Study-related information, reports, and publications are listed below. Staff reports can be found under the corresponding Council direction date.

In July 2018, City Council enacted OPA 411, Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan (By-law 1192-2018) and the East Harbour Zoning by-laws (By-laws No. 1280-2018 and 1281-2018).

In June 2018, City Council endorsed the Unilever Precinct Planning Framework and recommended adoption of the Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan and East Harbour Zoning by-laws.

In March 2018, City Council adopted a report on a city-initiated modification to Official Plan Amendment 231 Site and Area Specific Policy 426.


The Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan (OPA 411) is an outcome of the Unilever Precinct Planning Study, initiated in 2016. It will guide redevelopment in the precinct for areas where redevelopment is currently proposed through the East Harbour applications, as well as for lands in City and other ownership where redevelopment may take place in future.

The Unilever Precinct Planning Framework is a non-statutory document that provides direction for redevelopment through a comprehensive visioning statement and series of recommendations. The planning framework builds on current and emerging city-building objectives from provincial and municipal policy, and should be read in conjunction with the Toronto Official Plan, and the Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan.

The East Harbour Zoning by-laws (By-laws No. 1280-2018 and 1281-2018) provide further direction on land use and built form for First Gulf lands, and introduce a series of Holding provisions that secure key elements, including infrastructure delivery and design details.