Study information, reports and publications will be listed below as they become available over the course of the project.
On July 4, 2018, the Toronto & East York Community Council recommended adopting the recommendations of the St. James Town Public Realm and Open Space Plan. For more information, please find:
A community improvement plan for St. James Town was approved by Council on September 9, 1989, through By-Law No. 598-89. While some of the improvements had been implemented, including lighting of public spaces and improvements to the community space in front of Rose Avenue School, others have not. The ONIP program is no longer in existence and cannot provide funding to continue the improvements.
In 1997 Council endorsed the St. James Town 2000: Community Action Plan, prepared by the St. James Town Community Facilities Working Committee. The Action Plan was prepared by City Planning staff with input from both Staff and Resident Committees.
In conjunction with the Community Action Plan, Architects Alliance, a local architectural and planning firm, was engaged to prepare the “St. James Town Open Space Design and Implementation Plan” report, which was completed in 2002. It recommends a community improvement plan for the area as a vehicle to implement open space improvements for the area.
The St. James Town Community Improvement Plan (CIP) project area, was approved by City Council in 2003, to replace and expand the earlier CIP. Background information on the CIP can be found at the following link:
March 10, 2003 – Toronto East York Community Council – St James Town Community Improvement Plan
City Staff have also recommended designation of a number of heritage properties in the area. Reports on recommended heritage designations can be found for the following properties:
The North St. James Town Planning Framework objectives were adopted by Council at its meeting of August 25 and 26, 2010. They establish directions to assist with the evaluation of future development applications and work program initiatives, such as the St. James Town Community Improvement Plan. The planning framework can be found at the following link:
City Council – Request for Direction Report – North St. James Town Planning Framework Study
The direction from City Council to review the improvement and optimization of parks and open space in St. James Town, together with the St. James Town Community Improvement Plan which has resulted in St. James Town Connects can be found at: Toronto and East York Community Council – Final Report – 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Glen Road, 4, 6, 58, 60, 62, 64, 76 and 100 Howard Street, and 603, 605, 607, 609 and 611 Sherbourne Street – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications and Rental Housing Demolition – North St. James Town
Current development applications within and immediately adjacent to the study area are linked below. For specific project inquiries, contact the assigned Community Planner listed for the application.
You can search for development applications within the surrounding area and across the city in the Application Information Centre.