The Bloor West Village Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study was initiated in Fall 2017. Bloor West Village is an established main street that was primarily developed in the early to mid-20th century. It is bound by two significant natural features – High Park to the east and the Humber River to the west. It has historically been a significant demarcating road, dividing distinct communities such as the Village of Swansea, the City of West Toronto, and the Village of Brockton prior to their amalgamation with the growing City of Toronto. It’s built form character reflects those past communities as well as the construction of the Bloor Street streetcar in the 1920s, and the extension of the subway through the area in the 1960s.

The Bloor West Village HCD Study will be presented to the Toronto Preservation Board in alignment with the Bloor West Village Avenue Study’s reporting timeline.

The Implementation Phase of the Bloor West Village Avenue Study, presently in progress, involves the preparation of a comprehensive, area-specific planning framework. This framework will include an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) with Site and Area Specific Policy (SASP), area-specific Zoning By-law Amendments and the development of detailed, area-specific Urban Design Guidelines. The findings and recommendations from the HCD Study will inform and guide the planning framework for the Bloor West Village Avenue Study, including integration of heritage into the Site and Area Specific Policy and the Urban Design Guidelines.


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The City is conducting a separate, yet coordinated Bloor West Village Avenue Study. This study will assess the land uses, transportation and servicing infrastructure, community services and facilities, built form character and redevelopment potential of the study area.