As part of the Unilever Precinct Planning Study, a series of community meetings established community priorities for the precinct, examined transit and mobility, solicited feedback on public space and sustainability, and reviewed the proposed planning framework as well as First Gulf’s East Harbour proposal.
The Unilever Precinct Planning Study Community Engagement Report(External link) provides an overview of the public and stakeholder process related to the Unilever Precinct Planning Study and summarizes what was heard. Thank you to all who participated.
May 2018 Planning Study Outcomes Meeting
On May 15, 2018, Planning staff held a community meeting to provide information on the Unilever Precinct Planning Study and East Harbour Application review outcomes. First Gulf representatives were also on hand to provide additional details related to the East Harbour Applications.
(External link)March 2018 Draft Precinct Planning Framework Meeting
On March 21, 2018, Planning staff held a community meeting to preview the City’s Draft Unilever Precinct Planning Framework, emerging out of the City’s Unilever Precinct Planning Study. First Gulf representatives presented additional proposed development details related to the East Harbour Applications.
January 2018 Development, Public Space and Sustainability Focused Meeting
On January 23, 2018, City Planning staff held a community consultation meeting to present further details about First Gulf’s proposal, and Precinct-wide information about parks, public space and sustainability.
November 2017 Transportation Focused Panel and Community Meeting
On November 21, 2017, City Planning staff, Metrolinx, and First Gulf representatives participated in a facilitated panel discussion on the transportation planning vision for the City, and how it can be implemented in the Unilever Precinct.
October 2017 Walking Tour
City Planning staff held a walking tour of the Unilever Precinct on Saturday, October 21st, 2017.
September 2017 Priority Setting Community Meeting
On September 28, 2017, City Planning held a community consultation meeting to help establish City, landowner and community priorities for future development within the Unilever Precinct, including First Gulf’s proposed East Harbour development.
May 2017 Open House
On May 16, 2017, City Planning held an Open House, where the community was welcome to drop by to gather information, speak with staff and share comments.