All dog owners in Toronto must follow the rules below as well as comply with the Toronto Animals Bylaw and the Province of Ontario’s Dog Owners’ Liability Act (DOLA).


In Public

All dogs must be leashed in public unless you are in an officially designated dogs off-leash area. This includes parks, school yards, beaches, sidewalks and roadways. Owners can be fined $365 for a dog being off-leash outside of a designated area.

Leashes should be no more than two metres long and securely attached to a collar or harness. Leashing your dog to a pole or bike rack is not allowed.

At Home

You are allowed to leash your dog outdoors for up to one hour unsupervised. The tether used to tie your dog must be more than three metres long, and in a manner that prevents them from leaving your property. You cannot use a choke collar, choke chain or pronged collar for your dog at any time. Martingale collars, which are considered humane choke collars, are allowed. The tether must not cause injury to the animal.

Disposing of Dog Waste

Bag and dispose of dog waste in green bins or garbage bins. You must immediately pick up dog waste in parks and public spaces. Dog owners have up to 24 hours to remove dog waste from their own property. You can be fined $365 for failing to pickup dog waste.

Pet Licencing

All dogs owned in Toronto must be licensed and wear a tag. If your pet is lost or involved in an emergency, a licence provides information needed to contact you and lost pets are returned home faster and spends less time in shelters. Pet licences are a legal requirement and you could be fined $240 for failing to licence a pet. Find out more and get your pet licence.

Keeping Control of Your Dog

As a dog owner, you are responsible for your dogs’ actions and should take precautions to prevent your dog from biting, attacking or engaging in threatening behaviour. The Ontario Dog Owners’ Liability Act states that owners will be liable for damages resulting from a bite or attack by the dog on another person or domestic animal.

Reports show that most dog attacks could have been prevented if the dog was on a leash and that many serious attacks are humans are a first-time show of serious aggression. Even good dogs can have bad days and the best way to keep both other people and your dog safe are to leash your dog.

Safe Interactions with Children

Many dogs are not used to socializing with young children and other dogs and it’s important to respect their space. Learn how to safely greet dogs and give them the space they need. Children should be supervised closely around dogs and be taught how to interact with them in a gentle, respectful way. Parents and caregivers should also be mindful of their child’s safety when visiting designated dog off leash areas.

Socializing your Dog

Socializing is important for puppies as they can learn to meet and enjoy a variety of people, animals, places and things. Done properly, socializing helps puppies feel comfortable and friendly in various situations. The main rule for effective socializing is to let your dog progress at their own pace and never force them to be around someone or in a situation when they’re clearly fearful or uncomfortable. Don’t wait for a serious accident to happen. The first time your dog shows aggressive behavior toward anybody, even if no injury occurs, seek professional help. 

Be Mindful of Neighbours

Excessive barking can disturb and upset your neighbours. Use training or control techniques to prevent your dog from barking too much. If you have a problem with a noisy animal in your neighbourhood, consider speaking with the owner first. If this approach does not work, connect with 311.