A new 3,300 m2 off-leash area (OLA) with a small dog area and a large dog area is coming to Parkway Forest Park. The new OLA will be located in the southwest area of the park, be the approximate size of a baseball diamond field and include a small dog area, a big dog area, a bottle filling station, shade structure, cluster seating and benches.
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The timeline is subject to change.
The shade structure has been installed.
Construction is well underway, with concrete pads and portions of sod laid. Fencing, underground services, water lines and irrigation have been installed.
Construction continues as scheduled.
Construction starts for the new off-leash area the week of October 1, 2024.
Construction for the new off-leash area will start the week of October 1 and continue until December 2024.
Civil service connections from the road have been completed and one of two permits have been received.
The design of the new off-leash area was finalized and submitted for permit applications.
On October 19, 2022, a group of invited community stakeholders attended a meeting to learn about the proposed design for a new off-leash dog area in Parkway Forest Park.
Download the meeting summary.