In 2016, the City initiated the Unilever Precinct Planning Study to guide the transformation of the Unilever Precinct. Together with supporting infrastructure, the development of the Unilever Precinct is a unique opportunity to link major employment with major transit growth, providing value for infrastructure investments and supporting the city’s long-term economic prosperity and liveability. The Study resulted in the development and of the Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan, the Unilever Precinct Planning Framework, and the East Harbour Zoning By-laws. These documents are available under Information and Reports.
The Study incorporated considerable community, landowner and stakeholder consultation. More information on the consultation program can be found under Meetings and Events.
The Unilever Precinct is bounded by the Don River in the west, Lake Shore Boulevard East in the south, Booth Avenue in the east and Eastern Avenue and the Metrolinx rail embankment in the north. It is located at the western end of the South of Eastern employment area.
The precinct is 25 hectares (62 acres) in area. First Gulf is the largest landowner in the precinct and is advancing their East Harbour development proposal following Council Approval in June 2018. The City of Toronto is the second largest landowner in the Precinct.
In October of 2015, City Planning received an Official Plan Amendment application from First Gulf for the entire Unilever Precinct Area. In December of 2016, City Planning received applications for rezoning and subdivision from First Gulf for the lands in their ownership. An area-wide Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan and non-statutory Planning Framework, and zoning by-laws for First Gulf’s lands were adopted by Toronto City Council in the summer of 2018.
The transformation of the Precinct was initially contemplated by Official Plan Amendment No. 231, Site and Area Specific Policy 426 (SASP 426). The Secondary Plan built on SASP 426, to guide the unique opportunities and challenges presented by the anticipated significant employment growth.
City Planning has completed the Unilever Precinct Planning Study. At its meeting of June 26, 27 and 28, City Council approved the Unilever Precinct Planning Framework, Unilever Precinct Secondary Plan and East Harbour By-laws. Final versions of the By-laws were enacted at City Council in July 2018.
Future work will include completion of the review of First Gulf’s Plan of Subdivision (File No. 16 270078 STE 30 SB) and forthcoming Site Plan Approval applications for the phases of the East Harbour Development. Detailed plans and studies associated with this application can be found on the Application Information Centre under the address 21 Don Valley Parkway.
Transit, road and servicing, and flood protection environmental assessment processes are ongoing in the area. CreateTO is also doing further planning on the City-owned lands in the Unilever Precinct.