Find out more about polls, who can take part and how to get a ballot.

Every owner, resident and tenant in the polling area is mailed a notice giving information about the poll and the deadline to submit a ballot, the ballot itself and a postage-paid return envelope.

Poll results are available 10 business days after the final day of polling.

Any owner, resident or tenant of a property in the polling area. All participants must be 18 years old on or before the final day of the polling.

If you are eligible to take part in a poll but didn’t receive a ballot you can complete a Polling Affidavit in the presence of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits.

Commissioners for Taking Affidavits are available at Registry Services. There is no fee for this service.

Find a Commissioner by calling 211, or dialing 411 for Directory Assistance or even searching online.

Mail the completed affidavit along with the Generic Ballot or drop off at any Registry Services office during regular business hours before the close of the poll.

If a poll meets the requirements shown below, the poll passes, subject to Council approval and the proposal will proceed:

Subject of Poll Percentage of ballots mailed which must be returned Number of ballots submitted which must be marked in favour of the proposal
Off-street parking

  • Front Yard Parking
  • Commercial Boulevard Parking
25% 50% plus 1
Permit Parking 25% 50% plus 1


If a poll does not pass:

  • Off-street Parking and Permit Parking Polls that do not pass cannot be conducted again for two years
  • Front Yard Parking Polls cannot be conducted again for three years