Report dog bites or attacks by calling 311 or online. If you are transported to the hospital, report the bite or attack as soon as possible after treatment is complete.

The City issues dangerous dog orders for dogs involved in dangerous acts. The order includes the following requirements:

  • Dog must be muzzled except when on the owner’s premises.
  • A warning sign must be posted on the owner’s premises.
  • The dog is prohibited from using the City’s dogs off-leash areas.
  • The owner must obtain a dangerous dog tag.
  • The dog must be microchipped.
  • City keeps a photo of the dog on file.
  • Dog owner must ensure the dog receives socialization or obedience training within 90 days of issuance of the order.

View a registry of dogs with a dangerous dog order. 

If someone observes a dog they believe to be a dangerous dog without its muzzle or in an off leash dog park, a complaint can be made to 311 and the matter will be investigated.

If immediate medical attention is required, or if the offending dog is still at large, residents should first call 911. Dog bites or attacks can be reported by calling 311 or online. For rabies prevention, you must also report incidents to Toronto Public Health online or by calling 416-338-7600.

If a dog bites or attacks you and breaks the skin

  • Seek medical attention (call 911 if serious).
  • Get the dog owner’s name and address.
  • Get information about anyone who witnessed the bite.
  • Immediately wash the bite or wound with soap and water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Apply an antiseptic to the wound, if available.
  • Take a clear photo of the bite injury – document the date and time of the photo.
  • Make clear and concise notes on the date, time and location where the bite occurred, what happened, and a clear description of the dog as soon after the incident as possible.

If a dog attacks or menaces you, but does not break the skin

  • Consult medical attention for an assessment of rabies exposure where skin is not broken and there is a possibility of either of the following:
    • A dog’s saliva entering an open wound.
    • A dog’s saliva entering the mouth, nose or eyes.
  • Since the dog may have committed a dangerous act, call 311 and provide (where possible):
    • A clear description of dog.
    • Dog owner’s name and address.
    • Date, time and location of where the incident occurred including witness information.

If your pet has been bitten or attacked by a dog, report it to Toronto Animal Services by calling 311 as soon as possible. If your dog has been injured seek veterinary medical attention for your dog.

If you are the owner of a dog that has bitten:

  • Leash your dog and isolate them from causing further threats.
  • Give your contact information to the owner of the dog who was bitten.
  • Make clear, concise notes of the incident.
  • If necessary, consult an expert about your dog’s behaviour.

If your pet has been bitten or attacked by a dog, report the bite or attack to Toronto Animal Services by calling 311 as soon as possible.

Toronto Animal Services

Once Toronto Animal Services receives information about a dog that has committed a dangerous act, the following happens:

  • If the dog is still on the loose, an officer will respond within two hours.
  • If the dog is with the owner and under control, an officer will respond within 24 hours.

Staff from Toronto Animal Services will walk you through the process after you’ve had a negative encounter with a dog. An officer will:

  • Investigate the incident.
  • Interview the victim, dog owner and any witnesses.
  • Ask the victim and any witness prepare a statement detailing the incident.
  • Ask for medical documentation (if applicable).
  • Take photos.
  • Collect any other evidence related to the incident.

The officer will collect all evidence as part of the investigation.

Toronto Public Health

Depending on the details of the incident, Toronto Public Health may:

  • Initiate an investigation within 24 hours.
  • Assist the health care provider in assessing the level of risk associated with the exposure.
  • Provide rabies vaccine upon request of the health care provider.
  • Confine the dog for a ten-day observation period, usually at home with their owner.
  • Make sure the dog is up-to-date for their rabies vaccination, which is required by law in Ontario.

If the dog committed a dangerous act

If a dog commits a dangerous act, the city’s response depends on the severity and the dog’s history. For minor first offenses, the owner may receive education and possibly a warning. For severe or repeated offenses, a dangerous dog order is issued which can require the dog to be muzzled, restricted from off-leash area, microchipped and mandatory training. Find out more about dangerous dog orders.

    Dangerous Act Severity and Guidance

    As required by the Animals Bylaw, when the dangerous act is reported to the City of Toronto, a Toronto Animal Services officer will examine all available evidence and circumstances to determine the severity of the act. The officer may consider factors such as the extent of the:

    • bite (i.e., single wound vs multiple wounds)
    • attack injury (i.e., bruising vs fracture)
    • act of menacing behavior

    An officer may give different weight to each of these factors depending on the specific case and may consider other factors as relevant, such as medical reports and the intensity of the act. The officer’s expertise will also contribute to the determination of severity.

    The officer may use the bite level scale described below as one tool to determine the severity. Any dangerous act at Level 3 or above will generally be considered severe.

    Level 0

    Obnoxious or aggressive behaviour but no skin contact by teeth and no injury. Dog growls, snarls, lunges, but no teeth touch skin.

    Level 1

    Skin contact by teeth. Includes skin nicks, scrapes, redness and welts caused by movement of teeth; may also include movement of dogs nails and claws against the skin. Mouth and teeth touch skin and there are pressure marks or indentations that leave scratches or abrasions and there may be slight bleeding caused by forward, backward or lateral movement of teeth against skin – no distinct punctures.

    Level 2

    One to four punctures from a single bite with no deep punctures (less than one half of the length of the dog’s canine teeth). There may be skin tearing (abrasions or shallow lacerations) in a single direction, caused by the victim pulling or owner pulling dog away, or gravity (e.g. dog jumps up).

    Level 3

    One to four punctures from a single bite with at least 1 deep puncture (deeper than one half of the length of the dog’s canine tooth. May include deep bruising around the wound (dog held on for a number of seconds and bore down) or lacerations in both directions (dog held on and shook its head from side to side). With this type of bite, the dog clamps down and there is not a quick release (bite and hold). Lacerations will often occur as the individual pulls away while the dog has a hold with their teeth.

    Level 4

    Multiple-bite incident with at least two level 3 bites or multiple-attack wounds with at least one level 3 bite in each. Includes severe injuries as a result of an attack (e.g. fracture). Dog bites multiple times in a row, connecting with the skin, causing punctures and often tears. Some bites may be bite-release and some may be bite and hold. The dog does not bite and back away but instead bites, releases and then lunges forward again immediately often directing the bite toward vulnerable areas. These are serious bites that can be life threatening.

    Level 5

    Victim (human or animal) is deceased as a result of bite or attack.

    Download a tip sheet about Canine Bite Levels by Dr. Sophia Yin.

    The City is committed to ensuring that all residents and dog communities are safe from dangerous dogs, through a variety of education and enforcement actions, including.

    • Annual public education campaigns on the importance of always keeping dogs on a leash and under control.
    • Continuing to conduct patrols at parks, to educate the community and take enforcement action as necessary.
    • Visiting owners of all dogs who have received a dangerous dog order to deliver a new standardized sign, which must be visibly posted on their property, and reminding owners of the requirements of their dangerous dog order.
    • Conducting regular compliance checks with owners of dangerous dogs and responding to complaints to ensure continued compliance.
    • Posting a public registry of dangerous dogs that includes the first three digits of the postal code for the dog owner, ward number, the dog’s name, breed and colour, the date of the dangerous act and the severity of the act.

    Off-Leash Dogs on School Properties

    Off-leash dogs on school properties have led to a number of unwanted interactions and complaints. Residents can call 311 or submit information online to report dogs off-leash on school properties. If information about the dog owner is not available, then the following information needs to be provided:

    • Name or address of the school
    • Time of day when the dog(s) off-leash were seen
    • Number of dogs seen off leash

    Data collected from these calls and requests will help the City identify the schools where dogs off-leash is particularly challenging. Based on the data, the City will be working with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) to educate dog owners on the need to comply with City bylaws.

    Information about severe dog attack or bite incidents in Toronto, where the dogs or the dog owners involved have not been located, will be made available in this section. Residents can provide information to help investigations via email:

    Most negative encounters with dogs result from dogs being off-leash. As a dog owner you are responsible for your dog’s actions and need to prevent your dog from engaging in dangerous acts. Please always keep your dog on a leash, unless you are in an official dogs off-leash area. The leash cannot be longer than two metres. The City recommends that you securely attach the leash to a collar or harness.

    Learning to understand how to interact with dogs – and how they interact with each other – is like learning a new language. Approach and interact with dogs in a safe manner by:

    • Presenting your side to the dog from a standing or squatting position. Do not lean over the dog.
    • Letting the dog come to you rather than approaching the dog.
    • Avoiding direct eye contact and don’t stare the dog in the eyes.
    • Extending your hand toward the dog.

    If a loose dog comes charging, you can appear less threatening by:

    • Stopping all movement.
    • Avoiding eye contact.
    • Turning sideways.
    • Speaking to the dog in a calm and friendly voice.

    Tips to keep dogs and children safe

    Encourage safe interactions between dogs and children by:

    • Educating young children on how to interact with dogs in a gentle, respectful way. Show this behavior every chance you get.
    • Never leaving a young child unsupervised with a dog, even if that dog happens to be the beloved family pet.
    • Making sure your children do not disturb an eating or sleeping dog.
    • Allowing a crate or other small, enclosed shelter to be the dog’s sacred space and ensuring your children do not enter that space.
    • Avoiding unnatural and uncomfortable poses for your dog for the sake of a photo.

    Socialize your dog

    Socializing is important for puppies as they can learn to meet and enjoy a variety of people, animals, places and things. Done properly, socializing helps puppies feel comfortable and friendly in various situations.

    • The main rule for effective socializing is to let your dog progress at their own pace and never force them to be around someone or in a situation when they’re clearly fearful or uncomfortable.
    • Always supervise your dog while they’re outdoors – even in a fenced yard. Don’t allow your dog to roam alone or without a leash.
    • Don’t wait for a serious accident to happen. The first time your dog shows aggressive behavior toward anybody, even if no injury occurs, seek professional help.

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    Subscribe to receive information about City of Toronto Dog Attack Community Safety Notices.

    UnsubscribeMunicipal Licensing and Standards collects your personal email address under the legal authority of the Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 349, Animals, Article IV, Dogs, section 349-15. The information will be used to facilitate sending out listserv messages to subscribed individuals about severe dog attack or bite incidents in Toronto, where the dog(s) or the dog owner(s) involved have not been located. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Manager, Policy and Planning Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards, City Hall, 16th Floor, West, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2N2 or by telephone at 416-392-9830.