The stationary spay and neuter clinics are at the East and North Animal Shelters.
The clinics have implemented health and safety measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Please read these instructions prior to booking an appointment at the clinics and ensure you follow the health measures to stay safe.
Pet drop offs and pick ups will be curbside and at the parking lot. You will not be entering the clinics. You must bring a mask or face covering and wear it when interacting with staff. Please maintain physical distancing and stay two metres away from staff.
Before Visiting the Clinic
You must have a scheduled appointment.
All necessary information regarding your pet must be communicated by email or phone when booking the appointment. Please ensure you take this opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
When booking the appointment, staff will ask standard COVID-19 screening questions:
Are you feeling sick or have you had contact with someone with sudden illness in the last 14 days? Examples include but are not limited to: new cough, headache, weakness, fever, chills, shortness of breath, loss of taste, smell, or appetite.
Have you travelled outside of Ontario in the past 14 days or been in contact with someone who has travelled?
Do you have confirmed or probable COVID-19 or have you had close contact with someone with confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 even before the onset of their illness?
Has it been necessary for you to break from physical distancing guidelines for any reason in the last 14 days?
Please advise staff and reschedule your appointment if you develop COVID-19 symptoms or are exposed to someone with COVID-19.
Staff will review the surgical waiver with you when booking the appointment for surgery.
Your pet carriers should be labelled with your pet’s name as well as your phone number.
Remove all blankets and toys from cat carriers.
Dropping Off Your Pet at the Clinic
Once you arrive at your designated drop off time in the morning, call 416 338-6281 to inform the shelter of your arrival. The clinic will confirm your appointment on the phone, ask if there are any new medical concerns, and repeat the COVID-19 screening questions.
When clinic staff indicate they are ready, place your pet carrier outside of the clinic door and step two metres away from the carrier. Staff will then immediately transport the carrier into the clinic.
Dog exchanges must be done wearing a mask or face covering. Bring your dog on a long leash to outside the clinic door. Stand back and allow staff to attach their own leash. Only remove your leash after staff have attached a leash and stepped away while still holding onto their leash.
If you have a muzzle that fits your dog, please bring it to the appointment and place it securely on your dog before giving your dog to staff. If it is determined that your dog and staff would benefit from a muzzle being placed on your dog, the clinic may loan you a muzzle. Please to try placing the muzzle on your dog in the parking lot before taking your dog to the clinic door.
Please be prepared to wait for about 30 minutes in the parking lot after staff take your pet into the clinic. During this time staff will ensure your pet is safe for handling and do a physical examination prior to surgery. Staff will call you once this examination is completed to confirm your consent to proceed with surgery and to let you know that you can depart and return later at the specified pick up time.
Please be patient with clinic staff as curbside drop offs while maintaining physical distancing may take a bit longer than usual. Staff are working hard to provide you and your pet excellent and safe service.
Picking Up Your Pet from the Clinic
A designated pick up time will be arranged when you drop off your pet in the morning or staff will call during the day to set a pick up time.
Upon arrival, call the clinic at 416 338-6281 inform staff that you have arrived. Staff will go over any specific medical conditions or concerns at that time as well as post-operative instructions.
Staff will then bring your pet carrier to just outside the clinic doors.
Please do not approach to pick up the carrier until staff are back inside the clinic or at least two metres away.
Dog exchanges must be done wearing a mask or face covering. Please stand 2 metres away from staff when they bring out your dog.
Post-operative documentation will be left on your pet’s carrier, or handed to you at time of dog exchange. Staff can also arrange for pick up later on.
Please read the post operative care instructions and watch post operative video in the section below.
If you have further questions or concerns about your pet’s surgery, please call the clinic:
For urgent or non-urgent concerns from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. call 416-338-6281.
For emergency concerns only on weekends or weekdays outside the hours above, call 416-232-4416 and type in your number to receive a call back from an on-call supervisor.
Post-Operative Instructions
Cat Spay or Neuter
Your cat has had an anesthetic and surgery, so please remember the following:
Keep your pet quiet and restrict activity for the next 10 days (keep them indoors, no running or jumping).
Check your cat’s incision twice each day for any abnormalities (redness, swelling, discharge, open incision).
Ensure that your cat wears the E-collar at all times for the next 10 days to prevent it from licking the incision. Licking can cause serious infection and open the incision.
Do not clean or apply anything to the incision site. Do not bathe your pet for 10 days.
There is a small green tattoo on your cat’s belly (this identifies your cat as spayed or neutered).
Your cat has received pain medication that lasts 24 hours for the males and 3 days for the females. Unless directed, do not give your cat any additional medication – this is very dangerous.
Offer your pet a small meal (half of the regular amount) and water when you get home. Normal feeding can resume the following day.
If you have health concerns with your cat related to the surgery, call 416-338-6281 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In the event of an emergency after hours please call 416-232-4416 or go to your nearest veterinary emergency clinic.
Dog Spay and Neuter
Your dog has had an anesthetic and surgery, so please remember the following:
Keep your dog quiet and restrict activity for the next 10 days (leash walks only, no running or jumping).
Check your dog’s incision twice each day for any abnormalities (redness, swelling, discharge, open incision).
Ensure that your dog wears the E-collar at all times for the next 10 days to prevent licking the incision. Licking can cause serious infection and open the incision.
Do not clean or apply anything to the incision site. Do not bathe your pet for 10 days.
There is a small green tattoo next to the incision (this identifies your dog as spayed or neutered).
Your dog has received pain medication that lasts 24 hours. You will receive three pre-measured syringes of oral pain reliever called Meloxicam to be given every 24 hours as instructed.
Offer your dog a small meal (half of the regular amount) and water when you get home. Normal feeding can resume the following day. Do not introduce any new foods or treats for the next week.
If you have health concerns with your dog related to the surgery, call 416-338-6281 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In the event of an emergency after hours please call 416-232-4416 or go to your nearest veterinary emergency clinic.