Community meetings and advisory group meetings are held over the course of the Heritage Conservation District Study in order to provide information on the study, receive input from the local community and engage residents and stakeholders in the heritage planning process.
Meetings will be posted below as they are scheduled. Meeting summaries and information presented at these meetings are publicly available and can be found on this page.
On April 3, 2019, the City Planning Division hosted a Community Consultation Meeting (Open House) for the Bloor West Village Heritage Conservation District Study at High Park Nature Centre, along with the project team led by Stantec. Links to download the display boards presented at the meeting are below.
On March 26, 2019, City Planning staff and the consultant team, led by Stantec, met with the Bloor West Village Community Advisory Group to present the consultant’s draft recommendations and to solicit feedback and discussion.
On June 14, 2018, City Planning staff and the consultant team, led by Stantec, met with the Bloor West Village Community Advisory Group (CAG) to provide them with a update on work relating to the history and evolution, planning context, character analysis and draft heritage evaluation of the study area.
A summary of the meeting, including feedback received is available for download.
On May 14, 2018, City Planning staff and the consultant team, led by Stantec, met with the Bloor West Village Community Advisory Group (CAG) to introduce the HCD Study and process, review the CAG Terms of Reference, and provide an overview of work completed to date, including the preliminary results of the character analysis for discussion.
A summary of the meeting, including feedback received is available for download.
The first open house for the Bloor West Village HCD Study was held on Thursday, February 15, 2018, at Runnymede United Church. This meeting provided an opportunity for community members to meet the project team, ask questions regarding the study process and provide feedback to inform the study. Material presented at the open house can be downloaded below.