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May 2, 2019
Newsletter 21
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The recommended Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan was adopted by Toronto City Council at its meeting on April 16th, 2019. The Notice of Adoption is now available for viewing.
The recommended Secondary Plan is a series of policies that reflect the outcomes of Don Mills Crossing, a comprehensive planning study for lands in the vicinity of the Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East intersection. It presents an opportunity to align elements of community building in an area of the city experiencing residential and employment growth. The recommended Secondary Plan policies provide for a new connected network of streets, parks, open spaces and natural areas around which a complete community will develop.
The Don Mills Crossing study engaged over 1100 people online and in-person over two years. Thank you to all who participated in the study and provided feedback to help shape the future of Don Mills and Eglinton.
Want to stay involved? Parks, Forestry and Recreation are hosting a public open house on community recreation facility planning in the Don Mills corridor between York Mills Road to Gateway Boulevard.
Date: Monday, May 6th, 2019
Time: 4:00 – 8:00 pm (Drop-in Open House) A presentation will be given at 4:30 pm and repeated at 7:00 pm
Location: Ontario Science Centre, Telus Room, 766 Don Mills Road
The Open House will include an overview of the project and what City staff has heard to date. There will be an opportunity to provide feedback on proposed options.
March 15, 2019
Newsletter 20
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Recommended Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan before Planning and Housing Committee
Thank you for interest and participation in the Don Mills Crossing Study. The recommended Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan will be considered by Planning and Housing committee on April 4th 2019, at 100 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor City Hall, at 9:45 am or as soon as possible thereafter. This is a statutory public meeting held in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act.
If you are interested, but unable to attend in person, you may follow the livestream on the City of Toronto website on April 4th.
Please refer to the notice for more information on the meeting, including how to make a deputation before the committee.
You may also submit written comments. If you wish to address the Planning and Housing Committee in person or in writing, please contact: City Clerk, Attention: Nancy Martins, Administrator, Planning and Housing 10th Floor, West Tower, Toronto ON M5H 2N2, Phone: 416-397-4579, Fax: 416-392-1879, e-mail
Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan
The recommended Secondary Plan is a series of policies that reflect the outcomes of Don Mills Crossing, a comprehensive planning study for lands in the vicinity of the Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East intersection. It presents an opportunity to align elements of community building in an area of the city experiencing residential and employment growth. The recommended Secondary Plan policies provide for a new connected network of streets, parks, open spaces and natural areas around which a complete community will develop.
Opportunities for Review
The recommended Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan will be available on March 15 on the Don Mills Crossing website. Reference copies will be also be made available on that date at Metro Hall, 55 John Street 22nd Floor and at Toronto Building: Planning Enquiries, North York Civic Centre 5100 Yonge Street, 1st Floor. Other project information and reports, such as the Mobility Planning Study, the Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment, and the public consultation presentation boards are also available on the project website.
Get Involved!
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us at @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #donmillscrossing.
January 24, 2019
Newsletter 19
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Date and Time: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ontario Science Centre, 770 Don Mills Road, Gemini Rooms.
Free Parking. Transit nearby.
Check out the meeting notice for full details!
Join us on January 30, 2019 to learn about the proposed final Secondary Plan.
The draft policy framework provides for a new connected network of streets, parks, open spaces and natural areas around which a complete community will develop. It reflects the outcomes of multiple phases of work and input provided by residents and stakeholders through a number of community meetings, open houses and pop-up events.
This is your opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions of City staff. You are welcome to attend at any time during the open house. If you are interested in the Open House, but unable to attend, the materials will soon be posted on the Don Mills Crossing website.
You may also send your feedback to the Project Lead, Annely Zonena, at or 416-338-3105.
The City of Toronto has completed a Mobility Planning Study (MPS) to address transportation infrastructure needs in the vicinity of the Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East. The MPS was prepared in accordance with Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and complements the preferred land use and built form scenario in the Don Mills Crossing Planning Study.
Opportunities for Review: The MPS has been completed and placed on the public record for a 30 day review period starting January 16, 2019 and ending on February 15, 2019.
An Executive Summary of the MPS is available for review online at and the full version is available in print at the following locations for the duration of the 30 day review period:
Toronto Building: Planning Enquiries North York Civic Centre, 1st Floor, 5100 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M2N 5V7 (416) 395-7531
Toronto Public Library: Flemingdon Park 29 St. Dennis Drive Toronto, ON M3C 3J3 (416) 395-5820
Any questions or request for additional information related to the MPS should be directed to Arthur Lo, City Planning, Transportation Planning at (416) 395-7118 or
Get Involved!
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us at @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #donmillscrossing
July 4, 2018
Newsletter 18
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The Don Mills Crossing Proposals Report and Draft Secondary Plan was adopted by City Council at its meeting on June 26, 2018. The Draft Secondary Plan advances a vision of Don Mills and Eglinton as a distinct and complete community that celebrates the natural heritage of the Don River Valley system and builds on the area’s tradition of cultural and technological innovation.
In the same session, Council also adopted a Directions Report for the proposed redevelopment of the Celestica lands at the northwest quadrant of Eglinton Avenue East and Don Mills Road. This report is informed by the draft policies of the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan.
A final round of public and stakeholder engagement on the draft policy framework will be conducted in the Fall of 2018. A Final Report with the recommended Official Plan Amendment containing the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan will be brought forward to a statutory public meeting at the Planning and Growth Management Committee in early 2019.
Thank you for helping us reach this important milestone in the study! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to advance Phase 3 (Implementation) of the Don Mills Crossing study!
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
June 1, 2018
Newsletter 17
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The Don Mills Crossing Proposals Report will be considered at the June 7th Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) meeting and presents the draft Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan for public consultation. The report and attached draft Secondary Plan are now available for viewing.
The Draft Secondary Plan advances a vision of Don Mills and Eglinton as a distinct and complete community that celebrates the natural heritage of the Don River Valley system and builds on the area’s tradition of cultural and technological innovation.
Developed as part of the ongoing Phase 3 work program for Don Mills Crossing, the Draft Secondary Plan is a result of public engagement and technical background work completed since the launch of the study in October 2016. Most recently, over 85 participants reviewed and provided feedback on draft policy directions and the Mobility Plan Preferred Solution at an open house held on April 19th at the Ontario Science Centre.
Also at PGMC on June 7th, a Directions Report will be considered for the proposed redevelopment of the Celestica lands at the northwest quadrant of Eglinton Avenue East and Don Mills Road. This report is informed by the draft policies of the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan.
If the Proposals Report is adopted at PGMC, a final round of public and stakeholder engagement on the draft policy framework will be conducted in the Fall of 2018. A Final Report with the recommended Official Plan Amendment containing the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan will be brought forward to a statutory public meeting at the Planning and Growth Management Committee in early 2019.
Thank you for helping us reach this important milestone in the study! We look forward to your ongoing participation and engagement in community building at Don Mills and Eglinton.
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
May 4, 2018
Newsletter 16
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The April 19th Open House on Proposed Policy Directions for the Don Mills Crossing Secondary Plan and Mobility Plan Preferred Solution was a success! Over 75 people attended the event and provided great feedback.
City staff and members of the City’s consultant team were available to answer questions and record feedback. Representatives of the landowners for the Celestica lands application were also in attendance to provide an update and answer questions related to the development application.
The Meeting Summary and Meeting Panels are now available for viewing.
Staff will use the feedback received at the April 19th meeting to refine the proposed Secondary Plan policies. A Proposals Report presenting the proposed Secondary Plan will be considered at Planning and Growth Management Committee’s June 7, 2018 meeting.
To stay up to date on upcoming events, sign-up for e-updates at
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
April 9, 2018
Newsletter 15
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Open House on Proposed Policy Directions and Mobility Plan Preferred Solution
Date and Time: Thursday April 19, 2018 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ontario Science Centre, 770 Don Mills Road, Gemini Room.
Free Parking. Transit nearby.
Check out the meeting notice for full details!
Join us on Thursday, April 19 for Don Mills Crossing’s Open House on the draft proposed Secondary Plan policy directions and next steps! These draft policy directions are based the Public Realm Plan Report and four Guiding Principles adopted by City Council at its meeting of December 5, 2017:
The City’s consultant team will also be presenting the Preferred Solution for the Mobility Plan. This is your opportunity to provide feedback to help shape these documents and ask questions of City staff.
An update will also be provided on the Wynford Green (Celestica) development applications. You are welcome to attend at any time during the open house.
Feedback from the meeting will be used to prepare a Proposals Report to be considered by City Council’s Planning and Growth Management Committee in June 2018.
If you are interested in the Open House, but unable to attend, the materials will soon be posted on the Don Mills Crossing website. You may also send your feedback to the Project Lead, Christian Ventresca, at or 416-392-3439.
The Mobility Plan study was initiated In June 2017, in support of Don Mills Crossing, to examine the new transportation infrastructure and strategies necessary to support growth in the Study Area, including an extension of Wynford Drive and pedestrian and cycling connections over the rail corridor. The Mobility Plan Study will satisfy Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process.
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us at @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #donmillscrossing.
November 21, 2017
Newsletter 14
With your help, Phase 2 of Don Mills Crossing is now complete. On November 15, 2017, the Phase 2 Staff Report and Public Realm Plan Report were adopted by City Council’s Planning and Growth Management Committee.
The Public Realm Plan was developed to improve active transportation and mobility within the study srea. Four guiding principles will guide future planning in the area to activate these places and ensure the development of a complete community:
The Public Realm Plan is based on background work and community engagement conducted since the study’s launch in 2016. The Plan was presented to the community for feedback and refinement at our June Public Realm Meetings, September 27 Joint Meeting with the Celestica lands development application, on our online app, and a series of summer pop-up engagement events in the community.
The Staff Report and attached Public Realm Plan are available for viewing. The Report sets the stage for the development of a proposed new Secondary Plan in Phase 3 of the Don Mills Crossing study in 2018.
Thank you for helping us reach this important milestone in the study. We look forward your ongoing participation and engagement as we move in to Phase 3, Implementation.
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
October 13, 2017
Newsletter 13
The September 27th Community Meeting, Open House and Breakout Discussions on the Don Mills Crossing Study and Celestica Lands Development Application was a success! Over 60 people attended the event and provided great feedback on key themes: Parks, Open Spaces, and Community Facilities, Land Use and Building Types, Public Realm and Connections, and Transportation.
The Meeting Summary is now available for viewing.
We will be using your feedback to inform the review of the Celestica Lands Development application and in the preparation of a Framework Report for Don Mills Crossing to be considered by City Council’s Planning and Growth Management Committee in November 2017.
To stay up to date on upcoming events, sign-up for e-updates at
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
September 14, 2017
Newsletter 12
Celestica Lands Development Application and Don Mills Crossing Study
Community Meeting, Open House & Breakout Discussions
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017
5 – 6 p.m. Open House
6 – 6:30 p.m. Presentation
6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Breakout Discussions
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, 6 Garamond Court Room – Shokokai Court
Review updates on the Celestica Lands Development application and Don Mills Crossing study
Check out the Meeting Notice for full details!
Join us for an update on the Celestica lands development application and the Don Mills Crossing Study!
The City is currently reviewing a development application for the Celestica lands at 844 Don Mills Road, 1150 and 1155 Eglinton Avenue East within the Core Study Area for Don Mills Crossing. The development application proposes a new mixed-use community of residential, office, commercial, retail and recreational uses along with new public streets and parks. You can learn more about the development applications by visiting the City’s Application Information Centre website at: and searching the addresses above.
City staff and members of the Celestica application team will be available to answer your questions. After presentations at 6:00, staff will moderate breakout discussions on subject matters relating to the application including: transportation; livability; built form and the public realm. This is a key city building moment for Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East and we want to hear from you!
Help us spread awareness about the event by circulating this update widely among your networks! We look forward to having many great conversations with you about community building at Don Mills and Eglinton.
Have your say online!
We are continuing to seek feedback online on the emerging Streets, Parks, and Open Spaces Plan presented at our June 27 and 28 public meeting. Until October 1, 2017, the online app allows you to provide your input on design choices for the following components of the Public Realm Plan:
This Plan has been developed based on feedback received and background work complete in Phase 1. It organizes public places and emphasizes mobility through the area via active transportation (cycling, walking).
Review the design option for each component and indicate your preference with a “thumbs up” or” thumbs down”. Have additional feedback? Start a discussion now!
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
August 16, 2017
Newsletter 11
Don Mills Crossing has launched an online app! We are continuing to seek feedback on the emerging Streets, Parks, and Open Spaces Plan presented at our June 27 and 28 public meeting. This Plan has been developed based on feedback received and background work complete in Phase 1. It organizes public places and emphasizes mobility through the area via active transportation (cycling, walking).
From now until October 1, 2017, the online app allows you to provide your input on design choices for the following components of the Public Realm Plan:
Review the design option for each component and indicate your preference with a thumbs up or thumbs down. Have additional feedback? Start a discussion now!
Help us spread awareness and knowledge about the emerging Streets, Parks, and Open Spaces Plan by sharing this e-update widely among your networks!
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
July 17, 2017
Newsletter 10
The June Public Realm Meeting and Open House on the Don Mills Crossing Study was a success! Over 85 people attended the event over two days and provided great feedback on the emerging public realm plan for the Don Mills and Eglinton area.
The Consultation Summary and event materials including the presentation, event boards, and handouts are now available for viewing:
Event Materials
Consultation Summary
Discussion Guide
Meeting Notice
Handout #1 Why Study Don Mills and Eglinton?
Handout #2 What Guides the Study?
We will be using your feedback to inform additional refinement of the emerging public realm plan and the preparation of a Proposals Report for Don Mills Crossing to be advanced at the conclusion of Phase 2 later this year. To stay up to date on upcoming events, sign-up for e-updates at
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
June 26, 2017
Newsletter 9
Reminder – Public Realm Meeting and Open House this Tuesday and Wednesday!
This is a friendly reminder that there will be a Public Realm Meeting and Open House on the Don Mills Crossing study this Tuesday, June 27 and Wednesday, June 28! You are welcome to attend either of the sessions at the times and venues indicated below.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
5 – 8 p.m. Presentation at 5 p.m. and repeated at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Each presentation is followed by an Open House
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Shokokai Court, 6 Garamond Court
Free Parking. Transit nearby.
Wednesday June 28, 2017
3 – 7 p.m. Presentation at 3 p.m. and repeated at 4 p.m., 5 p.m.,6 p.m.
Each presentation is followed by an open house.
Dennis R. Timbrell Resource Centre Gymnasium, 29 St. Dennis Drive
Parking and Transit nearby.
Staff will present and will be seeking feedback on an emerging public realm vision for the area based on background work and community and stakeholder engagement conducted to date. The engagement summaries, background reports and Phase 1 Profile are available for viewing on the Don Mills Crossing website:
The new public realm network will tie together streets, parks, open spaces, bicycle and pedestrian routes with a focus on active transportation and access to transit, services and amenities. There will be staff available to answer your questions.
Attention young city-builders!
We want to hear from you! Interactive public realm activities will be provided to encourage participation from children ages 5-12.
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
June 16, 2017
Newsletter 8
Don Mills Crossing Public Realm Meeting and Open House
Purpose: Learn about, and provide feedback on, the emerging public realm vision for the Don Mills and Eglinton area.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 5 – 8 p.m. Presentation at 5 p.m. and repeated on the hour.Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Shokokai Court, 6 Garamond Court Free Parking. Transit nearby.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017 3 – 7 p.m. Presentation at 3 p.m. and repeated on the hour. Dennis R. Timbrell Resource Centre Gymnasium, 29 St. Dennis Drive
Check out the flyer for full details!
Join us on June 27 or June 28 for an open house focusing on the public realm experience in the Don Mills and Eglinton area. You are welcome to attend either of the sessions at the times and venues indicated above. Staff will present and will be seeking feedback on an emerging public realm vision for the area based on background work and community and stakeholder engagement conducted to date. The engagement summaries, background reports and Phase 1 Profile are available for viewing on the Don Mills Crossing website:
The new public realm network will tie together streets, parks, open spaces, bicycle and pedestrian routes with a focus on active transportation and access to transit, services and amenities. There will be staff available to answer your questions.
Attention young city-builders!
We want to hear from you! Interactive public realm activities will be provided to encourage participation from children ages 5-12.
Notice of Commencement
The City has also initiated a Mobility Plan Study to support the Don Mills Crossing Study.
The Mobility Plan Study will examine new transportation infrastructure such as new streets, trail connections, and a separated pedestrian and cycling crossing at the CP Rail Corridor to improve mobility choices and options in the area. This Study will satisfy Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process.
Help us spread awareness about the event by circulating this update widely among your networks! Looking forward to having many great conversations with you about community building at Don Mills and Eglinton.
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
March 9, 2017
Newsletter 7
The February 21st Community Meeting and Open House on the Don Mills Crossing Study and Celestica Lands development application was a success! With over 140 people in attendance, we were able to have many great conversations on Don Mills and Eglinton’s public realm, streets and trails, parks, facilities and built form.
The Consultation Summary and event materials including the presentation, event boards, and handouts are now available for viewing:
Event Materials
Consultation Summary
Event Boards
Event Flyer
Handout 1: Why Study Don Mills?
Handout 2: What Guides This Study?
We will be using your feedback to shape future engagement. To stay up to date on upcoming events, sign-up for e-updates at
Know someone who might be interested in this Study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
February 21, 2017
Newsletter 6
This is a friendly reminder that there will be a presentation and open house on the Don Mills Crossing study and the Celestica development applications tonight! Join us at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (6 Garamond Court) between 5 – 9 p.m. There will be a presentation at 5 p.m. which will be repeated at 7 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to learn about the Celestica Development application, review findings of Don Mills Crossing’s Phase 1 work, and share feedback to shape future engagement.
Check out the flyer for full details!
This evening’s discussion will focus on important city-building themes: public realm, streets and trails, parks, facilities and built form. There will be staff and members of the Celestica application team available to answer your questions. If you know anyone who may be interested in the study and Celestica Lands development application, be sure to tell them about the meeting!
If you are interested in the Community Meeting and Open House, but are unable to attend tonight, the materials will soon be posted on the Don Mills Crossing website. Watch this space for more updates as the materials become available for viewing!
Know someone who might be interested in this study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
February 17, 2017
Newsletter 5
Don Mills Crossing and Celestica Development Application
Community Meeting and Open House
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, Shokokai Court, 6 Garamond Court
5 – 9 p.m. Open House. Presentation at 5:00 p.m., repeated at 7:00 p.m.
Learn about the Celestica Development application, review findings of Don Mills Crossing’s Phase 1 work, and share feedback to shape future engagement.
Check out the flyer for full details!
Join us on Tuesday, February 21st at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (6 Garamond Court) between 5 – 9 p.m. for a presentation and open house on the Don Mills Crossing study and the Celestica development applications. There will be a presentation at 5:00 p.m. which will be repeated at 7:00 p.m.
During Phase 1 of Don Mills Crossing, you helped us understand the Don Mills and Eglinton area and its surrounding context. Through in-person and online engagement, our Study Launch, and several background technical reports, we identified key findings to inform future phases of Don Mills Crossing. The engagement summaries, background reports and Phase 1 Profile are available for viewing on the Don Mills Crossing website:
The City is now also reviewing development applications for 844 Don Mills Road, 1150 and 1155 Eglinton Avenue East (the “Celestica Lands”) within the Core Study Area for Don Mills Crossing. The development applications proposes – over a number of phases – a new mixed-use community of residential, office, commercial, retail and recreational uses along with new public streets and parks.
The evening’s discussion will focus on important city-building themes: public realm, streets and trails, parks, facilities and built form. There will be staff and members of the Celestica application team available to answer your questions. Help us spread awareness about the event by circulating this update widely among your networks! Looking forward to having many great conversations with you about community building at Don Mills and Eglinton.
Know someone who might be interested in this Study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
January 5, 2017
Newsletter 4
Our Phase 1 Report, including the Don Mills Crossing Profile, are now available. The Report and Profile identify key findings to inform future phases of Don Mills Crossing based on background reports, research and community engagement completed as part of the Phase 1 work program. The Phase 1 Report will be considered at the January 11th Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) meeting.
Also at PGMC on January 11th is the Preliminary Report on the redevelopment proposal for the Celestica lands at the northwest quadrant of Eglinton Avenue East and Don Mills Road.
All of our Phase 1 reports are available for viewing under the Studies and Reports tab on the Don Mills Crossing website.
2017 is going to be an exciting year for Don Mills Crossing and we will be updating the website frequently. Watch this space for more!
Know someone who might be interested in this Study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
December 22, 2016
Newsletter 3
With your help, Phase 1 of Don Mills Crossing is nearing completion! Four background studies which informed the Don Mills Crossing Profile report are now available to view.
During Phase 1, we worked with you to understand the Don Mills and Eglinton area and its surrounding context. We spoke to over 400 people either in person or online and learned more about your neighbourhood, your favourite places, and things that could be better.
We also completed a number of background studies to inform our work which include:
We are preparing a Profile Report to be considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee that summarizes the background analysis and the community feedback to identify future areas of study as we move on to Phase 2 of Don Mills Crossing. Watch this space for another update when the Profile is available for viewing.
Thanks for helping us get this far! We hope you are as excited as we are for the next phase. The Don Mills Crossing website will be updated frequently as we schedule more events, so stay tuned.
Know someone who might be interested in this Study? Help us spread awareness and knowledge by forwarding this message and by encouraging others to sign up for the email list. You can sign up on the website at
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
October 24, 2016
Newsletter 2
The Don Mills Crossing Study Launch and Public Consultation Meeting was a great success! Thank you to all who were able to attend! We had a great turn out with over 85 people in attendance. Over the course of the evening we were able to have many great discussions about the future of Don Mills and Eglinton.
For a summary of the event please click on the link the below. Also, we have posted all event materials to the website at
Event Materials
Consultation Summary
Handout 1: Why Study Don Mills?
Handout 2: What Guides the Study?
Study Overview
We encourage active involvement of residents, employees and business owners through each phase of the study. Help us reach more people by sharing this e-newsletter with your neighbours. We will be holding various consultation events including pop-ups, workshops and open houses.
Join the conversation at Favourite Places
Follow us on twitter @ #DMCrossing
To learn more, visit us online at
Favourite Places – Have Your Say Online
Don Mills Crossing has launched an online app! Tell us about your favourite places in the Don Mills & Eglinton Area. Where do you like to spend time and why? Any places that have potential but need improvement?! Join the online conversation today!
October 7, 2016
Newsletter 1
Don Mills Crossing Public Consultation and Study Launch
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Ontario Science Centre, Gemini Room, 770 Don Mills Rd.
5 – 9 p.m. Open House
6 p.m. Presentation, repeated on the hour
Check out the Flyer!
Don Mills Crossing is an initiative lead by the City of Toronto City Planning Division that will examine ways to focus and shape anticipated growth around the intersection of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue East anchored by the transit infrastructure being constructed as part of the Crosstown LRT.
Building on the work of Eglinton Connects, Don Mills Crossing will look to improve connections to the surrounding areas, lay out a network of open space and identify community services necessary to support new growth. This a key city building moment for Don Mills & Eglinton.
Don Mills Crossing will result in a new planning framework, which will include implementation measures to support co-ordinated development of employment, residential and community uses.
Over July, August and September the Don Mills Crossing team was out at various locations and community events to discuss the upcoming Don Mills Crossing study. Over the course of our four ‘pop-up’ events we spoke with over 200 residents learning about their favourite places in the area. Summaries of these events can be found on our website.
Official Don Mills Crossing Study Launch Meeting
Ontario science Centre
October 13th, 2016 5 – 9 p.m.
Favourite Places – Have Your Say Online
Don Mills Crossing has launched an online app! Tell us about your favourite places in the Don Mills & Eglinton Area. Where do you like to spend time and why? Any places that have potential but need improvement?! Join the online conversation today!
We encourage active involvement of residents, employees and business owners through each phase of the study. We will be holding various consultation events including pop-ups, workshops and open houses.
Join the conversation at Favourite Places
On Twitter? Tweet us @CityPlanTO and simply use the hashtag #DonMillsCrossing.
To learn more, visit us online at