The City of Toronto is developing a Curling Strategy. The strategy will assess the supply of and demand for curling ice in Toronto and identify opportunities to increase public interest in and access to the sport.

January to June 2020:

  • Assess supply of and demand for curling ice in Toronto
  • Identify gaps and opportunities

April to September 2020:

  • Review existing City ice facilities, provision models for curling ice and sport development opportunities
  • Develop cost estimates and funding options

Fall/Winter 2020/2021:

  • Options analysis

Spring/Summer 2021:

  • Consultation with current arena users and the public about the possibility of introducing curling ice at an existing City-owned single-pad arena in Etobicoke York

Summer/Fall 2021:

  • Develop staff recommendations relating to facilities, financial models and programming
  • Staff Report to Council Fall 2021 (to be confirmed)

Fall 2022:

  • Release the Curling Strategy

The timeline is subject to change.

As part of Toronto’s 20-year Facilities Master Plan (FMP), City staff reviewed the existing curling facilities across the city to determine the need for new or improved facilities. At the time the FMP was developed, Toronto’s supply of City-owned curling ice was in line with or better than other Greater Toronto Area and large Canadian cities.

Based on the supply of City-owned curling ice and the availability of additional privately-owned curling facilities, no additional facilities were recommended.

In October 2019, as part of the approval of the FMP Implementation Strategy, City Council directed staff to monitor and assess trends and participation in curling. Closures of three private curling facilities, two in Toronto’s west end, have altered the context of curling in the city.

City staff are in the process of developing a Curling Strategy to:

  • Assess the trends and participation in curling
  • Consider the current context of curling ice availability
  • Identify opportunities to increase public interest in and access to the sport

Toronto’s curling rinks are a mix of public and private facilities.

The City owns three curling facilities:

There are also several privately-owned and operated clubs in Toronto, many of which are combined with other activities such as tennis or golf. These clubs have varying membership models and many offer rental leagues as well as member leagues.

While we aim to provide fully accessible content, there is no text alternative available for some of the content on this site. If you require alternate formats or need assistance understanding our maps, drawings, or any other content, please contact Matt Bentley at 416-392-3949 or

This is a map of Toronto, showing the location of city-owned and private curling facilities, and which ones are open and which ones have closed.
Curling locations and statuses. Enlarged image opens in a new window.
Curling Facilities included in the Facilities Master Plan, released in 2017, and their current status in 2020.
Name Address Status Number of Sheets
East York Curling Club 901 Cosburn Ave. City-owned 6
Leaside Curling Club 1075 Millwood Rd. City-owned 8
Tam Heather Curling and Tennis Club 730 Military Tr. City-owned 8
Donalda Curling Club 12 Bushbury Dr. Private 4
Granite Club 2350 Bayview Ave. Private 8
High Park Club 100 Indian Rd. Private 5
Royal Canadian Curling Club 131 Broadview Ave. Private 6
Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club 141 Wilson Ave. Private 6
St. George’s Golf and Country Club 1668 Islington Ave. Private – closed 6
Scarboro Golf and Country Club 321 Scarborough Golf Club Rd. Private – closed 6
Weston Golf and Country Club 50 St. Phillips Rd. Private – closed 6

Curling Clubs Closed since 2017

The following private curling facilities have closed since the FMP was approved in 2017. The City will take into consideration the impact of these closures on the overall provision of curling ice in Toronto through the Curling Strategy.

Weston Golf and Country Club

  • 50 St Phillips Rd. Etobicoke
  • Private club, closed 2018

St. Georges Golf and Country Club

  • 1668 Islington Ave. Etobicoke
  • Private club, closed 2020

Scarboro Golf and Country Club

  • 321 Scarborough Golf Club Rd. Scarborough
  • Private club, closed 2018

While we aim to provide fully accessible content, there is no text alternative available for some of the content on this site. If you require alternate formats or need assistance understanding our maps, drawings, or any other content, please contact Matt Bentley at 416-392-3949 or

December 15, 2021

Curling Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting

The fifth Curling Strategy Stakeholder Reference Group was held online. The purpose of this meeting was to share and discuss outcomes, updates and next steps related to the curling strategy.

Download the meeting presentation. A meeting summary will be posted here when available.

September 2021

Download the Public and Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report.

This document provides:

  • An overview of the Curling Strategy engagement process
  • A high-level summary of the public and stakeholder feedback regarding preferences for introducing curling into an existing City-owned arena
  • An overview of the development and refinement of the Principles for Potential Conversion or Shared Use, based on public and stakeholder feedback

July 9 to 25, 2021

Public Online Survey

An online survey was hosted from July 9 to 25, 2021. The survey introduced the Curling Strategy and ongoing work to the public and gathered feedback on the draft principles for arena conversion or shared use (developed through stakeholder engagement), and preferences between the two options.

Download the survey summary.

July 15, 2021

Virtual Public Meeting

A virtual public meeting was held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to introduce the Curling Strategy to the public, share work to date, introduce and gather feedback on draft principles for shared use or arena conversion, answer questions of clarification and share next steps.

Download the:

June 24, 2021

Curling Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting

The fourth Curling Strategy Stakeholder Reference Group was held online on June 24, 2021. The purpose of this workshop was to review the results of consultations with Etobicoke Arena Users, introduce and gather feedback on draft principles for shared use or conversion, answer questions of clarification and share next steps.

Download the

June 17, 2021

Etobicoke Arena Users Stakeholder Meeting

A stakeholder meeting with Etobicoke Arena Users was held on June 17, 2021. Over 130 arena users groups with recent permits for Etobicoke arenas were invited to participate. The purpose of the meeting was to provide stakeholders with an introduction and overview of the Curling Strategy, review the May survey results, introduce and gather feedback on draft principles for shared use or arena conversion, answer questions of clarification, and share next steps.

Download the

May 18 to 31, 2021

Etobicoke Arena Users Online Survey

An online survey was hosted from May 18 to May 30, 2021. Survey goals included:

  • Identifying potential opportunities and challenges related to a shared-use model or arena conversion to accommodate curling activities in Etobicoke
  • Identifying how the existing supply of ice in Etobicoke arenas could support curling activities while ensuring existing user groups remain accommodated

The feedback collected from this survey was used to develop a set of draft Principles for Arena Conversion or Shared Use (presented to arena users, curlers, and the public for further refinement). Over 130 arena users groups with recent permits for Etobicoke arenas were invited to participate in the survey. 53 surveys were completed.

An overview of the survey results is available in the June 17, 2021 Etobicoke Arena Users Stakeholder Meeting presentation file.

Download the full survey summary.

March 8, 2021

Curling Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting

The third Curling Strategy Stakeholder Reference Group was held online on March 8, 2021. The purpose of this workshop was to provide a project update, including a recap of Council direction and work to date, a discuss facility options identified for further investigation, considerations for further analysis, and next steps.

Download the

September 29, 2020

Curling Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting

The second Curling Strategy Stakeholder Reference Group was held online on September 29, 2020.  The purpose of this workshop was to review and confirm the analysis of Phase 2: Identifying Opportunities, research completed by the City to inform the future Curling Strategy. Prior to the meeting, stakeholders were provided with the Phase 2 findings, in a PowerPoint format. Members were asked to review the presentation and bring their questions of clarification and comments to the Stakeholder Meeting.

The Phase 2: Identifying Opportunities presentation was revised to reflect stakeholder feedback.

Download the

June 18, 2020

Curling Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting

The first Curling Strategy Stakeholder Reference Group was held online on June 18, 2020.  The purpose of this workshop was to review and confirm the results and findings of Phase 1: Taking Stock, research completed by the City to inform the future Curling Strategy. Prior to the meeting, stakeholders were provided the Phase 1 findings, in a PowerPoint format. Members were asked to review the findings and bring their questions of clarification and comments to the Stakeholder Meeting.

The Phase 1: Taking Stock presentation and findings were revised to reflect stakeholder feedback.

Download the:

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