In October 2016, City Council directed the City Planning Division to initiate Official Plan Amendments for both the Railway Lands West and Railway Lands Central Secondary Plans, informed by community and stakeholder consultation, to provide a planning framework for park use over the rail corridor.
The subject site of the City-Initiated Official Plan Amendments includes the portion of the rail corridor between Bathurst Street and Blue Jays way, as illustrated below.
Two public and stakeholder consultations will be held to provide input into the City-initiated Official Plan Amendment. The first will be held on June 13th and will provide an opportunity for further information and response to the information presented in this report. The second consultation, to be scheduled in the Fall, will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Amendments for the rail corridor.
Date/Time: September 25, 2017 | 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: City Hall, City Council Chambers and Members Lounge, 100 Queen St. W.
This is the second public meeting regarding the City-initiated Official Plan Amendment for the rail corridor between Bathurst Street and Blue Jays Way. The purpose of this meeting is to offer the public the opportunity to learn more about the project and provide feedback to City staff on the emerging vision and draft Official Plan Amendment. A question and answer period will follow the presentation. Comments from the community will help to guide the final recommendations for the Official Plan Amendment.
Date/Time: June 13, 2017 | 6:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Metro Hall Rotunda – 55 John Street
The purpose of this public consultation is to share work to date on the Official Plan Amendment for the Rail Corridor Site and gather public feedback on future uses of this important site. Staff have prepared a Preliminary Report on the Rail Corridor Official Plan Amendment. Comments from the community will help to guide the final recommendations for the Official Plan Amendment.
An Online Survey was launched from June 13th to July 7th to collect feedback from those who could not attend the June 13th Public Meeting in person. Thank you to all who participated. Survey results have been included in the June 13th Consultation Summary Report.
The Toronto City Council direction authorizing the study is available as EX17.1 – Rail Deck Park – Work Plan for Official Plan Amendments and an Implementation Strategy.