Staff Reports
Community Council – June 27, 2023
On June 27, 2023, Scarborough Community Council received a Report from City Planning Staff regarding Our Scarborough Centre Secondary Plan Study – Proposals Report, which included the Executive Summary from the Phase 4 Final Consultant’s Report.
Community Council – May 22, 2019
On May 22, 2019, Scarborough Community Council received a Report from City Planning Staff regarding Phase 1, which included the consultant’s final report and an update on the status of the Study and next steps. The report is available for viewing.
Community Council – January 24, 2018
On February 21, 2018, Scarborough Community Council received an Information Report from City Planning Staff regarding the intent and purpose of the Scarborough Centre Focused Review Study.
Related Studies & Initiatives
Scarborough Centre Transportation Master Plan
City Council adopted the Scarborough Centre Transportation Master Plan – Final Report at its meeting on May 22, 2018. The goal of the master plan is to develop a framework and direction for the transportation network to transform the existing auto-oriented transportation network into more walkable streets.
Scarborough Centre Public Art Master Plan Study
City Council adopted the Scarborough Centre Public Art Master Plan – Consultant’s Report at its meeting on April 24, 2018. The purpose of the plan is to provide strategic direction for the public art program in Scarborough Centre.
Scarborough Subway Extension
The extension received full Transit Environmental Assessment approval on October 30, 2017, thus granting authority to proceed with the transit project.
Currently, the project is advancing detailed design, with the expectation of reaching 30% design by the end of 2018. At its meeting on March 28, 2017, City Council approved Next Steps on the Scarborough Subway Extension report on the extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway from Kennedy Station to Scarborough Centre and the Triton bus terminal concept.
McCowan Precinct Plan
The McCowan Precinct Plan Study Final Report (including OPA 242) and the Urban Design Guidelines were adopted by City Council on June 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2014. The plan put in place the framework to guide future growth and development of the McCowan Precinct and promote a finer grid of new public streets and the creation of small and medium-sized development blocks.
Scarborough Centre Public Space and Streetscape Master Plan
City Council endorsed the Scarborough Centre – Public Space and Streetscape Master Plan at its meeting on July 11, 2012. The Master Plan establishes a vision for the Civic and Commercial Precincts and identifies priority projects and implementation strategies to improve and enhance the public space framework.
Scarborough Centre Civic Precinct Plan
On April 6, 2009, City Council adopted the first Precinct Plan, The Scarborough Centre Civic Precinct Implementation Plan. The plan sets out a list of priority projects and initiatives which would accelerate the maturation of the Civic Precinct as the focal point in the Scarborough Centre.
Scarborough Centre Secondary Plan
The Scarborough Centre Secondary Plan was adopted by City Council at its meeting of December 5, 6 and 7, 2005. It establishes a vision and strategic implementation policies for the Centre and sets out broad goals for the future development of the Scarborough Centre.