PBIA 2021-031

Proposed Business Improvement Area Expansion Poll – Toronto Downtown West

Poll Regarding:  Intention to expand Toronto Downtown West Business Improvement Area

On February 2, 2021, City Council stated its intention to pass a by-law to expand the Toronto Entertainment District Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area bounded by Richmond Street West (both sides) to the north, Spadina Avenue to the east, Front Street West to the south, and Bathurst Street to the west. On May 5, 2021, City Council approved the renaming of the Toronto Entertainment District BIA as the Toronto Downtown West BIA.

On July 5, 2021 the City Clerk sent out notice of City Council’s intention to pass a by-law designating the expanded Toronto Downtown West Business Improvement Area, in accordance with the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas. As of September 2, 2021, the closing date of the poll, a total of 37 ballots were received, out of 258 ballots sent by the City Clerk. Although the majority of ballots received were in favour of expanding the BIA, the City Clerk did not receive a sufficient number of ballots to validate the poll.

On November 9, 2021, City Council voted to waive Subsections 19-2.4 I, 19-2.4 N (2) and 19.2.4 N (4) of Municipal Code Chapter 19 to allow for a secondary 30 day polling period in light of the impact of the pandemic on the response to the poll.

A BIA is an association of persons who own rateable property in a business property class and all persons who are non-residential tenants of rateable property within a business property class within a defined area who work in partnership with the City to create thriving, competitive and safe business areas that attract new investment. By working collectively, BIAs have the organizational and funding capacity to be catalysts for local civic improvement, enhancing the physical quality and economic vitality of their local neighbourhood.

The Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas section 19-2.4. requires that a formal poll be conducted before passing a by-law to expand an existing BIA. The owner of the property to which this Notice relates shall give a copy to each non-residential tenant of the property within 15 days of receiving this Notice.

For additional information on this application, contact:
City of Toronto BIA Office
Phone: (416) 392-1291

For information on the polling process, contact:
City Clerk’s Office, Registry Services

  • A person receiving the Notice is entitled to submit ONLY ONE ballot regardless of the number of rateable properties or businesses owned by that person within the proposed area
  • Returned ballots will be treated in confidence and are subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
  • If you are a non-residential tenant of rateable property or a new property owner who did not receive a personally addressed polling notice, please complete the Declaration Form.
  • If you already submitted a ballot during the original polling period – you are not required to submit another ballot – your original ballot will be honoured.
  • Completed ballots must be received in the City Clerk’s Office by 4:30 pm on or before May 6, 2022.

Proposed expansion of the Toronto Downtown West Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area bounded by Richmond Street West (both sides) to the north, Spadina Avenue to the east, Front Street West to the south, and Bathurst Street to the west.

A map of the proposed expansion of the Toronto Downtown West Business Improvement Area (BIA) to include the area bounded by Richmond Street West (both sides) to the north, Spadina Avenue to the east, Front Street West to the south, and Bathurst Street to the west.

  • Complete the ballot by marking the square of your choice and sign
  • The completed ballot and declaration must be mailed prior to the poll closing date to be considered
  • Non-residential tenants of rateable property in a business property class and new property owners who own rateable property in a business property class must complete the enclosed declaration
  • Return the completed ballot along with declaration form (if applicable) by mail or email to:

City Clerk’s Office, Registry Services
City Hall, Floor 1 West
Toronto,ON M5H 2N2

Who is required to complete a Declaration

Business Tenants must complete the Declaration form and provide proof of tenancy. To be eligible to vote a tenant must occupy rateable property in a business class (e.g. Commercial, Office, Shopping Centre, Parking Lot, etc.). Only non-residential tenants of property within the polling area are eligible to vote in this poll. NEW Property Owners who did not receive the Notice of Poll must also complete the Declaration form. Only the owners of rateable property in a business class located within the polling area are eligible to vote in this poll.

Who is not required to complete a Declaration

The Notice of Poll has been distributed to property owners based on Property Assessment records. If you are a property owner and received the Notice of Poll at your correct mailing address, you are not required to complete the declaration.

Proof of Tenancy or Ownership

Please enclose Proof of Tenancy or Ownership with the declaration. Failure to provide Proof of Ownership or Tenancy will result in your ballot not being included in the poll.

PBIA 2021-031: Toronto Downtown West

  • Status: Closed
  • Ward: Ward 10 – Spadina-Fort York
  • Type: Proposed Business Improvement Area (PBIA)
  • Open Date: April 7, 2022
  • Close Date: May 6, 2022


  • # of Ballots: 266
  • # of Undeliverable Ballots: 65 (not counted in calculations)
  • # of Ballots Received Needed to Proceed: 61 (30% of ballots received by voters or 100 ballots)
  • Total Ballots Received: 62 (50% of received ballots need to be in favour to pass)
  • Ballots Marked in Favour: 49
  • Ballots Marked Opposed: 13
  • Spoiled: 0


Poll Results: In Favour

Moratorium Date: 6-May-2024