21 71.4 9.5 81 9.5
Subway Academy II 19 78.9 0 78.9 0
Summit Heights P.S. 274 97.4 2.6 96.7 2.6
Sunny View Jr & Sr P.S. 67 83.6 3 86.6 3
Sunnylea Jr School 178 96.6 2.8 96.6 2.8
Swansea Jr & Sr P.S. 642 94.4 3.3 96 3.3
Tam O’Shanter Jr P.S. 202 97 0.5 95.5 0.5
Taylor Creek P.S. 275 96.4 0.4 98.5 0.4
Tecumseh Senior P.S. 263 88.6 0.8 96.2 0.8
Terraview-Willowfield P.S. 202 93.1 3.5 93.6 3.5
Terry Fox P.S. 282 96.8 0 98.9 0
The Divine Infant C.S. 82 87.8 1.2 90.2 1.2
The Elms JMS 287 93 1.7 94.8 1.7
The Grove Community School 76 80.3 19.7 80.3 19.7
The Holy Trinity C.S. 317 82 2.2 84.2 2.2
The Student School 22 77.3 4.5 95.5 4.5
The Waterfront School 142 94.4 4.9 92.3 4.9
Thistletown C.I. 441 82.8 1.4 97.1 0.9
Thomas L Wells P.S. 396 96.2 0 99.2 0
Thorncliffe Park P.S. 1108 95.8 0.3 96 0.3
Three Valleys P.S. 173 95.4 2.3 95.4 2.3
Timberbank Jr P.S. 152 98 0.7 94.7 0.7
Tom Longboat Jr P.S. 178 96.6 1.7 93.8 1.7
Topcliff P.S. 210 96.7 0 98.6 0
Transfiguration of Our Lord C.S. 320 87.2 1.9 91.3 1.9
Tredway Woodsworth P.S. 587 94 1.4 95.9 1.2
Tumpane P.S. 232 94.4 1.7 95.3 1.7
Twentieth Street Jr School 94 89.4 5.3 90.4 5.3
Ursula Franklin Academy 521 83.7 3.8 95.2 3.8
Valley Park Middle School 964 90.2 0.4 91.2 0.4
Valleyfield Jr School 208 89.4 1.9 91.3 1.9
Venerable John Merlini C.S. 210 88.1 1 93.8 1
Victoria Park C.I. 1173 86.9 0.9 96.2 0.9
Victoria Park Elementary 92 98.9 0 100 0
Victoria Village P.S. 132 89.4 4.5 90.2 4.5
Vradenburg Jr P.S. 145 98.6 0 98.6 0
Walter Perry Jr P.S. 189 89.9 1.6 93.1 1.6
Warren Park Jr P.S. 111 87.4 6.3 87.4 6.3
Wedgewood Jr School 240 96.3 1.3 98.3 1.3
Wellesworth Jr School 96 87.5 3.1 88.5 3.1
West End Alternative 49 81.6 8.2 89.8 8.2
West Glen Jr School 98 93.9 5.1 89.8 4.1
West Hill C.I. 631 83.8 1.4 95.7 1.4
West Hill P.S. 150 90.7 2.7 90 2.7
West Humber C.I. 1016 85.2 0.9 96.1 0.9
West Humber JMS 341 94.1 0.3 93.5 0.3
West Preparatory Jr P.S. 341 94.1 3.5 94.1 3.5
West Rouge Jr P.S. 199 91.5 5.5 91.5 5.5
Western Technical & Commercial School 975 80.3 3.8 93.7 3.7
Westmount Jr School 123 89.4 2.4 93.5 2.4
Weston C.I. 894 84.2 1.3 95.3 1.2
Weston Memorial Jr P.S. 157 97.5 1.3 98.1 1.3
Westview Centennial S.S. 763 81.3 0.7 93.8 0.7
Westway Jr School 122 94.3 1.6 95.9 1.6
Westwood Middle School 373 90.3 2.9 95.2 2.9
Wexford Collegiate School for The Arts 1084 84 2.1 96.5 2
Wexford P.S. 250 91.2 1.6 92 1.6
White Haven Jr P.S. 350 94.9 1.1 96 1.1
Whitney Jr P.S. 161 95.7 2.5 95.7 2.5
Wilkinson Jr P.S. 316 97.8 1.6 96.8 1.6
William Burgess Elementary 202 91.1 3 91.1 3
William G Davis Jr P.S. 170 98.8 0 95.9 0
William G Miller Jr P.S. 373 93.8 3.5 96 3.5
William J McCordic School 52 46.2 3.8 84.6 3.8
William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. 1377 84.9 2.5 94.6 2.5
Williamson Road Jr P.S. 356 97.2 2 96.9 2
Willow Park Jr P.S. 216 97.2 0 99.1 0
Willowdale Middle School 542 92.6 2.2 94.6 2.2
Wilmington Elementary 101 92.1 0 90.1 0
Winchester Jr & Sr P.S. 343 91.3 3.2 93.3 3.2
Windfields Middle School 661 91.8 2.9 95.2 2.7
Winona Drive Senior P.S. 414 87.4 5.1 94.2 5.1
Winston Churchill C.I. 517 87 1.5 96.5 1.5
Withrow Avenue Jr P.S. 366 96.2 2.5 95.6 2.5
Woburn C.I. 877 88.6 0.2 98.5 0.2
Woburn Jr P.S. 225 98.7 0 98.7 0
Woodbine Jr H.S. 347 89.6 1.4 90.2 1.4
York Humber H.S. 122 86.9 4.1 93.4 4.1
York Memorial C.I. 876 86.8 2.5 96.3 2.5
York Mills C.I. 1200 86.3 1.3 97.2 1.3
Yorkview P.S. 256 93.8 2.3 93 2.3
Yorkwoods P.S. 224 88.4 0.9 91.5 0.9
Zion Heights Jr H.S. 592 94.4 1 96.5 1
  • student enrollment for the four school boards is 264,146
  • overall coverage rate for diphtheria, tetanus, polio vaccine is 87 per cent with 3 per cent for philosophical/religious exemption
  • overall coverage rate for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is 92 per cent with 6 per cent for philosophical/religious exemption

Technical Notes

  • The data were extracted from Panorama* on April 3, 2019 for Toronto students born between 2000 and 2010 (seven to 17 year-olds) by school, for the 2017/18 school year.
  • Immunization coverage is expressed as a proportion of students who were complete for age for the particular vaccine antigens amongst all those enrolled in school for the 2017/18 school year.
  • Percentages for the schools may not add up to 100 as the difference represents individuals that are not complete for age with their immunizations or have a medical or administrative exemption.
  • Only schools in the four publically funded boards are included in this report. In addition, adult learning centres and schools with total enrollment less than or equal to 10 are excluded from this

*Panorama is the provincial information system used for tracking immunizations.

Search for Immunization Rate by School

The table below shows the immunization rates for 2017/2018 for the following vaccines:

  • diphtheria, tetanus, polio vaccine
  • measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine

* Exemption rates in this table applies only to philosophical/religious exemptions.

School Name Enrolled Population Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio Vaccine Coverage Rate(%) Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio Vaccine Exemption Rate* (%) MMR Vaccine Coverage Rate (%) MMR Vaccine Exemption Rate (%)
A Y Jackson S.S. 1070 91 1 96 1
Académie Alexandre-Dumas 110 88 1.8 90 1.8
Adam Beck Jr P.S. 247 92 3.6 94 3.6
Africentric Alternative School 66 71 19.7 73 19.7
Agincourt C.I. 1253 91 1 98 1
Agincourt Jr P.S. 109 98 0 98 0
Agnes MacPhail P.S. 180 96 0 98 0
Albert Campbell C.I. 1154 89 0.3 95 0.3
Albion Heights JMS 262 95 0.8 95 1.1
Alexander Muir/Gladstone Ave Jr & Sr P.S. 280 90 1.8 94 1.8
Alexander Stirling P.S. 229 85 0.9 91 0.9
Alexmuir Jr P.S. 179 92 0.6 96 0.6
All Saints C.S. 559 94 3.6 95 3.6
Allenby Jr P.S. 409 90 2.2 95 2.2
Alpha Alternative Jr School 36 69 27.8 69 27.8
Alpha II Alternative School 19 58 21.1 68 21.1
Alternative Scarborough Education 1 70 87 1.4 97 0
Alvin Curling P.S. 317 95 1.3 96 1.3
Amesbury Middle School 268 88 1.1 93 1.1
Ancaster P.S. 48 98 0 96 0
Annette Street Jr & Sr P.S. 335 91 2.4 93 2.4
Annunciation C.S. 216 93 2.3 93 2.3
Anson Park P.S. 131 92 0.8 92 0.8
Anson S Taylor Jr P.S. 103 97 0 98 0
Arbor Glen P.S. 138 98 1.4 97 1.4
Armour Heights P.S. 144 94 3.5 92 3.5
Avondale Alternative Elementary School 80 90 6.3 93 6.3
Avondale P.S. 195 91 1.5 92 1.5
Avondale Secondary Alternative School 49 69 2 92 2
Bala Avenue Community School 108 94 0 96 0
Balmy Beach Community School 207 94 3.4 97 3.4
Bannockburn School 43 79 2.3 91 2.3
Banting and Best P.S. 186 92 0 93 0
Baycrest P.S. 61 92 4.9 90 4.9
Bayview Middle School 453 90 0.4 90 0.4
Beaches Alternative Jr School 34 82 17.6 82 17.6
Beaumonde Heights JMS 378 93 0.3 93 0.3
Bedford Park P.S. 474 91 2.3 94 2.3
Bellmere Jr P.S. 193 89 1 88 1
Ben Heppner Vocal Music Academy 45 84 11.1 84 11.1
Bendale Business & Technical Institute 324 89 2.5 96 2.5
Bendale Jr P.S. 188 95 0 93 0
Bennington Heights Elementary School 105 98 1 98 1
Berner Trail Jr P.S. 129 96 0 98 0
Bessborough Dr. Elementary & Middle School 381 91 1.8 95 1.8
Beverley Heights Middle School 433 88 1.6 92 1.6
Beverley School 55 87 3.6 89 3.6
Beverly Glen Jr P.S. 235 97 1.3 97 1.3
Birch Cliff Heights P.S. 163 96 0.6 98 0.6
Birch Cliff P.S. 224 92 1.8 95 1.8
Birchmount Park C.I. 886 87 0.9 95 0.9
Bishop Allen Academy Catholic S.S. 1583 88 2.5 94 2.4
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic S.S. 714 88 0.7 93 0.7
Blacksmith P.S. 67 94 1.5 94 1.5
Blake Street Jr P.S. 134 95 2.2 96 2.2
Blantyre P.S. 157 92 3.2 94 3.2
Blaydon P.S. 73 99 1.4 96 1.4
Blessed Archbishop Romero Catholic S.S. 698 89 0.3 95 0.3
Blessed Cardinal Newman C.S. 996 89 1.1 96 1
Blessed Margherita of Citta Castello C.S. 209 98 0.5 99 0.5
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati C.S. 189 98 1.1 97 1.1
Blessed Pope Paul VI C.S. 196 93 0 94 0
Blessed Sacrament C.S. 343 92 2.9 93 2.9
Blessed Trinity C.S. 137 91 2.2 93 2.2
Bliss Carman Sr P.S. 283 91 1.8 93 1.8
Bloor C.I. 846 90 2.1 96 2.1
Bloordale Middle School 370 88 2.4 93 2.4
Bloorlea Middle School 286 94 2.4 96 2.4
Blythwood Jr P.S. 223 95 2.7 95 2.2
Bowmore Road Jr & Sr P.S. 607 94 3.3 96 3.1
Boys’ Leadership Academy 47 94 0 94 0
Braeburn Jr School 69 96 0 93 0
Brebeuf College School 881 89 1.1 95 1.1
Brian P.S. 155 91 2.6 90 2.6
Briarcrest Jr School 162 92 3.7 93 3.1
Bridlewood Jr P.S. 120 97 2.5 95 2.5
Brimwood Boulevard Jr P.S. 186 91 0.5 96 0.5
Broadacres Jr P.S. 202 93 3.5 93 3.5
Broadlands P.S. 248 93 5.2 93 5.2
Brock P.S. 177 85 3.4 90 3.4
Brookhaven P.S. 152 88 1.3 94 1.3
Brookmill Boulevard Jr P.S. 120 94 0 96 0
Brookside P.S. 456 97 0.2 98 0.2
Brookview Middle School 423 91 0.5 94 0.5
Brown Jr P.S. 283 83 2.1 87 2.1
Bruce Jr P.S. 107 94 1.9 94 1.9
Buchanan P.S. 204 94 2.5 94 2.5
Burrows Hall Jr P.S. 112 95 0.9 94 0.9
C D Farquharson Jr P.S. 185 93 0 94 0
C R Marchant Middle School 422 88 1.4 89 1.4
C W Jefferys C.I. 776 85 1 91 1
CALC S.S. 201 67 0 77 0
Calico P.S. 147 76 3.4 78 3.4
Cameron P.S. 135 96 2.2 96 2.2
Canadian Martyrs C.S. 196 94 0 96 0
Cardinal Carter Academy for The Arts 808 86 2.6 96 2.7
Cardinal Leger C.S. 193 97 0.5 98 0.5
Carleton Village Jr and Sr P.S. 180 83 2.2 86 2.2
Cassandra P.S. 137 96 0.7 96 0.7
Cedar Drive Jr P.S. 343 96 0.6 96 0.6
Cedarbrae C.I. 1101 86 1.2 95 1.1
Cedarbrook P.S. 367 92 1.4 94 1.4
Cedarvale Community School 256 95 2.3 97 2.3
Centennial Road Jr P.S. 138 94 2.9 96 2.9
Central Etobicoke High School 104 82 7.7 91 7.7
Central Technical School 959 83 2.7 90 2.5
Central Toronto Academy 587 78 3.4 84 3.4
Chalkfarm P.S. 109 86 1.8 87 1.8
Chaminade College School 922 93 1 98 1
Charles E Webster P.S. 263 92 0.8 91 0.8
Charles G Fraser Jr P.S. 107 90 2.8 94 2.8
Charles Gordon Sr P.S. 330 89 2.1 90 2.1
Charles H Best Middle School 356 88 1.7 89 1.7
Charlottetown Jr P.S. 210 90 5.7 92 5.7
Chartland Jr P.S. 91 100 0 100 0
Cherokee P.S. 88 92 4.5 91 4.5
Chester Elementary School 218 92 2.3 94 2.3
Chester Le Jr P.S. 70 87 7.1 90 7.1
Chief Dan George P.S. 201 91 1 94 1
Chine Drive P.S. 92 94 5.4 94 5.4
Church Street Jr P.S. 145 91 1.4 90 1.4
Churchill Heights P.S. 278 96 0.7 96 0.7
Churchill P.S. 165 90 2.4 93 2.4
City School 104 78 8.7 89 8.7
City View Alternative Sr School 54 78 20.4 78 20.4
Claireville Jr School 119 92 0.8 92 0.8
Clairlea P.S. 359 94 1.9 95 1.9
Claude Watson School for The Arts 300 95 3 97 3
Cliffside P.S. 134 99 0 98 0
Cliffwood P.S. 142 98 1.4 97 1.4
Clinton Street Jr P.S. 234 88 3.4 92 3
Collège Français Élémentaire 115 71 3.5 77 3.5
Collège Français Secondaire 165 86 4.8 89 4.8
Contact Alternative School 70 67 1.4 96 1.4
Cordella Jr P.S. 64 92 3.1 94 3.1
Cornell Jr P.S. 375 97 0 98 0
Corvette Jr P.S. 273 92 0.7 95 0.7
Cosburn Middle School 642 92 1.9 94 1.9
Cottingham Jr P.S. 79 94 2.5 96 2.5
Courcelette P.S. 188 89 6.4 92 6.4
Crescent Town Elementary School 180 96 0.6 94 0.6
Cresthaven P.S. 151 96 3.3 95 3.3
Crestview P.S. 124 98 0 96 0
Cummer Valley Middle School 425 93 0.2 92 0.2
D A Morrison Middle School 426 86 2.1 92 2.3
Da Vinci Alternative School 34 56 44.1 56 44.1
Dallington P.S. 201 90 2.5 91 2.5
Danforth C.I. and Technical School 982 89 2.1 96 2.1
Danforth Gardens P.S. 313 92 1 92 1
Dante Alighieri Academy 841 87 0.8 92 0.8
D’Arcy McGee C.S. 178 98 0 98 0
David and Mary Thomson C.I. 1003 88 1.2 93 1.2
David Hornell Jr School 106 88 4.7 88 4.7
David Lewis P.S. 302 91 0 93 0
Davisville Jr P.S. 228 88 2.2 90 2.2
Daystrom P.S. 186 94 0 96 0
Deer Park Jr and Sr P.S. 355 86 3.1 88 3.1
Delphi Secondary Alternative School 93 84 3.2 95 3.2
Delta Sr Alternative School 60 88 10 88 10
Denlow P.S. 225 96 3.6 96 3.1
Dennis Avenue Community School 47 87 4.3 89 4.3
Derrydown P.S. 167 96 1.8 95 1.8
Dewson Street Jr P.S. 243 89 6.2 91 6.2
Diefenbaker Elementary School 199 92 4.5 94 4.5
Dixon Grove Jr Middle School 576 90 0.3 91 0.3
Don Mills C.I. 971 89 1.9 95 1.9
Don Mills Middle School 410 90 2 93 2
Don Valley Jr High School 367 94 0.8 96 0.8
Donview Middle Health and Wellness Academy 356 84 1.7 87 1.7
Donwood Park Jr P.S. 375 96 1.9 95 1.9
Dorset Park P.S. 151 95 0.7 94 0.7
Dovercourt P.S. 248 90 2.8 92 2.8
Downsview P.S. 95 91 2.1 92 2.1
Downsview S.S. 583 80 1.7 87 1.7
Downtown Alternative School 52 92 7.7 90 7.7
Downtown Vocal Music Academy of Toronto 47 87 6.4 89 6.4
Dr. Marion Hilliard Sr P.S. 274 93 1.1 93 1.1
Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. 969 91 0.3 97 0.3
Drewry S.S. 69 86 1.4 91 1.4
Driftwood P.S. 190 93 0 94 0
Dublin Heights Elementary & Middle School 563 84 3 87 3
Duke of Connaught Jr and Sr P.S. 633 97 3 97 3
Dundas Jr P.S. 150 93 2.7 92 2.7
Dunlace P.S. 161 95 2.5 96 2.5
Earl Beatty Jr & Sr P.S. 212 91 4.2 93 4.2
Earl Grey Sr P.S. 453 93 2.4 96 2.4
Earl Haig P.S. 295 94 3.1 95 3.1
Earl Haig S.S. 1873 89 1.2 95 1.2
East Alternative School of Toronto 62 94 3.2 97 3.2
East York Alternative S.S. 114 82 0 97 0
East York C.I. 1040 89 2.5 95 2.4
Eastdale C.I. 116 82 0.9 93 0.9
Eastview P.S. 201 77 0 83 0
Eatonville Jr School 100 97 0 98 0
École Élémentaire Charles-Sauriol 147 93 0 93 0
École Élémentaire Étienne-Brûlé 148 85 1.4 87 1.4
École Élémentaire Félix-Leclerc 104 87 5.8 88 5.8
École Élémentaire Gabrielle-Roy 135 91 3.7 90 3.7
École Élémentaire Jeanne-Lajoie 201 91 1 93 1
École Élémentaire La Mosaïque 212 91 6.1 92 5.7
École Élémentaire Laure-Rièse 124 90 2.4 88 2.4
École Élémentaire Mathieu-Da-Costai 82 85 0 92 0
École Élémentaire Micheline-Saint-Cyr 42 88 0 76 0
Ecole Élémentaire Paul-Demers 46 63 0 72 0
École Élémentaire Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau 168 95 3 94 3
École Élémentaire Toronto Ouest 164 84 3 88 3
École Secondaire Étienne-Brûlé 280 87 2.9 94 2.9
École Secondaire Toronto Ouest 169 87 3 93 3
Edgewood P.S. 102 96 0 96 0
ÉÉC Du Sacré-Coeur-Toronto 70 97 0 97 0
ÉÉC Georges-Étienne-Cartier 223 98 0.9 99 0.9
ÉÉC Notre-Dame-De-Grâce – Toronto 110 93 2.7 94 2.7
ÉÉC Sainte-Madeleine 148 95 0.7 95 0.7
ÉÉC Sainte-Marguerite-D’Youville 222 96 3.2 94 3.2
ÉÉC Saint-Jean-De-Lalande 74 96 1.4 93 1.4
ÉÉC Saint-Michel-Toronto 78 92 2.6 95 2.6
ÉÉC Saint-Noël-Chabanel-Toronto 83 94 0 95 0
Eglinton Jr P.S. 207 89 1 87 1
ÉIC Monseigneur-De-Charbonnel 127 90 1.6 92 1.6
ÉIC Père-Philippe-Lamarche 112 92 0 95 0
ÉIC Saint-Frère-André 110 88 4.5 94 4.5
Elia Middle School 297 90 0.3 93 0.3
Elizabeth Simcoe Jr P.S. 175 91 5.7 94 5.7
Elkhorn P.S. 180 89 3.3 93 3.3
Ellesmere-Statton P.S. 422 96 0.7 96 0.7
Elmbank JMA 237 83 2.1 84 2.1
Elmlea Jr School 176 88 2.8 87 2.8
Emery C.I. 554 85 1.1 90 1.1
Emily Carr P.S. 210 96 1.4 95 1.4
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy 115 87 0 90 0
Equinox Holistic Alternative School 112 78 22.3 78 22.3
Ernest P.S. 55 98 1.8 96 1.8
ÉSC Monseigneur-De-Charbonnel 199 83 2.5 93 2.5
ÉSC Père-Philippe-Lamarche 77 91 0 96 0
ÉSC Saint-Frère-André 185 84 2.7 92 2,7
Essex Jr and Sr P.S. 176 88 4 91 4
Étienne Brûlé Jr School 76 97 2.6 96 2.6
Etobicoke C.I. 1004 88 2 96 2
Etobicoke School of The Arts 939 83 4.8 93 4.8
Etobicoke Year Round Alternative Centre 36 83 2.8 97 2.8
F H Miller Jr P.S. 61 93 1.6 93 1.6
Fairbank Jr and Middle School 217 92 2.8 93 2.8
Fairbank Memorial Community School 53 94 0 96 0
Fairglen Jr P.S. 215 98 0 99 0
Fairmount P.S. 281 88 1.1 92 1.1
Father Henry Carr Catholic S.S. 917 87 0.8 94 0.8
Father John Redmond Catholic S.S. 1229 85 3.3 93 3.3
Father Serra C.S. 332 94 3 96 3
Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School 274 91 4.4 89 4.4
Fenside P.S. 94 92 1.1 93 1.1
Fern Avenue Jr and Sr P.S. 485 95 2.9 97 2.9
Finch P.S. 105 91 3.8 92 3.8
Firgrove P.S. 151 89 0 91 0
First Nations School of Toronto 130 69 9.2 75 10
Fisherville Sr P.S. 160 96 0.6 91 0.6
Fleming P.S. 174 95 0 98 0
Flemington P.S. 101 91 0 89 0
Forest Hill C.I. 954 89 1.7 95 1.7
Forest Hill Jr and Sr P.S. 650 89 1.7 90 1.7
Forest Manor P.S. 302 86 0.3 88 0.3
Francis Libermann Catholic High School 906 89 0.8 95 0.8
Frank Oke S.S. 79 85 2.5 98 2.5
Frankland Community School 187 89 4.3 91 4.3
Galloway Road P.S. 134 90 1.5 94 1.5
Garden Avenue Jr P.S. 130 95 1.5 95 1.5
Gateway P.S. 411 83 1.2 87 1.2
General Brock P.S. 243 91 1.2 89 1.2
General Crerar P.S. 248 88 2.4 92 2.4
General Mercer Jr P.S. 108 90 3.7 90 3.7
George Anderson P.S. 66 99 0 97 0
George B Little P.S. 260 90 0 94 0
George Harvey C.I. 488 79 0.6 84 0.6
George P Mackie Jr P.S. 68 93 5.9 93 5.9
George Peck P.S. 162 96 1.2 96 0.6
George R Gauld Jr School 52 92 0 96 0
George S Henry Academy 373 84 1.1 90 1.1
George Syme Community School 162 85 2.5 89 2.5
George Webster Elementary School 500 91 0.8 90 0.8
Georges Vanier S.S. 850 77 0.4 82 0.4
Givins/Shaw Jr P.S. 155 88 3.9 89 3.9
Glamorgan Jr P.S. 257 91 0 97 0
Gledhill Jr P.S. 186 90 3.8 93 3.8
Glen Ames Sr P.S. 416 95 1.7 97 1.7
Glen Park P.S. 254 91 3.1 94 3.1
Glen Ravine Jr P.S. 151 97 0.7 97 0.7
Glenview Sr P.S. 770 95 1 96 1
Golf Road Jr P.S. 151 94 0 97 0
Gordon A Brown Middle School 372 86 3.8 89 3.8
Gosford P.S. 111 90 0 95 0
Gracedale P.S. 278 92 1.1 94 1.1
Gracefield P.S. 102 92 0 94 1
Greenholme JMS 213 89 0 91 0
Greenland P.S. 53 94 3.8 94 3.8
Greenwood S.S. 147 63 0 61 0
Grenoble P.S. 509 86 0.6 88 0.6
Grey Owl Jr P.S. 115 90 2.6 91 2.6
Guildwood Jr P.S. 58 90 8.6 90 8.6
Gulfstream P.S. 371 90 1.3 93 1.3
H A Halbert Jr P.S. 114 92 0.9 95 0.9
H J Alexander Community School 236 88 1.3 92 1.3
Harbord C.I. 1016 88 3.1 96 3.1
Harrison P.S. 75 99 1.3 96 1.3
Harwood P.S. 117 95 0.9 97 0.9
Havergal Jr School 288 81 0.3 92 0.3
Hawthorne II Bilingual Alternative Jr School 94 96 4.3 95 4.3
Heather Heights Jr P.S. 89 99 0 98 0
Henry Hudson Sr P.S. 287 96 0.7 96 0.7
Henry Kelsey Sr P.S. 298 97 0.3 97 0.3
Heritage Park P.S. 190 94 0.5 94 0.5
Heydon Park S.S. 116 84 1.7 97 1.7
High Park Alternative School Jr 76 84 15.8 84 15.8
Highcastle P.S. 198 89 0.5 92 0.5
Highfield Jr School 290 96 0.3 97 0.3
Highland Creek P.S. 127 98 0.8 98 0.8
Highland Heights Jr P.S. 94 97 1.1 96 1.1
Highland Jr High School 486 94 1 96 1
Highview P.S. 70 94 0 97 0
Hillcrest Community School 185 88 3.2 90 3.2
Hillmount P.S. 89 97 0 98 0
Hilltop Middle School 561 92 2.9 94 2.9
Hodgson Sr P.S. 533 88 2.1 90 2.1
Hollycrest Middle School 475 89 2.7 93 2.7
Hollywood P.S. 180 93 1.1 92 1.1
Holy Angels C.S. 302 93 2.3 94 2.3
Holy Child C.S. 206 92 0 92 0
Holy Cross C.S. 202 94 1 92 1
Holy Family C.S. 138 88 1.4 92 1.4
Holy Name C.S. 203 96 1.5 97 1.5
Holy Rosary C.S. 152 93 1.3 91 1.3
Holy Spirit C.S. 264 92 0 91 0
Horizon Alternative Sr School 67 91 7.5 91 7.5
Howard Jr P.S. 267 88 4.9 88 4.9
Humber Summit Middle School 458 82 0.9 87 0.9
Humber Valley Village JMS 252 88 6 89 6
Humbercrest P.S. 430 95 2.8 96 2.8
Humberside C.I. 1212 88 2.7 96 2.7
Humberwood Downs JMA 469 97 0.4 97 0.4
Humewood Community School 331 90 4.2 92 4.2
Hunter’s Glen Jr P.S. 256 93 0.8 96 0.8
Huron Street Jr P.S. 163 90 4.9 93 4.9
Immaculate Conception C.S. 298 96 0 96 0
Immaculate Heart of Mary C.S. 105 96 0 95 0
Indian Road Crescent Jr P.S. 174 89 5.2 91 5.2
Inglenook Community School 72 78 6.9 90 8.3
Inglewood Heights Jr P.S. 109 95 0.9 96 0.9
Ionview P.S. 219 87 0 91 0
Iroquois Jr P.S. 217 97 0 99 0
Island Public/Natural Science School 112 95 3.6 95 3.6
Islington Jr Middle School 278 84 1.4 90 1.4
J B Tyrrell Sr P.S. 416 97 1 98 1.2
J G Workman P.S. 126 98 0 98 0
J R Wilcox Community School 152 95 2.6 93 2.6
Jack Miner Sr P.S. 197 99 1 98 1
Jackman Avenue Jr P.S. 315 89 4.8 91 5.1
James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic High School 851 83 0.4 89 0.4
James Culnan C.S. 275 96 0.4 98 0.4
James S Bell JMS 283 93 4.6 91 4.6
Jarvis C.I. 660 88 0.9 94 0.8
Jean Vanier Catholic S.S. 860 87 0.5 92 0.3
Jesse Ketchum Jr and Sr P.S. 304 80 3.3 84 3.3
John A Leslie P.S. 335 93 0 96 0
John Buchan Sr P.S. 185 93 0 91 0
John D Parker Jr School 193 91 0.5 92 0.5
John English Jr Middle School 626 94 4 95 4
John Fisher Jr P.S. 220 93 4.1 94 4.1
John G Althouse Middle School 482 90 2.7 92 2.7
John G Diefenbaker P.S. 145 94 3.4 95 3.4
John McCrae P.S. 352 94 1.4 96 1.4
John Polanyi C.I. 871 78 1.5 84 1.4
John Ross Robertson Jr P.S. 308 90 2.6 93 2.6
John Wanless Jr P.S. 346 95 0.9 96 0.9
Joseph Brant Sr P.S. 397 88 1 92 1
Joseph Howe Sr P.S. 393 96 1.5 96 1.5
Josyf Cardinal Slipyj C.S. 357 87 8.4 87 8.4
Joyce P.S. 121 93 0 95 0
Karen Kain School of The Arts 172 89 8.1 91 8.1
Keele Street Jr P.S. 295 85 4.7 88 4.7
Keelesdale Jr P.S. 62 94 0 97 0
Kennedy P.S. 352 97 0 97 0
Kensington Community School 82 95 3.7 94 3.7
Kew Beach Jr P.S. 238 92 2.9 94 2.9
Kimberley Jr P.S. 141 99 0 99 0
King Edward Jr and Sr P.S. 474 92 2.7 92 2.7
King George Jr P.S. 93 95 3.2 97 3.2
Kingslake P.S. 103 92 2.9 93 2.9
Kingsview Village Jr School 198 82 1 86 1
Kipling C.I. 449 81 0.2 89 0.2
Knob Hill P.S. 314 84 0 86 0
Lakeshore C.I. 640 83 2.8 93 2.8
Lamberton P.S. 137 80 0 86 0
Lambton Kingsway JMS 401 94 3.7 95 3.2
Lambton Park Community School 56 82 0 86 0
L’amoreaux C.I. 495 83 1.6 90 1.6
Lanor JMS 199 91 4 93 4
Lawrence Heights Middle School 148 94 2 94 2
Lawrence Park C.I. 1192 89 2.4 97 2.3
Leaside High School 969 90 1.8 98 1.8
Ledbury Park Elementary and Middle School 339 90 1.2 92 1.2
Lescon P.S. 84 89 2.4 91 2.4
Leslieville Jr P.S. 182 90 1.1 93 1.1
Lester B Pearson C.I. 1334 90 0.9 98 0.9
Lester B Pearson Elementary School 324 95 2.5 97 2.5
Lillian P.S. 99 98 0 97 0
Lord Dufferin Jr and Sr P.S. 275 91 0.4 92 0.4
Lord Lansdowne Jr P.S. 128 94 3.9 95 3.9
Lord Roberts Jr P.S. 205 89 0.5 91 0.5
Loretto Abbey Catholic S.S. 938 89 1.7 97 1.6
Loretto College School 444 91 0.5 98 0.5
Lucy Maud Montgomery P.S. 124 98 0 99 0
Lucy McCormick Sr School 57 33 5.3 81 5.3
Lynngate Jr P.S. 86 97 3.5 95 3.5
Lynnwood Heights Jr P.S. 82 94 2.4 89 2.4
Macklin P.S. 279 92 0.4 92 0.4
Madonna Catholic S.S. 676 88 0.1 93 0.1
Malvern C.I. 1114 88 3.2 96 3.2
Malvern Jr P.S. 197 88 1 93 1
Manhattan Park Jr P.S. 47 94 4.3 94 4.3
Maple Leaf P.S. 140 87 5 89 5
Maplewood High School 112 89 4.5 96 3.6
Marc Garneau C.I. 1701 86 0.6 93 0.6
Market Lane Jr and Sr P.S. 170 91 1.8 90 1.8
Marshall McLuhan Catholic S.S. 1087 91 0.6 97 0.6
Martingrove C.I. 1111 90 0.9 96 0.9
Mary Shadd P.S. 262 91 0.4 94 0.4
Mary Ward Catholic S.S. 1041 91 1.2 96 1.2
Maryvale P.S. 156 87 2.6 92 1.9
Mason Road Jr P.S. 175 87 0.6 90 0.6
Maurice Cody Jr P.S. 268 95 1.5 97 1.5
McKee P.S. 308 94 0.3 92 0.3
McMurrich Jr P.S. 288 90 4.2 90 4.2
Meadowvale P.S. 152 91 2 93 2
Melody Village Jr School 88 98 0 97 0
Michael Power/St Joseph High School 1887 88 2 95 2
Military Trail P.S. 282 76 0.7 86 0.7
Mill Valley Jr School 60 90 10 90 10
Milliken P.S. 159 96 1.3 95 1.3
Millwood Jr School 185 97 1.1 97 1.1
Milne Valley Middle School 580 93 1..6 93 1.6
Monarch Park C.I. 829 88 2.3 96 2.3
Monsignor Fraser College Alternate Study S.S. 170 80 1.2 98 1.2
Monsignor Fraser College – Isabella 56 57 0 89 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Midland 72 72 0 88 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Midland North 99 84 0 98 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Midtown 73 89 0 99 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Norfinch Campus 114 72 0 88 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Northeast 34 85 0 97 0
Monsignor Fraser College – Southwest 44 75 0 93 0
Monsignor Fraser College – St. Martin 15 27 0 93 0
Monsignor John Corrigan C.S. 144 92 0.7 93 0.7
Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic High School 964 87 0.9 95 0.9
Montrose Jr P.S. 84 98 1.2 99 1.2
Morrish P.S. 202 93 0.5 95 0.5
Morse Street Jr P.S. 251 90 2.4 93 2.4
Mother Cabrini C.S. 111 95 1.8 95 1.8
Mountview Alternative School Jr 51 92 5.9 92 5.9
Muirhead P.S. 109 80 1.8 75 1.8
Native Learning Centre 20 65 5 80 5
Nativity of Our Lord C.S. 277 90 2.9 90 2.9
Neil McNeil High School 840 90 1.9 97 1.7
Nelson Mandela Park P.S. 195 92 1.5 93 1.5
Newtonbrook S.S. 857 80 1.8 86 1.8
Niagara Street Jr P.S. 97 91 2.1 93 2.1
Norman Cook Jr P.S. 65 97 1.5 99 1.5
Norman Ingram P.S. 85 94 3.5 97 3.5
Norseman JMS 496 97 1.4 97 1.4
North Agincourt Jr P.S. 225 92 0.9 95 0.9
North Albion C.I. 790 88 0.1 97 0
North Bendale Jr P.S. 64 91 3.1 95 3.1
North Bridlewood Jr P.S. 107 95 1.9 94 1.9
North East Year Round Alternative Centre 44 82 2.3 95 2.3
North Kipling JMS 417 86 0.7 89 0.7
North Toronto C.I. 1312 89 1.4 97 1.4
North West Year Round Alternative Centre 29 83 0 97 0
Northern S.S. 1697 88 3.5 95 3.4
Northlea Elementary and Middle School 469 95 1.9 95 1.9
Northview Heights S.S. 1598 87 1.1 92 1
Norway Jr P.S. 142 89 4.2 95 4.2
Notre Dame Catholic High School 665 89 0.5 97 0.5
Oakdale Park Middle School 419 88 0.7 92 0.7
Oakridge Jr P.S. 172 92 0.6 95 0.6
Oakwood C.I. 399 87 3.3 95 3.3
Oasis Alternative 97 78 8.2 89 8.2
O’Connor P.S. 55 93 0 95 0
Ogden Jr P.S. 87 95 1.1 95 1.1
Orde Street Jr P.S. 211 83 0.9 83 0.9
Oriole Park Jr P.S. 114 97 2.6 96 2.6
Ossington /Old Orchard Jr P.S. 148 89 4.1 91 4.1
Our Lady of Fatima C.S. 477 92 1.7 92 1.7
Our Lady of Grace C.S. 176 92 0.6 96 0.6
Our Lady of Guadalupe C.S. 99 88 1 84 1
Our Lady of Lourdes C.S. 334 93 0 93 0
Our Lady of Peace C.S. 399 94 3.5 95 3.5
Our Lady of Perpetual Help C.S. 197 98 0.5 96 0.5
Our Lady of Sorrows C.S. 515 96 2.3 96 2.3
Our Lady of The Assumption C.S. 240 85 1.3 79 1.3
Our Lady of Victory C.S. 419 92 0.2 92 0.2
Our Lady of Wisdom C.S. 205 95 3.4 94 3.4
Owen P.S. 250 91 1.6 94 1.6
Palmerston Avenue Jr P.S. 212 92 4.7 91 4.7
Pape Avenue Jr P.S. 178 97 2.2 97 2.2
Park Lawn Jr and Middle School 328 89 2.7 92 2.7
Parkdale C.I. 504 87 2.2 95 2.2
Parkdale Jr and Sr P.S. 286 85 3.1 86 3.1
Parkfield Jr School 110 90 2.7 93 1.8
Parkside Elementary School 69 94 0 96 0
Parkview Alternative School 72 85 2.8 97 2.8
Pauline Johnson Jr P.S. 119 91 0 95 0
Pauline Jr P.S. 134 87 3.7 87 3.7
Pelmo Park P.S. 121 83 2.5 86 2.5
Percy Williams Jr P.S. 158 87 0 92 0
Perth Avenue Jr P.S. 134 86 4.5 87 4.5
Pierre Laporte Middle School 404 87 0.5 88 0.5
Pineway P.S. 51 96 0 96 0
Pleasant P.S. 249 90 2.4 91 2.4
Pleasant View Middle School 334 82 1.2 83 1.2
Pope Francis C.S. 161 93 0.6 94 0.6
Poplar Road Jr P.S. 138 97 1.4 99 1.4
Port Royal P.S. 205 93 1 92 1
Portage Trail Community Jr School 443 85 2.5 90 2.5
Precious Blood C.S. 298 90 1 90 1
Presteign Heights Elementary School 101 94 4 93 4
Prince of Peace C.S. 201 96 1 95 1
Princess Margaret Jr School 169 92 1.8 95 1.8
Queen Alexandra Middle School 345 94 2.9 94 2.9
Queen Victoria Jr P.S. 519 93 2.5 94 2.5
Quest Alternative School Sr 66 88 7.6 91 7.6
R H King Academy 1264 89 0.7 98 0.6
R H McGregor Elementary School 307 95 1.6 94 1.6
R J Lang Elementary and Middle School 278 86 1.1 89 1.1
Ranchdale P.S. 89 98 0 98 0
Rawlinson Community School 427 94 2.3 94 2.3
Regal Road Jr P.S. 277 93 2.2 95 2.2
Regent Heights P.S. 318 90 0.6 93 0.6
Regina Mundi C.S. 237 95 1.3 96 1.3
Rene Gordon Health and Wellness Academy 132 96 1.5 95 1.5
Richview C.I. 1047 88 2.9 97 2.9
Rippleton P.S. 122 96 1.6 96 1.6
Rivercrest Jr School 80 94 3.8 94 3.8
Riverdale C.I. 1206 90 3.2 96 3.2
Robert Service Sr P.S. 169 95 0.1 99 0
Rockcliffe Middle School 303 91 2.3 91 2.3
Rockford P.S. 336 79 1.5 81 1.5
Roden P.S. 233 86 2.6 89 2.6
Rolph Road Elementary School 190 98 1.1 96 1.1
Rose Avenue Jr P.S. 303 88 0 88 0
Rosedale Heights School of The Arts 1062 83 8.4 89 8.4
Rosedale Jr P.S. 119 98 0 99 0
Roselands Jr P.S. 166 87 1.8 90 1.8
Rosethorn Jr School 183 94 5.5 94 5.5
Rouge Valley P.S. 146 97 0 99 0
Roywood P.S. 84 95 1.2 95 1.2
Runnymede C.I. 545 87 1.7 97 1.7
Runnymede Jr and Sr P.S. 601 97 1.2 97 1.3
Ryerson Community School 278 72 1.4 75 1.4
Sacred Heart C.S. 170 93 1.2 94 1.2
Samuel Hearne P.S. 376 86 0.5 90 0.5
Santa Maria C.S. 137 93 0 94 0
Satec @ W A Porter C.I. 1199 89 0.3 96 0.3
Scarborough Village P.S. 121 90 0 93 0
School of Experiential Education 72 76 1.4 97 1.4
School of Life Experience 120 86 0.8 95 0.8
Second Street JMS 298 89 2.3 92 2.3
Secord Elementary School 239 85 2.1 90 2.1
Seed Alternative 75 80 4 93 4
Selwyn Elementary School 128 95 3.1 96 3.1
Senator O’Connor College School 1364 90 1.4 95 1.4
Seneca Hill P.S. 150 99 0 99 0
Seneca School 53 89 3.8 91 3.8
Seventh Street Jr School 86 93 4.7 93 4.7
Shaughnessy P.S. 126 98 0 98 0
Sheppard P.S. 67 99 1.5 96 1.5
Shirley Street Jr P.S. 83 92 8.4 92 8.4
Shoreham P.S. 104 92 0 92 0
Silver Springs P.S. 221 95 0 94 0
Silverthorn C.I. 879 84 3 94 3
Silverthorn Community School 201 88 3 90 3
Sir Adam Beck Jr School 178 93 4.5 94 4.5
Sir Alexander Mackenzie Sr P.S. 398 94 1.3 96 1.3
Sir Ernest MacMillan Sr P.S. 374 94 1.3 94 1.3
Sir John A MacDonald C.I. 1130 89 1.4 95 1.2
Sir Oliver Mowat C.I. 1074 89 2.2 97 2.2
Sir Samuel B Steele Jr P.S. 192 94 1 96 1
Sir Wilfrid Laurier C.I. 1348 89 1 96 1
Sir William Osler High School 141 87 0.7 94 0.7
Sloane P.S. 96 95 0 97 0
Smithfield Middle School 637 93 0.2 95 0.2
South East Year Round Alternative Centre 64 89 0 100 0
Spectrum Alternative Sr School 60 92 8.3 92 8.3
Sprucecourt Jr P.S. 168 91 1.2 95 1.2
St Agatha C.S. 244 96 0.8 98 0.8
St Agnes C.S. 207 84 2.4 83 2.4
St Aidan C.S. 184 90 0.5 94 0.5
St Albert C.S. 281 94 1.1 94 1.1
St Alphonsus C.S. 140 90 1.4 91 1.4
St Ambrose C.S. 219 91 4.6 93 4.6
St Andre C.S. 365 91 0 90 0
St Andrew C.S. 459 86 0.2 90 0.2
St Andrews Middle School 392 93 2.3 94 2.3
St Andrews P.S. 191 94 0 94 0
St Angela C.S. 322 83 0.6 86 0.6
St Anselm C.S. 233 95 3 96 3
St Anthony C.S. 207 88 2.4 92 2.4
St Antoine Daniel C.S. 242 89 0.4 89 0.4
St Augustine C.S. 342 90 0.3 90 0.3
St Barbara C.S. 207 90 1.4 90 1.4
St Barnabas C.S. 187 98 1.1 98 1.1
St Bartholomew C.S. 52 94 5.8 94 5.8
St Bede C.S. 93 97 0 98 0
St Benedict C.S. 385 92 0.8 93 0.5
St Bernard C.S. 404 93 1.2 93 1.2
St Bonaventure C.S. 377 96 1.1 96 1.1
St Boniface C.S. 209 92 0 92 0
St Brendan C.S. 354 98 0.6 99 0.6
St Brigid C.S. 355 92 2 94 2
St Bruno / St Raymond C.S. 149 86 6 87 5.4
St Catherine C.S. 71 85 4.2 87 4.2
St Cecilia C.S. 394 96 2 97 2
St Charles C.S. 176 96 1.1 94 1.1
St Charles Garnier C.S. 270 90 0.7 91 0.7
St Clare C.S. 254 92 1.6 95 1.6
St Clement C.S. 283 96 2.1 97 2.1
St Clement’s School 328 37 1.5 81 1.5
St Columba C.S. 134 90 3 93 3
St Conrad C.S. 349 95 0.6 93 0.6
St Cyril C.S. 178 97 1.1 97 1.1
St Demetrius C.S. 166 86 6.6 90 6.6
St Denis C.S. 179 94 3.9 94 3.9
St Dominic Savio C.S. 159 93 1.3 94 1.3
St Dorothy C.S. 200 96 1 95 1
St Dunstan C.S. 142 91 0.7 91 0.7
St Edmund Campion C.S. 156 99 0 97 0
St Edward C.S. 285 94 1.1 94 1.1
St Elizabeth C.S. 147 89 2 91 2
St Elizabeth Seton C.S. 103 92 1.9 95 1.9
St Eugene C.S. 218 95 2.8 96 2.8
St Fidelis C.S. 376 96 2.9 96 2.9
St Florence C.S. 108 95 0.9 94 0.9
St Francis De Sales C.S. 280 91 0 90 0
St Francis of Assisi C.S. 117 92 3.4 97 3.4
St Francis Xavier C.S. 326 90 0.6 91 0.6
St Gabriel C.S. 186 87 1.6 87 1.6
St Gabriel Lalemant C.S. 97 96 2.1 97 2.1
St George’s Jr School 81 95 2.5 95 2.5
St Gerald C.S. 180 87 1.1 87 1.1
St Gregory C.S. 458 95 3.1 95 3.1
St Helen C.S. 258 95 0.8 97 0.8
St Henry C.S. 154 93 0.6 94 0.6
St Ignatius of Loyola C.S. 76 95 3.9 92 3.9
St Isaac Jogues C.S. 201 93 0 93 0
St James C.S. 113 95 0.9 96 0.9
St Jane Frances C.S. 436 92 0.5 93 0.5
St Jean De Brebeuf C.S. 140 96 0.7 98 0.7
St Jerome C.S. 317 88 0.3 92 0.3
St Joachim C.S. 173 97 0 98 0
St John Bosco C.S. 199 98 0 97 0
St John C.S. 284 95 0.7 97 0.7
St John The Evangelist C.S. 259 93 0 93 0
St John Vianney C.S. 234 94 3 92 3
St Josaphat C.S. 90 83 7.8 82 7.8
St Joseph C.S. 125 98 0.8 98 0.8
St Joseph’s College School 771 90 0.9 95 0.9
St Josephs Morrow Park High School 468 86 0.6 90 0.6
St Jude C.S. 475 92 0 94 0
St Kevin C.S. 150 98 0.7 98 0.7
St Lawrence C.S. 288 94 0.7 94 0.7
St Leo C.S. 168 94 1.8 94 1.8
St Louis C.S. 118 97 1.7 97 1.7
St Luigi C.S. 79 94 0 92 0
St Malachy C.S. 184 94 1.1 95 1.1
St Marcellus C.S. 242 87 1.7 88 1.7
St Margaret C.S. 416 92 0.5 89 0.5
St Margaret’s P.S. 171 87 1.8 91 1.8
St Marguerite Bourgeoys C.S. 58 96 0 98 0
St Maria Goretti C.S. 637 94 0.2 94 0.2
St Mark C.S. 120 91 6.7 89 6.7
St Martha C.S. 135 92 2.2 93 2.2
St Martin De Porres C.S. 257 89 0 91 0
St Mary C.S. 187 93 1.6 94 1.6
St Mary of The Angels C.S. 150 97 0 96 0
St Mary’s Catholic S.S. 690 84 1.3 89 1.3
St Matthew C.S. 338 97 0.3 97 0.3
St Matthias C.S. 169 88 2.4 88 2.4
St Maurice C.S. 170 94 0 95 0
St Michael C.S. 105 88 1 96 1
St Michael’s Choir Jr School 167 93 3 95 3
St Michael’s Choir Sr School 89 87 2.2 96 2.2
St Monica C.S. 195 90 1 94 1
St Nicholas C.S. 232 95 1.3 95 1.3
St Nicholas of Bari C.S. 393 97 0.5 98 0.5
St Norbert C.S. 210 92 1.9 91 1.9
St Paschal Baylon C.S. 450 90 0.2 86 0.2
St Patrick Catholic S.S. 782 87 0.9 91 0.9
St Paul C.S. 104 89 0 90 0
St Pius X C.S. 315 95 1.3 95 1.3
St Raphael C.S. 301 94 1 94 1
St Rene Goupil C.S. 118 51 0 52 0
St Richard C.S. 260 95 0.8 98 0.8
St Rita C.S. 51 96 0 100 0
St Robert C.S. 381 95 0.5 92 0.5
St Roch C.S. 229 96 0 97 0
St Rose of Lima C.S. 274 93 0 92 0
St Sebastian C.S. 136 95 3.7 95 3.7
St Simon C.S. 319 94 0.6 95 0.6
St Stephen C.S. 270 92 0.4 94 0.4
St Sylvester C.S. 110 97 1.8 96 1.8
St Teresa C.S. 170 89 0.6 92 0.6
St Theresa Shrine C.S. 123 97 0 96 0
St Thomas Aquinas C.S. 331 92 0 94 0
St Thomas More C.S. 208 93 0 95 0
St Timothy C.S. 392 94 1.3 92 1.3
St Ursula C.S. 158 96 0.6 94 0.6
St Victor C.S. 203 95 0.5 95 0.5
St Vincent De Paul C.S. 208 94 3.4 92 3.4
St Wilfrid C.S. 411 85 0.5 86 0.5
St. Basil The Great College School 1304 89 0.7 95 0.7
St. John Paul II Catholic S.S. 1311 91 0.6 98 0.6
St. John XXIII C.S. 264 86 0.4 85 0.4
St. Kateri Tekakwitha C.S. 186 85 2.7 82 2.7
St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy 414 88 2.2 92 2.2
Stanley P.S. 175 90 1.1 94 1.1
Steelesview P.S. 173 99 0.6 99 0.6
Stella Maris C.S. 224 96 0.4 96 0.4
Stephen Leacock C.I. 582 85 0.7 90 0.7
Stilecroft P.S. 100 94 1 95 1
Sts Cosmas and Damian C.S. 231 93 0.9 92 0.9
Subway Academy I 44 80 9.1 91 9.1
Subway Academy II 51 69 2 82 2
Summit Heights P.S. 239 97 2.5 97 2.5
Sunny View Jr and Sr P.S. 57 90 3.5 88 3.5
Sunnylea Jr School 133 93 3.8 93 3.8
Swansea Jr and Sr P.S. 553 96 3.3 96 3.3
Tam O’Shanter Jr P.S. 161 90 0.6 91 0.6
Taylor Creek P.S. 235 92 0 93 0
Tecumseh Sr P.S. 263 89 0.4 94 0.4
Terraview-Willowfield P.S. 178 94 3.9 93 3.9
Terry Fox P.S. 243 93 0 96 0
The Divine Infant C.S. 77 95 1.3 95 1.3
The Elms JMS 262 81 1.5 83 1.5
The Grove Community School 58 76 24.1 76 24.1
The Holy Trinity C.S. 210 91 2.4 95 2.4
The Student School 66 79 1.5 94 1.5
The Waterfront School 121 82 4.1 87 4.1
Thistletown C.I. 467 84 1.3 95 0.9
Thomas L Wells P.S. 349 95 0 97 0
Thorncliffe Park P.S. 829 85 0.2 89 0.2
Three Valleys P.S. 138 96 2.2 96 2.2
Timberbank Jr P.S. 118 96 0 96 0
Tom Longboat Jr P.S. 148 95 1.4 97 1.4
Topcliff P.S. 160 95 0 97 0
Transfiguration of Our Lord C.S. 276 91 2.2 93 2.2
Tredway Woodsworth P.S. 511 97 1 97 0.8
Tumpane P.S. 173 95 1.7 95 1.7
Twentieth Street Jr School 71 87 7 87 7
Ursula Franklin Academy 525 88 4.2 95 4.2
Valley Park Middle School 983 78 0.4 81 0.4
Valleyfield Jr School 170 87 1.8 88 1.8
Venerable John Merlini C.S. 174 97 1.1 98 1.1
Victoria Park C.I. 1215 89 0.8 96 0.8
Victoria Park Elementary School 72 99 0 100 0
Victoria Village P.S. 105 92 2.9 92 2.9
Vradenburg Jr P.S. 121 97 0 98 0
Walter Perry Jr P.S. 154 83 1.9 93 1.9
Warren Park Jr P.S. 87 85 6.9 86 6.9
Wedgewood Jr School 181 93 1.1 95 1.1
Wellesworth Jr School 73 84 2.7 86 2.7
West End Alternative School 73 77 5.5 90 5.5
West Glen Jr School 77 91 5.2 91 3.9
West Hill C.I. 651 87 1.5 95 1.5
West Hill P.S. 136 85 2.9 85 2.9
West Humber C.I. 1060 87 0.9 94 0.9
West Humber JMS 308 97 0.3 95 0.3
West Preparatory Jr P.S. 273 86 3.7 91 3.7
West Rouge Jr P.S. 160 88 5 89 5
Western Technical & Commercial School 1068 83 3.7 93 3.7
Westmount Jr School 99 90 2 92 2
Weston C.I. 928 86 1.3 94 1.2
Weston Memorial Jr P.S. 128 88 1.6 91 1.6
Westview Centennial S.S. 821 79 0.5 91 0.5
Westway Jr School 90 88 2.2 90 2.2
Westwood Middle School 373 91 2.9 95 2.9
Wexford Collegiate School for The Arts 1121 86 2.2 95 2.1
Wexford P.S. 230 86 1.3 86 1.3
White Haven Jr P.S. 306 91 1 93 1
Whitney Jr P.S. 127 97 2.4 96 2.4
Wilkinson Jr P.S. 272 94 1.8 95 1.8
William Burgess Elementary School 143 93 3.5 92 3.5
William G Davis Jr P.S. 125 98 0 98 0
William G Miller Jr P.S. 325 91 3.4 94 3.4
William J McCordic School 52 46 3.8 89 3.8
William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. 1407 88 2.6 94 2.6
Williamson Road Jr P.S. 288 96 2.1 97 2.1
Willow Park Jr P.S. 186 88 0 91 0
Willowdale Middle School 544 90 2 92 2
Wilmington Elementary School 51 86 0 84 0
Winchester Jr and Sr P.S. 297 91 2.7 93 2.7
Windfields Middle School 665 92 2.6 93 2.4
Winona Drive Sr P.S. 414 93 5.1 94 5.1
Winston Churchill C.I. 561 89 1.6 96 1.6
Withrow Avenue Jr P.S. 299 92 2.7 94 2.7
Woburn C.I. 900 91 0.2 98 0.2
Woburn Jr P.S. 185 90 0 89 0
Woodbine Jr High School 358 90 1.1 89 1.1
York Humber High School 154 89 3.2 95 3.2
York Memorial C.I. 887 90 2.4 96 2.4
York Mills C.I. 1233 90 1.4 96 1.3
Yorkview P.S. 175 93 2.3 93 2.3
Yorkwoods P.S. 180 88 1.1 90 1.1
Zion Heights Jr High School 596 94 0.8 95 0.8