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July 4, 2018

Newsletter 18

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Study Milestone – Proposals Report adopted by City Council!

The Don Mills Crossing Proposals Report and Draft Secondary Plan was adopted by City Council at its meeting on June 26, 2018. The Draft Secondary Plan advances a vision of Don Mills and Eglinton as a distinct and complete community that celebrates the natural heritage of the Don River Valley system and builds on the area’s tradition of cultural and technological innovation.

In the same session, Council also adopted a Directions Report for the proposed redevelopment of the Celestica lands at the northwest quadrant of Eglinton Avenue East and Don Mills Road. This report is informed by the draft policies of the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan.

A final round of public and stakeholder engagement on the draft policy framework will be conducted in the Fall of 2018. A Final Report with the recommended Official Plan Amendment containing the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan will be brought forward to a statutory public meeting at the Planning and Growth Management Committee in early 2019.

Thank you for helping us reach this important milestone in the study! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to advance Phase 3 (Implementation) of the Don Mills Crossing study!

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