The City is improving the playground and adding a new fitness area in Tichester Park. The playground improvements are part of an ongoing program to enhance playgrounds and play spaces across the city

  • Summer/Fall 2023: Community engagement (online survey)
  • Winter 2023/2024: Detailed design and hire a construction team
  • Summer 2024: Construction starts, playground closes
  • Fall 2024: Construction complete, playground reopens

The timeline is subject to change.

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June 2024

Fitness Area

The project received funding for a new fitness area. The new fitness area will be located on the east side of the park, along the pathway adjacent to Tichester Road, and will include:

  • Equipment for active and passive range of motion exercises aimed at improving motor performance and aiding rehabilitation (often referred to as Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation exercises).
  • An accessible overhead press.
  • An exercise bike that allows the rider to sit in a reclined position while pedalling, providing additional back support and more comfort than a traditional upright bike (often referred to as a recumbent bike).
  • Information panels on how to use the equipment.

Rendering of the new exercise equipment in dark blue and silver, with a tri-sided exercise station in the middle and a recumbent bicycle to the right on a concrete surface.

February 2024

Final Playground Design

The final design for the new Tichester Park playground, which has been refined based on community feedback. It will be orange, pastel blue, white, and cobalt, and include the play features listed following the image.

The final playground design and layout was determined using feedback from the community. The new playground will be AODA compliant and will include the following features:

  • A swingset with:
    • Two belt swings
    • One toddler swing
    • One accessible swing
  • A combined play structure for ages two to 12 with:
    • One curvy slide
    • One straight slide
    • Four climbing options
    • One play counter
    • One wheel panel
  • One rope climbing structure
  • One climbing structure with overhead, sideways, and balancing components
  • One spinner toy
  • One sit-down or stand-up surfboard spring toy

November 2024

Online Survey

From November 6 to November 20, feedback on multiple playground design options was collected in an online survey. The survey was promoted through paid social media ads, outreach to nearby schools, the local Councillor’s office, on-site signage, and on this page. The survey received a total of 242 responses, with 64 per cent of respondents (152) reaching the end.

The design team will use this feedback to refine a final design. The final design will be available on this page in early Winter 2024.

Key Feedback Highlights

When asked to rank their playground design preference, respondents ranked Playground Design D highest (30 per cent) followed by Playground Design A (26 per cent) and Playground Design C (23 per cent), and Playground Design B (21 per cent).

Respondents shared that the three most important features to include in the new playground are:

  • Climbing structures
  • Senior play structure
  • Slides

Respondents shared that the three least important features to include in the new playground are:

  • Stand-alone spinner toys
  • Play panels
  • Stand-alone spring toys

If budget permits, the three features respondents would like more of in the improved playground are:

  • Climbing options
  • Group spinner
  • Slides

For seating around the playground:

  • 86 per cent of respondents like benches
  • 71 per cent of respondents like picnic tables
  • 52 per cent of respondents like seatwalls

The preferred colour scheme for the new playground was bright colours, like yellow, orange, and purple (61 per cent) over earthy colours like green, brown, and grey (29 per cent).

Playground Options

All three designs are accessible, have the same amount of play features and cost the same amount.

Playground Design A

A rendering of playground Design A. From left to right: swings, spinner seat, junior play structure, senior play structure. There is a picnic table displayed. Design is further described following the image.

Design A includes:

  • A swingset with:
    • Three belt swings
    • One toddler swing
    • One accessible swing
  • A junior play structure for ages two to five with:
    • One slide
    • One climbing option
    • One musical panel
    • One wheel panel
  • A senior play structure for ages five to 12 with:
    • One slide
    • Eight climbing options including overhead climbing
    • Multiple stepping stools and one balance beam
  • One spinner seat
  • One play panel
Playground Design B

A rendering of playground Design B. From left to right, combined play structure, sit-down toy, surfboard motion toy, swings. Climbing equipment and a picnic table are also displayed. Design is further described following the image.

Design B includes:

  • A swingset with:
    • Two belt swings
    • One toddler swing
    • One accessible swing
  • A combined play structure for ages two to 12 with:
    • One curved slide
    • One double slide
    • One straight slide
    • Four climbing options
    • One balance bridge
  • One senior climbing structure with accessible climber and reach panel
  • One junior climber
  • One stand or sit surfboard motion toy
  • One sit-down spring toy
Playground Design C

The rendering of playground Design C. From left to right: swings, teeter-totter, spinner toy, junior play structure, senior climbing structure. Design is further described following the image.

Design C includes:

  • A swingset with:
    • Two belt swings
    • One toddler swing
    • One accessible swing
  • A junior play structure for ages two to five with:
    • One double slide
    • One straight slide
    • Two climbing options
    • One monkey bar
    • One wheel panel
    • One telescope
    • One games counter
  • A senior climbing structure for ages five to 12 with:
    • One rope bridge
    • One overhead climbing ladder
  • One teeter-totter
  • One sitting or kneeling spinner toy
Playground Design D

A rendering of playground Design D. From left to right: spinner toy, climbing structure, combined play structure, another climbing structure, spinner toy, surfboard toy, swings. A picnic table is displayed. Design is further described following the image.

Design D includes:

  • A swingset with:
    • Two belt swings
    • One toddler swing
    • One accessible swing
  • A combined play structure for ages two to 12 with:
    • One curvy slide
    • One straight slide
    • Four climbing options
    • One play counter
    • One wheel panel
  • One rope climbing structure
  • One climbing structure with overhead, sideways, and balancing components
  • Two spinner toys
  • One sit-down or stand-up surfboard spring toy

Tichester Park Playground is located at 27 Tichester Rd., north of St. Clair Avenue West, just east of Bathurst Street.

The playground currently includes:

  • One swing set with:
    • Two swings for ages two to five
    • Four swings for ages five and up
  • A combined junior and senior play structure with one medium wavy slide, one medium curved slide, and one small double slide
  • Sand under all play areas

The playground will be redesigned using feedback from the community. The redesigned playground is proposed to include:

  • Playground equipment for ages two to 12
  • New seating
  • Engineered wood fibre playground surfacing
  • Accessible play equipment and renovated, accessible pathways connecting to the playground area. This means that people of all abilities will be able to play at this playground.