A new 1,718 m2 park that celebrates Leaside’s local history is coming to 939 Eglinton Ave. E. as a result of a condominium development project. The new park will be adjacent to Brentcliffe Road, just south of Eglinton Avenue East.

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  • Fall 2021: Community engagement
  • Fall 2021 to Spring 2022: Design development
  • Summer 2022: Detailed design
  • Fall 2022: Hire a construction team
  • Summer 2024: Construction starts
  • Spring 2025: Construction complete, park opens

The timeline is subject to change.

June 2024

The project is progressing through the detailed design phase and construction is anticipated to start in summer 2024.

November 2021

Online Survey

Feedback on the proposed concept design for the new park was collected in an online survey from October 25 to November 12. The survey received a total of 543 responses. The project team will use the community feedback collected to develop ideas and confirm priorities for the final park design.

The park design includes:

  • A heritage hub that incorporates local history with:
    • a trellis
    • stage/pavilion
    • an interactive play area
    • pathways
    • an accessible ramp
  • An open lawn area
  • Landscape mounds
  • A tree grove with benches and a walkway
  • A rain garden with raised boardwalks and light bollards (short light fixtures that illuminate pathways for pedestrian safety)
  • An outdoor amphitheatre
  • Pedestrian mews (pathways with seating and greenery)
  • Bicycle parking

Site Plan

This is the proposed site plan for the new park:

A aerial rendering of the proposed site plan for the new park at 939 Eglinton Avenue with features and amenities identified with numbered labels throughout the park. The park will be square in shape and located at the corner of Brentcliffe Road and an east-west driveway.

  1. Heritage hub
  2. Pavilion
  3. Open lawn
  4. Landscape mound
  5. Tree grove
  6. Sunken rain garden
  7. Outdoor amphitheatre
  8. Pedestrian mews
  9. Bicycle parking
  10. Signage

Heritage Hub

The new park will feature a heritage hub inspired by Leaside’s local history. From 1940 to 1946, the park site was part of a complex of buildings owned by Research Enterprises Ltd. (REL). During this time, REL was Leaside’s largest employer devoted to producing high-technology equipment, such as optical instruments and radio equipment, which played a major role in Canada’s war efforts during World War II. REL buildings have since been demolished. The new park aims to celebrate the area’s cultural heritage with interactive play elements, opportunities to explore and flexible programming spaces.

An artist illustration of the proposed design for the new park at 939 Eglington Avenue taken from the south-east corner of the park. The image shows the park on a summer day with people participating in various activities from social gatherings on the open lawn area, walking along pathways and children playing in the active play area at the north-west corner of the park.